GRid Memory map: 00000 - 0003FF: Interrupt table 00400 - xxxxxx: Video buffer 0297F - For screen 320 x 240 - 9600 bytes long 043FF - For screen 512 x 256 - 16384 bytes long xxxxx - 9FFFF: APP PROM 80000 - for 128 kBytes according to documentation 60000 - could be in later models because there is found 256 kBytes PROM on GRiDcase 1530 for NASA? C0000 - CFFFF: Optional boot ROM? D0000 - DFFFF: memory mapped I/O devices? DFE80 - DFE81: Bubble memory controller D7220 DFEA0 - DFEAF: NVRAM X2210D (need to check address range, could be up to DFEDF) DFEC0 - DFECF: Modem DFF00 - DFF1F: Uart 8274 DFF40 - DFF5F: MM58174 RTC DFF80 - DFF8F: GPIB TMS9914A DFFC0 - DFFC2: Keyboard controller E0000 - EFFFF: DMA controller? F0000 - FFFFF: ROM BIOS? FC000 - FFFFF: Actuall ROM BIOS 16 Kbytes GRiD I/O map: 000 - 01F: Intel 80130 controller (interrupts and timer) Interrupts: IRQ0: serial IRQ1: bubble IRQ2: modem IRQ3: system tick || vert sync IRQ4: keyboard IRQ5: gpib IRQ6: 8087 IRQ7: ring