Filename: SPOC.RUN Offset: 0x00000 Type: 0x6E Size: 38 0x0026 Record description: R-module Header Record Module name: EXECUTIVE Module type: 03 Load-Time Locatable module. It can be loaded anywhere with perhaps some base fixups to be performed. Segment record count: 14 0E Group record count: 5 05 Overlay record count: 0 00 Overlay Offset: 0 0x0000 Static Size: 22440 0x57A8 Maximums Static Size: 22440 0x57A8 Dynamic Size: 0 0x0000 Maximum dynamic Size: 0 0x0000 xSum: 0x9D (OK) Offset: 0x00029 Type: 0x96 Size: 192 0x00C0 Record description: List of Names Record Index: 1: NULL entry Index: 2: CODE Index: 3: DATA Index: 4: STACK Index: 5: CONST Index: 6: MEMORY Index: 7: CGROUP Index: 8: DGROUP Index: 9: ??SEG Index: 10: UTSCODE Index: 11: UGROUP Index: 12: UTS_DATA_SEGMENT Index: 13: UTS_SETS_CODE Index: 14: UTS_SETS_CGROUP Index: 15: UTS_SETS_DATA Index: 16: UTS_SETS_DGROUP Index: 17: LIB_87_PUB Index: 18: LIB_87_INITP Index: 19: MQ_CEL_CONST Index: 20: MQ_CEL_CODE Entry count: 21 xSum: 0xE7 (OK) Offset: 0x000EC Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 9847 0x2677 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 9847 0x2677 Segment Name Index: 2 0x0002 Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xDD (OK) Offset: 0x000FB Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 508 0x01FC Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 508 0x01FC Segment Name Index: 3 0x0003 Group Name Index: 3 0x0003 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x1B (OK) Offset: 0x0010A Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 2924 0x0B6C Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 2924 0x0B6C Segment Name Index: 4 0x0004 Group Name Index: 4 0x0004 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xA5 (OK) Offset: 0x00119 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 1369 0x0559 Group offset: 508 0x01FC Segment Length: 1369 0x0559 Segment Name Index: 5 0x0005 Group Name Index: 5 0x0005 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x58 (OK) Offset: 0x00128 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 9 0x0009 Group Name Index: 1 0x0001 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x91 (OK) Offset: 0x00137 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 6267 0x187B Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 6267 0x187B Segment Name Index: 10 0x000A Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xE9 (OK) Offset: 0x00146 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 2 0x0002 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 2 0x0002 Segment Name Index: 12 0x000C Group Name Index: 3 0x0003 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x88 (OK) Offset: 0x00155 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 1018 0x03FA Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 1018 0x03FA Segment Name Index: 13 0x000D Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x12 (OK) Offset: 0x00164 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 15 0x000F Group Name Index: 3 0x0003 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x09 (OK) Offset: 0x00173 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 6 0x0006 Group Name Index: 6 0x0006 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x8F (OK) Offset: 0x00182 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 17 0x0011 Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x88 (OK) Offset: 0x00191 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 12 0x000C Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 12 0x000C Segment Name Index: 18 0x0012 Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x6F (OK) Offset: 0x001A0 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 305 0x0131 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 305 0x0131 Segment Name Index: 20 0x0014 Group Name Index: 20 0x0014 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x0F (OK) Offset: 0x001AF Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 188 0x00BC Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 188 0x00BC Segment Name Index: 19 0x0013 Group Name Index: 19 0x0013 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xFD (OK) Offset: 0x001BE Type: 0x9A Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 7 0x0007 Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 9847 0x2677 Maximum Group Length: 9847 0x2677 Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0001 Total Entries: 2 xSum: 0x20 (OK) Offset: 0x001CB Type: 0x9A Size: 12 0x000C Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 8 0x0008 Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 1877 0x0755 Maximum Group Length: 1877 0x0755 Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0002 Entry: 3 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0004 Total Entries: 3 xSum: 0x9B (OK) Offset: 0x001DA Type: 0x9A Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 11 0x000B Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 6267 0x187B Maximum Group Length: 6267 0x187B Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0006 Total Entries: 2 xSum: 0x2B (OK) Offset: 0x001E7 Type: 0x9A Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 14 0x000E Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 1018 0x03FA Maximum Group Length: 1018 0x03FA Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0008 Total Entries: 2 xSum: 0x52 (OK) Offset: 0x001F4 Type: 0x9A Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 16 0x0010 Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 0 0x0000 Maximum Group Length: 0 0x0000 Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0009 Total Entries: 2 xSum: 0x49 (OK) Offset: 0x00201 Type: 0x70 Size: 14 0x000E Record description: Register Initialisation Record Entry: 0 0x0000 Register type (RAW): 0x00 Init registers: (type=0) CS:IP Init registers as base:offset pair (L=0) Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Register Offset Relative To Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Register Offset: 5024 0x13A0 Entry: 1 0x0001 Register type (RAW): 0x40 Init registers: (type=1) SS:SP Init registers as base:offset pair (L=0) Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Register Offset Relative To Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Register Offset: 2924 0x0B6C Entry: 2 0x0002 Register type (RAW): 0x80 Init registers: (type=2) DS Init registers as base:offset pair (L=0) Group Index: 2 0x0002 Segment Index: 2 0x0002 Total entries: 3 0x0003 xSum: 0x8F (OK) Offset: 0x00212 Type: 0x72 Size: 1273 0x04F9 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 2 0x0002 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.2.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 1268 0x04F4 Data: 53 63 72 49 6E 69 74 7E 53 63 72 7E 7F 54 47 36 78 38 7F 60 52 60 50 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 73 60 7F 60 42 60 50 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 73 60 7F 60 48 61 72 64 20 44 69 73 6B 60 53 50 6F 43 5F 44 65 76 65 6C 6F 70 60 7F 60 46 60 53 50 6F 43 5F 44 65 76 65 6C 6F 70 60 7F 60 50 60 53 50 6F 43 5F 44 65 76 65 6C 6F 70 60 7F 60 46 60 50 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 73 60 7F 60 45 60 53 50 6F 43 5F 44 65 76 65 6C 6F 70 60 7F 53 65 6D 61 70 68 6F 72 65 7F 4C 54 69 6D 65 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 53 74 56 65 63 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 50 72 6F 70 61 67 61 74 69 6E 67 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 56 65 63 74 6F 72 7F 50 72 65 73 73 20 43 4F 44 45 2D 52 45 54 55 52 4E 20 74 6F 20 72 65 74 75 72 6E 20 74 6F 20 74 68 65 20 53 50 6F 43 20 4D 61 69 6E 20 4D 65 6E 75 7F 4E 4F 54 45 20 3A 20 54 68 65 20 53 50 6F 43 20 4D 55 53 54 20 62 65 20 70 6F 77 65 72 65 64 20 6F 66 66 20 61 6E 64 20 70 6C 75 67 67 65 64 20 69 6E 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 69 73 20 6F 70 65 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 7F 53 50 6F 43 7F 54 68 65 20 75 73 65 72 20 6E 65 65 64 73 20 74 6F 20 69 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 20 74 68 65 20 45 50 52 4F 4D 20 6C 61 62 65 6C 65 64 20 3A 7F 48 6F 75 73 74 6F 6E 2C 20 54 65 78 61 73 20 37 37 30 35 38 7F 53 50 6F 43 20 54 65 61 6D 20 4D 61 69 6C 20 43 6F 64 65 20 3A 20 44 4D 34 35 7F 4E 41 53 41 20 4A 6F 68 6E 73 6F 6E 20 53 70 61 63 65 20 43 65 6E 74 65 72 7F 43 6F 6E 73 75 6C 74 20 74 68 65 20 53 50 6F 43 20 54 65 61 6D 20 61 74 20 3A 20 7F 41 20 70 72 6F 62 6C 65 6D 20 68 61 73 20 62 65 65 6E 20 64 65 74 65 63 74 65 64 20 77 69 74 68 3A 7F 53 65 61 72 63 68 69 6E 67 20 66 6F 72 20 61 6C 6C 20 74 68 65 20 6E 65 63 65 73 73 61 72 79 20 53 50 6F 43 20 64 61 74 61 20 66 69 6C 65 73 7F 42 6B 47 72 6F 75 6E 64 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 43 47 4D 67 72 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 53 69 74 65 4D 67 72 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 44 61 79 6D 61 70 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 44 65 6F 72 62 69 74 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 4C 46 6F 72 6D 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 4D 45 54 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 50 53 41 54 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 53 65 74 54 69 6D 65 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 56 65 63 46 6F 72 6D 7E 52 75 6E 7E 7F 41 65 72 6F 48 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 41 65 72 6F 4C 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 43 61 72 67 6F 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 43 6F 6E 73 75 6D 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 43 73 69 74 65 73 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 45 73 69 74 65 73 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 4C 53 69 74 65 73 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 4C 54 69 6D 65 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 50 72 6F 70 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 52 4E 50 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 53 74 56 65 63 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 4D 61 70 31 31 33 39 7E 4D 61 70 7E 7F 4D 61 70 43 41 53 45 7E 4D 61 70 7E 7F 4D 61 70 49 6E 74 65 47 7E 4D 61 70 7E 7F 56 65 68 77 67 68 74 7E 74 65 78 74 7E 7F 20 7F 53 65 61 72 63 68 69 6E 67 20 66 6F 72 20 61 6C 6C 20 74 68 65 20 6E 65 63 65 73 73 61 72 79 20 53 50 6F 43 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 73 7F 50 52 45 53 53 20 43 4F 44 45 2D 52 45 54 55 52 4E 20 54 4F 20 45 58 45 43 55 54 45 20 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 7F 50 52 45 53 53 20 52 45 54 55 52 4E 20 54 4F 20 53 45 4C 45 43 54 20 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 7F 4C 4F 41 44 49 4E 47 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 4D 41 50 7F 4F 4E 45 20 4D 4F 4D 45 4E 54 20 50 4C 45 41 53 45 7F 50 72 65 73 73 20 61 6E 79 20 6B 65 79 20 74 6F 20 72 65 74 75 72 6E 20 74 6F 20 74 68 65 20 53 50 6F 43 20 4D 61 69 6E 20 4D 65 6E 75 7F 53 54 41 54 45 20 56 45 43 54 4F 52 20 54 49 4D 45 20 49 53 20 49 4E 43 4F 4D 50 41 54 49 42 4C 45 20 57 49 54 48 20 47 4D 54 7F 4C 4F 41 44 49 4E 47 20 44 45 4F 52 42 49 54 7F 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 7F 20 6F 66 20 49 6E 74 65 47 52 69 44 7F 60 7F 60 20 7F 7E 20 7E 7F 7E 53 75 62 6A 65 63 74 7E 7C 47 52 69 44 69 52 47 7F 00 43 4F 44 45 2D 4D 20 20 20 44 49 53 50 4C 41 59 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 20 4D 41 50 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 53 20 20 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 56 45 43 54 4F 52 20 55 50 44 41 54 45 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 54 20 20 20 53 45 54 20 47 4D 54 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 44 20 20 20 44 45 4F 52 42 49 54 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 43 20 20 20 43 47 4D 41 4E 41 47 45 52 7E 7C xSum: 0x5F (OK) Offset: 0x0070E Type: 0x72 Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 2 0x0002 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 1268 0x04F4 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.2.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.01268.bin Data size: 4 0x0004 Data: 82 06 00 00 xSum: 0xFF (OK) Offset: 0x0071A Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 2 0x0002 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3E (OK) Offset: 0x00722 Type: 0x72 Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 2 0x0002 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 1272 0x04F8 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.2.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.01272.bin Data size: 4 0x0004 Data: F8 06 00 00 xSum: 0x85 (OK) Offset: 0x0072E Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 2 0x0002 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3E (OK) Offset: 0x00736 Type: 0x72 Size: 98 0x0062 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 2 0x0002 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 1276 0x04FC Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.2.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.01276.bin Data size: 93 0x005D Data: 43 4F 44 45 2D 4D 20 20 20 44 49 53 50 4C 41 59 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 20 4D 41 50 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 53 20 20 20 53 54 41 54 45 20 56 45 43 54 4F 52 20 55 50 44 41 54 45 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 54 20 20 20 53 45 54 20 47 4D 54 7E 43 4F 44 45 2D 45 53 43 20 45 58 49 54 20 53 50 6F 43 7E 7C xSum: 0xCD (OK) Offset: 0x0079B Type: 0x72 Size: 517 0x0205 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 512 0x0200 Data: 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 20 B0 00 50 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 3A 20 E8 64 18 E8 17 18 E8 D4 17 89 46 E0 8D 0E FC 01 1E 51 E8 D0 24 8C 46 F8 89 5E F6 26 8B 07 26 88 47 04 C6 46 DF 00 26 8D 47 04 06 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 DF 16 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 99 20 89 46 F0 8D 4E F6 16 51 E8 82 24 FF 76 F0 B0 01 50 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 85 20 8D 46 E2 16 50 E8 C2 21 8B 46 E4 99 05 02 00 83 D2 00 52 8B D8 59 8B 46 E2 99 05 02 00 83 D2 00 9A F4 01 00 00 52 50 8B F4 9B 36 DB 04 9B 83 C4 04 B8 08 00 31 C9 51 50 8B F4 9B 36 DB 04 9B 83 C4 04 9B DE F9 9A 05 00 00 00 89 46 F4 E8 48 21 8B 46 E2 05 02 00 50 8B 46 E4 05 02 00 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 D4 21 8C 46 FC 89 5E FA FF 76 F0 B0 03 50 B8 08 00 31 C9 51 50 8D 4E EE 16 51 E8 10 20 FF 76 F0 C4 76 FA 26 C4 7C 07 06 57 FF 76 F4 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 EF 1F 89 46 F2 FF 76 F0 8D 4E EE 16 51 E8 0E 20 C7 46 E6 00 00 C7 46 E8 00 00 8B 46 E2 05 02 00 89 46 EA 8B 4E E2 83 C1 02 89 4E EC 8D 56 E6 16 52 E8 B7 20 C4 76 FA 06 56 B8 FF FF 8B C8 51 50 8D 56 E6 16 52 8D 76 E6 B9 04 00 2B E1 8B FC 1E 16 1F 16 07 FC F3 A4 1F FF 76 EE E8 50 21 C7 46 E6 01 00 C7 46 E8 01 00 8B 46 E2 89 46 EA 8B 4E E4 89 4E EC 8D 56 E6 16 52 E8 6F 20 E8 44 20 C4 76 FA 26 C4 7C 07 06 57 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 02 1F B8 A0 0F 50 E8 14 1F 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 12 C7 46 F0 00 00 C7 46 EE 00 00 C6 46 ED 00 C7 46 F4 FD FD C7 46 F2 0C 00 C4 76 F2 26 8B 04 89 46 EE 81 7E EE 2D 2D 75 1D C7 46 F4 00 F0 C7 46 F2 FE DF C4 76 F2 26 8B 0C 89 4E F0 83 7E F0 74 75 04 C6 46 ED 01 8A 46 ED 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 46 8D 7E F6 B0 00 B9 06 00 xSum: 0x46 (OK) Offset: 0x009A3 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC88D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 141 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8B2 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 178 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 13 0x000D Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xD3 (OK) Offset: 0x009AF Type: 0x72 Size: 507 0x01FB Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 512 0x0200 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.00512.bin Data size: 502 0x01F6 Data: FC 16 07 F3 AA 8D 06 24 00 1E 50 E8 26 20 81 3E 24 00 58 02 7D 08 C7 06 12 00 01 00 EB 06 C7 06 12 00 02 00 E8 77 FF D0 D8 73 03 E8 D2 FD E8 D1 1F E8 37 22 8C 06 1E 00 89 1E 1C 00 B0 00 50 E8 16 1F FF 36 14 00 B0 96 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 61 1E 8B 36 12 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 01 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 69 02 EB 27 6D 02 75 02 E8 F6 17 A2 A9 01 EB 1B C6 06 A9 01 01 8D 06 09 02 1E 50 E8 74 22 06 53 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 CD 22 EB 00 E8 6F 1F 8B 36 12 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 01 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 AB 02 E9 57 01 AF 02 59 03 A0 A9 01 30 E4 8B F0 83 FE 00 77 35 D1 E6 2E FF A4 C4 02 EB 2C C6 02 8D 06 0F 02 1E 50 E8 28 22 8C 06 2C 00 89 1E 2A 00 8D 06 1C 02 1E 50 E8 17 22 8C 06 30 00 89 1E 2E 00 C7 06 28 00 02 00 EB 66 E8 C9 17 8C 06 2C 00 89 1E 2A 00 8D 06 0F 02 1E 50 E8 F3 21 8C 06 30 00 89 1E 2E 00 8D 06 1C 02 1E 50 E8 E2 21 8C 06 34 00 89 1E 32 00 8D 06 29 02 1E 50 E8 D1 21 8C 06 38 00 89 1E 36 00 8D 06 42 02 1E 50 E8 C0 21 8C 06 3C 00 89 1E 3A 00 8D 06 53 02 1E 50 E8 AF 21 8C 06 40 00 89 1E 3E 00 C7 06 28 00 06 00 E9 A9 00 A0 A9 01 30 E4 8B F0 83 FE 00 77 35 D1 E6 2E FF A4 6E 03 EB 2C 70 03 8D 06 0F 02 1E 50 E8 7E 21 8C 06 2C 00 89 1E 2A 00 8D 06 64 02 1E 50 E8 6D 21 8C 06 30 00 89 1E 2E 00 C7 06 28 00 02 00 EB 66 E8 1F 17 8C 06 2C 00 89 1E 2A 00 8D 06 0F 02 1E 50 E8 49 21 8C 06 30 00 89 1E 2E 00 8D 06 29 02 1E 50 E8 38 21 8C 06 34 00 89 1E 32 00 8D 06 42 02 1E 50 E8 27 21 8C 06 38 00 89 1E 36 00 8D 06 53 02 1E 50 E8 16 21 8C 06 3C 00 89 1E 3A 00 8D 06 71 02 1E 50 E8 05 21 8C 06 40 00 xSum: 0x9D (OK) Offset: 0x00BAD Type: 0x72 Size: 516 0x0204 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 1014 0x03F6 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.01014.bin Data size: 511 0x01FF Data: 89 1E 3E 00 C7 06 28 00 06 00 EB 00 E8 DC 08 F6 06 AA 00 01 74 0F 80 3E A9 01 03 74 08 C7 06 16 00 02 00 EB 06 C7 06 16 00 00 00 F6 06 AA 01 01 75 03 E8 66 03 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 A2 1C A3 18 00 8D 06 82 02 1E 50 E8 B7 20 8C 06 A6 01 89 1E A4 01 C4 36 A4 01 26 8B 04 C4 36 A4 01 26 88 44 04 C4 36 A4 01 26 8D 44 04 06 50 A1 18 00 31 C9 51 50 B0 01 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 D5 1C 8D 06 A4 01 1E 50 E8 61 20 8A 0E A9 01 B0 01 D2 E0 24 18 3C 00 75 03 E9 9E 02 B8 01 00 50 E8 FE 03 B8 08 00 50 E8 F7 03 8D 46 F6 16 50 B8 0B 00 50 8D 0E 8C 02 1E 51 B8 01 00 9A 40 00 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 83 01 00 00 89 46 EC 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 83 01 00 00 89 46 EE 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 83 01 00 00 89 46 F0 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 83 01 00 00 89 46 F2 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 83 01 00 00 89 46 F4 9A 90 01 00 00 8D 46 F6 16 50 B8 0B 00 50 8D 0E 97 02 1E 51 B8 01 00 9A 40 00 00 00 B8 01 00 89 46 D2 FF 76 F6 9A 90 01 00 00 8B 46 D2 40 3D 06 00 7E EC FF 76 F6 9A 63 01 00 00 88 46 BB 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 63 01 00 00 88 46 BC 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 63 01 00 00 88 46 BD 9A 90 01 00 00 FF 76 F6 9A 63 01 00 00 88 46 BE 9A 90 01 00 00 B0 01 50 8D 46 C3 16 50 E8 C8 1B 8A 46 BE 30 E4 03 46 F4 8A 4E C9 30 ED 2B C1 88 46 DA 8A 46 BE 30 E4 03 46 F4 8A 4E C9 30 ED 3B C1 7D 07 80 46 DA 3C FE 46 C8 8A 46 BD 30 E4 03 46 F2 40 8A 4E C8 30 ED 2B C1 88 46 D9 8A 46 BD 30 E4 03 46 F2 40 8A 4E C8 30 ED 3B C1 7D 07 80 46 D9 3C FE 46 C7 8A 46 BC 30 E4 03 46 F0 8A 4E C7 30 ED 2B C1 88 46 D8 8A 46 BC 30 E4 03 46 F0 8A 4E C7 30 ED 3B C1 7D 07 xSum: 0x40 (OK) Offset: 0x00DB4 Type: 0x9C Size: 85 0x0055 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8BB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 187 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8C3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 195 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8CB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 203 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8D3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 211 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8DB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 219 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8E3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 227 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8EB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 235 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8F3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 243 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8FB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 251 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC903 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 259 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 11 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC90B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 267 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 12 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC922 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 290 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 13 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC930 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 304 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 14 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC941 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 321 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 15 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC949 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 329 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 16 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC951 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 337 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 17 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC959 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 345 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 18 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC961 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 353 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 19 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC969 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 361 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 20 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC971 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 369 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 21 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC979 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 377 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 21 xSum: 0x68 (OK) Offset: 0x00E0C Type: 0x72 Size: 515 0x0203 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 1525 0x05F5 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.01525.bin Data size: 510 0x01FE Data: 80 46 D8 18 FF 46 CC 8A 46 BB 30 E4 99 52 50 8B 46 EE 99 59 5E 03 C1 13 D6 8B 4E CC 31 F6 2B C1 1B D6 89 46 D6 8A 46 BB 30 E4 99 52 50 8B 46 EE 99 59 5E 03 C1 13 D6 8B 4E CC 8B D9 31 C9 9A 70 02 00 00 7D 43 8B 46 EC 99 B9 04 00 F7 F9 0B D2 7D 02 03 D1 83 FA 00 75 06 83 7E EE 1C 7F 1A 8B 46 EC 99 2D 01 00 83 DA 00 B9 04 00 F7 F9 0B D2 7D 02 03 D1 83 FA 00 75 07 81 46 D6 6E 01 EB 05 81 46 D6 6D 01 FF 46 C3 8B 46 EC 99 8B 4E C3 31 F6 2B C1 1B D6 89 46 D4 C6 46 DB 00 B9 01 00 51 BA 08 00 52 8D 76 D4 16 56 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 FC 1A B8 E8 03 50 E8 00 1A FF 36 55 01 B8 01 00 50 50 8D 4E DC 16 51 8D 0E 1A 00 1E 51 E8 0C 1A FF 36 60 00 B8 C8 00 50 B9 01 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 F1 19 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 78 1D A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 A2 02 1E 50 E8 FC 1D 06 53 E8 0A 1F A2 AC 01 B8 88 13 50 E8 A4 19 80 3E A9 01 03 75 0F B8 05 00 50 E8 7B 01 B0 00 D0 D8 73 F3 EB 0A B8 05 00 50 E8 6C 01 E8 67 00 EB 61 E8 D3 1A B0 00 50 E8 50 1A 8D 06 AD 01 1E 50 E8 92 1C C6 06 A8 01 37 B8 08 00 50 E8 49 01 B8 01 00 50 E8 42 01 B8 07 00 50 E8 3B 01 B8 09 00 50 E8 34 01 B8 0A 00 50 E8 2D 01 F6 06 9E 01 01 74 20 C6 06 7B 01 01 FF 36 60 00 B8 C8 00 50 B9 01 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 44 19 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B EC 55 FF 36 60 00 B8 C8 00 50 B9 04 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 21 19 FF 36 18 00 B8 FF FF 50 8D 0E 1A 00 1E 51 E8 1A 19 A3 1A 00 FF 36 55 01 B8 01 00 50 B9 02 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 F2 18 FF 36 18 00 B8 FF FF 50 8D 0E 1A 00 1E 51 E8 EB 18 A3 1A 00 xSum: 0x70 (OK) Offset: 0x01012 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC841 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 65 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xFE (OK) Offset: 0x0101A Type: 0x72 Size: 2555 0x09FB Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 2035 0x07F3 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.02035.bin Data size: 2550 0x09F6 Data: FF 36 18 00 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 E5 18 8D 06 82 02 1E 50 E8 EE 1C 8C 06 A6 01 89 1E A4 01 C4 36 A4 01 26 8B 04 C4 36 A4 01 26 88 44 04 C4 36 A4 01 26 8D 44 04 06 50 A1 18 00 31 C9 51 50 B0 02 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 0C 19 8D 06 A4 01 1E 50 E8 98 1C C4 36 3B 01 26 8D 44 04 06 50 A1 55 01 99 52 50 B0 02 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 E7 18 C4 36 46 00 26 8D 44 04 06 50 A1 60 00 99 52 50 B0 02 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 CB 18 E8 1D F9 D0 D8 73 03 E8 2C 10 B8 00 00 50 E8 38 18 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 02 C7 46 FC 00 00 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 1F 00 26 8D 44 05 06 50 8B 46 04 F7 E9 8B F0 8A 84 3F 00 50 B0 01 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 D9 17 50 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 58 89 84 3D 00 8B 76 04 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 07 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 F1 08 EB 7B 01 09 6C 09 6C 09 6C 09 31 09 6C 09 6C 09 01 09 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 23 00 26 8D 44 04 06 50 8B 46 04 F7 E9 8B F0 8B 84 3D 00 99 52 50 B0 01 50 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 1A 18 EB 4F 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 FF B4 3D 00 B8 01 00 50 FF 36 16 00 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 7B 17 FF 36 18 00 B8 FF FF 50 8D 0E 1A 00 1E 51 E8 74 17 89 46 FC EB 14 FF 36 18 00 B8 FF FF 50 8D 0E 1A 00 1E 51 E8 5E 17 89 46 FC 8B 76 FC 83 FE 02 77 4C D1 E6 2E FF A4 91 09 EB 43 B2 09 C3 09 97 09 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8B 46 04 F7 E9 8B F8 8A 85 40 00 88 84 40 00 EB 22 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C6 84 40 00 01 EB 11 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C6 84 40 00 00 EB 00 C6 06 A8 01 37 8B E5 5D C2 02 00 55 8B EC 55 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 75 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 F6 1A 06 53 E8 09 1C A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 E1 1A 06 53 E8 F4 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 BB 02 1E 50 E8 CF 1A 06 53 E8 DD 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 B5 1A 06 53 E8 C8 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 ED 02 1E 50 E8 A3 1A 06 53 E8 B1 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 89 1A 06 53 E8 9C 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 23 00 26 8D 44 05 06 50 B0 7E 50 B8 01 00 50 E8 67 1A 06 53 E8 70 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 33 03 1E 50 E8 4B 1A 06 53 E8 59 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 31 1A 06 53 E8 44 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 38 03 1E 50 E8 1F 1A 06 53 E8 2D 1B A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 05 1A 06 53 E8 18 1B A2 AC 01 E8 7E 16 A2 A8 01 80 3E A8 01 8D 75 F3 8B E5 5D C2 02 00 55 8B EC 55 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 4C 19 A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 CD 19 06 53 E8 E0 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 BB 02 1E 50 E8 BB 19 06 53 E8 C9 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 A1 19 06 53 E8 B4 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 66 03 1E 50 E8 8F 19 06 53 E8 9D 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 7B 03 1E 50 E8 78 19 06 53 E8 86 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 96 03 1E 50 E8 61 19 06 53 E8 6F 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 B0 03 1E 50 E8 4A 19 06 53 E8 58 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 30 19 06 53 E8 43 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8B 46 04 B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 23 00 06 56 E8 59 1A 06 53 E8 22 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 CC 03 1E 50 E8 FD 18 06 53 E8 0B 1A A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 01 00 50 E8 E3 18 06 53 E8 F6 19 A2 AC 01 E8 5C 15 A2 A8 01 80 3E A8 01 8D 75 F3 8B E5 5D C2 02 00 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 0C C7 46 FC 01 00 8B 76 FC D1 E6 D1 E6 C4 B4 26 00 06 56 E8 F6 19 06 53 C4 76 08 06 56 E8 EC 19 06 53 E8 70 18 8C 46 FA 89 5E F8 C6 46 F3 00 26 8B 07 26 88 47 04 26 8D 47 04 06 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 F3 16 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 F6 16 50 E8 6B 14 89 46 F4 83 7E F6 00 75 2D 8D 4E F8 16 51 E8 90 0C C4 76 F8 06 56 E8 A4 19 8C 06 A2 01 89 1E A0 01 FF 76 F4 8D 06 1A 00 1E 50 E8 75 14 C4 76 04 26 C6 04 01 EB 07 C4 76 04 26 C6 04 00 8D 46 F8 16 50 E8 1A 18 FF 46 FC C4 76 04 26 F6 04 01 75 0B A1 28 00 3B 46 FC 7C 03 E9 5B FF 8B E5 5D C2 08 00 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 4C C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 70 17 A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 EE 03 1E 50 E8 F4 17 06 53 E8 02 19 A2 AC 01 B8 01 00 89 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 1F 00 8C 5E B8 89 46 B6 BA 00 02 52 E8 C9 17 06 53 C4 76 B6 26 8F 04 26 8F 44 02 26 C6 44 21 01 26 C6 44 22 01 8B 46 FA 40 3D 0A 00 7E C6 B8 01 00 89 46 FA B9 40 00 51 E8 9D 17 8B 46 FA B9 05 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8C 84 B7 01 89 9C B5 01 8B 46 FA 40 3D 0D 00 7E DB 8D 06 42 00 8C 5E C0 89 46 BE C4 76 BE 26 C7 44 1C 03 00 26 C7 44 08 08 00 26 C7 44 0A 0A 00 26 C7 44 0C 0B 00 8D 16 1E 04 1E 52 E8 59 17 06 53 C4 76 BE 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 9B 26 C4 7C 04 26 8B 05 8E 46 C0 26 C4 7C 04 26 88 45 04 8D 06 65 00 8C 5E C4 89 46 C2 C4 7E C2 26 C7 45 1C 05 00 26 C7 45 08 03 00 26 C7 45 0A 04 00 26 C7 45 0C 08 00 26 C7 45 0E 09 00 26 C7 45 10 0D 00 8D 0E 2C 04 1E 51 E8 FB 16 06 53 C4 76 C2 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 69 8D 06 88 00 8C 5E C8 89 46 C6 C4 7E C6 26 C7 45 1C 00 00 8D 0E 37 04 1E 51 E8 CD 16 06 53 C4 76 C6 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 8D 06 CE 00 8C 5E CC 89 46 CA C4 7E CA 26 C7 45 1C 04 00 26 C7 45 08 05 00 26 C7 45 0A 06 00 26 C7 45 0C 08 00 26 C7 45 0E 0C 00 8D 0E 44 04 1E 51 E8 8C 16 06 53 C4 76 CA 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 69 8D 06 F1 00 8C 5E D0 89 46 CE C4 7E CE 26 C7 45 1C 07 00 26 C7 45 08 01 00 26 C7 45 0A 02 00 26 C7 45 0C 07 00 26 C7 45 0E 08 00 26 C7 45 10 0A 00 26 C7 45 12 0B 00 26 C7 45 14 0D 00 8D 0E 50 04 1E 51 E8 34 16 06 53 C4 76 CE 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 6E 8D 06 14 01 8C 5E D4 89 46 D2 C4 7E D2 26 C7 45 1C 03 00 26 C7 45 08 08 00 26 C7 45 0A 0A 00 26 C7 45 0C 0B 00 8D 0E 5D 04 1E 51 E8 F4 15 06 53 C4 76 D2 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 7D 8D 06 37 01 8C 5E D8 89 46 D6 C4 7E D6 26 C7 45 1C 00 00 8D 0E 68 04 1E 51 E8 C6 15 06 53 C4 76 D6 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 64 26 C4 7C 04 26 8B 05 8E 46 D8 26 C4 7C 04 26 88 45 04 8D 06 AB 00 8C 5E DC 89 46 DA C4 7E DA 26 C7 45 1C 00 00 8D 0E 71 04 1E 51 E8 86 15 06 53 C4 76 DA 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 8D 06 5A 01 8C 5E E0 89 46 DE C4 7E DE 26 C7 45 1C 02 00 26 C7 45 08 08 00 26 C7 45 0A 0B 00 8D 0E 7B 04 1E 51 E8 51 15 06 53 C4 76 DE 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 7D 8D 06 7D 01 8C 5E E4 89 46 E2 C4 7E E2 26 C7 45 1C 03 00 26 C7 45 08 08 00 26 C7 45 0A 0A 00 26 C7 45 0C 0B 00 8D 0E 88 04 1E 51 E8 11 15 06 53 C4 76 E2 26 8F 44 04 26 8F 44 06 26 C6 44 20 7D 8D 06 95 04 1E 50 E8 F6 14 8C 06 BC 01 89 1E BA 01 8D 06 A1 04 1E 50 E8 E5 14 8C 06 C1 01 89 1E BF 01 8D 06 AD 04 1E 50 E8 D4 14 8C 06 C6 01 89 1E C4 01 8D 06 B9 04 1E 50 E8 C3 14 8C 06 CB 01 89 1E C9 01 8D 06 C6 04 1E 50 E8 B2 14 8C 06 D0 01 89 1E CE 01 8D 06 D3 04 1E 50 E8 A1 14 8C 06 D5 01 89 1E D3 01 8D 06 E0 04 1E 50 E8 90 14 8C 06 DA 01 89 1E D8 01 8D 06 ED 04 1E 50 E8 7F 14 8C 06 DF 01 89 1E DD 01 8D 06 F9 04 1E 50 E8 6E 14 8C 06 E4 01 89 1E E2 01 8D 06 04 05 1E 50 E8 5D 14 8C 06 E9 01 89 1E E7 01 8D 06 0E 05 1E 50 E8 4C 14 8C 06 EE 01 89 1E EC 01 8B 36 12 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 01 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 CA 10 EB 58 CE 10 E1 10 8D 06 1A 05 1E 50 E8 20 14 8C 06 F3 01 89 1E F1 01 EB 41 E8 E4 08 30 E4 8B F0 83 FE 01 77 33 D1 E6 2E FF A4 F6 10 EB 2A FA 10 0D 11 8D 06 27 05 1E 50 E8 F4 13 8C 06 F3 01 89 1E F1 01 EB 13 8D 06 34 05 1E 50 E8 E1 13 8C 06 F3 01 89 1E F1 01 EB 00 EB 00 8D 06 42 05 1E 50 E8 CC 13 8C 06 F8 01 89 1E F6 01 B8 01 00 89 46 FA B9 05 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 B5 01 06 56 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 B9 01 1E 50 E8 D4 FA 8B 46 FA B9 05 00 F7 E9 8B F0 F6 84 B9 01 01 74 36 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 B5 01 1E 50 E8 67 13 C4 36 A0 01 06 56 8D 06 50 05 1E 50 E8 71 13 06 53 E8 3A 13 8B 46 FA B9 05 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8C 84 B7 01 89 9C B5 01 8B 46 FA 40 3D 0D 00 7E 90 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 B2 12 A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 52 05 1E 50 E8 36 13 06 53 E8 44 14 A2 AC 01 B8 01 00 89 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 23 00 06 56 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 41 00 1E 50 xSum: 0x16 (OK) Offset: 0x01A18 Type: 0x72 Size: 516 0x0204 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 4585 0x11E9 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.04585.bin Data size: 511 0x01FF Data: E8 3E FA 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 F6 84 41 00 01 75 03 E9 35 01 C4 36 A0 01 06 56 8D 06 50 05 1E 50 E8 E8 12 06 53 E8 B1 12 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8C 84 21 00 89 9C 1F 00 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B F0 8B 84 3B 00 89 46 EE BA 01 00 3B 56 EE 7E 03 E9 82 00 89 56 FC 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B D8 8B 76 FC D1 E6 8B 80 25 00 BA 05 00 F7 EA 8B F0 F6 84 B9 01 01 74 46 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B F0 C4 B4 1F 00 06 56 8B 46 FA F7 E9 8B D8 8B 76 FC D1 E6 8B 80 25 00 BA 05 00 F7 EA 8B F0 C4 B4 B5 01 06 56 E8 AC 13 06 53 E8 30 12 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8C 84 21 00 89 9C 1F 00 EB 0F 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 C6 84 41 00 00 8B 56 FC 42 70 03 E9 76 FF 83 7E FA 05 75 4C 80 3E A9 01 03 75 19 C4 36 CE 00 06 56 C4 36 AB 00 06 56 E8 E8 11 8C 06 D0 00 89 1E CE 00 EB 22 C4 36 CE 00 06 56 C4 36 88 00 06 56 C4 36 AB 00 06 56 E8 C9 11 06 53 E8 C4 11 8C 06 D0 00 89 1E CE 00 A0 CD 00 22 06 F0 00 A2 F0 00 83 7E FA 03 74 1C 83 7E FA 04 74 16 8B 46 FA B9 23 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 1F 00 1E 50 B0 0D 50 E8 77 11 8B 46 FA 40 3D 0A 00 7F 03 E9 8B FE A0 59 01 22 06 36 01 22 06 64 00 22 06 7C 01 22 06 9F 01 A2 AA 01 B8 01 00 89 46 FA B9 05 00 F7 E9 8B F0 8D 84 B5 01 1E 50 E8 71 11 8B 46 FA 40 3D 0D 00 7E E4 A1 28 00 89 46 F6 B9 01 00 3B 4E F6 7F 18 89 4E FA 8B F1 D1 E6 D1 E6 8D 84 26 00 1E 50 E8 48 11 8B 4E FA 41 71 E3 8B E5 5D C3 8B EC 4D 4D 55 9A 02 00 00 00 9A 00 00 00 00 E8 3F EE E8 4D 0E C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 A3 10 A2 AC 01 C7 06 20 00 00 00 C7 06 22 00 0B 00 8D 06 24 00 1E 50 E8 5E 0E 83 2E 26 00 0B B8 64 00 50 E8 0E 05 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 xSum: 0xC6 (OK) Offset: 0x01C1F Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9BF Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 447 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 12 0x000C Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9C4 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 452 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0x8E (OK) Offset: 0x01C2B Type: 0x72 Size: 898 0x0382 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 5096 0x13E8 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.05096.bin Data size: 893 0x037D Data: 8D 06 80 05 1E 50 E8 06 11 06 53 E8 14 12 A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 A5 05 1E 50 E8 EF 10 06 53 E8 FD 11 A2 AC 01 8B 36 12 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 01 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 28 14 E9 9E 00 5D 14 2C 14 C4 36 F4 06 06 56 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 FF FF 8B C8 51 50 8D 16 20 00 1E 52 FF 36 B8 01 8D 16 10 00 1E 52 8D 16 A8 01 1E 52 E8 CB 11 A2 AB 01 EB 69 80 3E A9 01 00 75 31 C4 36 F0 06 06 56 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 FF FF 8B C8 51 50 8D 16 20 00 1E 52 FF 36 B8 01 8D 16 10 00 1E 52 8D 16 A8 01 1E 52 E8 93 11 A2 AB 01 EB 2F C4 36 F4 06 06 56 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 B8 FF FF 8B C8 51 50 8D 16 20 00 1E 52 FF 36 B8 01 8D 16 10 00 1E 52 8D 16 A8 01 1E 52 E8 62 11 A2 AB 01 EB 00 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 92 0F A2 AC 01 E8 2D 0D F6 06 AB 01 01 74 3B 8B 36 10 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 03 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 F3 14 EB 24 FB 14 02 15 09 15 10 15 C6 06 A8 01 ED EB 15 C6 06 A8 01 F3 EB 0E C6 06 A8 01 F4 EB 07 C6 06 A8 01 9B EB 00 A0 A8 01 30 E4 8B F0 81 EE 9B 00 7C 0C 83 FE 59 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 33 15 E9 80 02 85 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 04 17 2E 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 E7 15 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 B3 17 A2 16 D3 16 F6 06 F0 00 01 75 1A 80 3E A9 01 00 75 09 B8 05 00 50 E8 E3 F3 EB 07 B8 05 00 50 E8 03 F5 E9 97 00 F6 06 7B 01 01 74 4B F6 06 9E 01 01 74 44 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 C4 05 1E 50 E8 D2 0E 06 53 E8 E0 0F A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 D5 05 1E 50 E8 BB 0E 06 53 E8 C9 0F A2 AC 01 B8 05 00 50 E8 48 F2 F6 06 AA 00 01 74 06 C7 06 16 00 01 00 EB 45 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 E7 05 1E 50 E8 8E 0E 06 53 E8 9C 0F A2 AC 01 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 15 06 1E 50 E8 77 0E 06 53 E8 85 0F A2 AC 01 E8 EB 0A A2 A8 01 C6 06 A8 01 37 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 E8 C5 0D A2 AC 01 E9 11 01 B8 0A 00 50 E8 EA F1 F6 06 9E 01 01 74 20 C6 06 7B 01 01 FF 36 60 00 B8 C8 00 50 B9 01 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 01 0A E9 E0 00 B8 09 00 50 E8 B9 F1 F6 06 7B 01 01 74 20 C6 06 9E 01 01 FF 36 60 00 B8 C8 00 50 B9 01 00 51 8D 16 00 00 1E 52 8D 16 1A 00 1E 52 E8 D0 09 E9 AF 00 F6 06 87 00 01 75 19 80 3E A9 01 00 75 09 B8 02 00 50 E8 C6 F2 EB 07 B8 02 00 50 E8 E6 F3 EB 07 B8 02 00 50 E8 68 F1 E9 85 00 F6 06 13 01 01 75 19 80 3E A9 01 00 75 09 B8 06 00 50 E8 9C F2 EB 07 B8 06 00 50 E8 BC F3 EB 35 C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 40 06 1E 50 E8 9A 0D 06 53 E8 A8 0E A2 AC 01 xSum: 0x78 (OK) Offset: 0x01FB0 Type: 0x72 Size: 102 0x0066 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 5989 0x1765 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.05989.bin Data size: 97 0x0061 Data: C4 36 1C 00 06 56 8D 06 D5 05 1E 50 E8 83 0D 06 53 E8 91 0E A2 AC 01 B8 06 00 50 E8 10 F1 EB 2E 8B 36 12 00 83 EE 01 7C 0C 83 FE 01 77 07 D1 E6 2E FF A4 9C 17 EB 15 A5 17 A0 17 E8 EE EF EB 0C 80 3E A9 01 00 74 03 E8 E2 EF EB 00 EB 00 C6 06 A8 01 37 B0 00 D0 D8 72 03 E9 F1 FB 9A 20 00 00 00 xSum: 0xF9 (OK) Offset: 0x02019 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC85F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 95 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xE0 (OK) Offset: 0x02021 Type: 0x72 Size: 341 0x0155 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 6096 0x17D0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.06096.bin Data size: 336 0x0150 Data: 9C 50 53 51 52 55 54 56 57 1E 16 06 B4 00 B0 06 CD 10 07 17 1F 5F 5E 5C 5D 5A 59 5B 58 9D C3 9C 53 51 52 55 54 56 57 1E 16 06 B4 E4 B0 20 B2 FF CD 15 2A E4 8A C2 07 17 1F 5F 5E 5C 5D 5A 59 5B 9D C3 9C 53 51 55 54 57 1E 16 06 B2 00 B4 E4 B0 20 CD 15 07 17 1F 5F 5C 5D 59 5B 9D C2 02 00 9C 53 51 55 54 57 1E 16 06 B2 01 B4 E4 B0 20 CD 15 07 17 1F 5F 5C 5D 59 5B 9D C2 02 00 9C 53 51 52 55 54 56 57 1E 16 06 2B C0 B0 01 BB FD FD 8E C3 BB 0C 00 BA 2D 2D 26 3B 17 74 02 B0 00 07 17 1F 5F 5E 5C 5D 5A 59 5B 9D C3 50 52 9C BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 0A E6 64 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 7F E6 60 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 11 E6 60 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 9D 5A 58 C3 50 52 9C BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 0A E6 64 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 7F E6 60 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 B0 7F E6 60 BA 64 00 EC 0C FD 3C FF 74 F6 9D 5A 58 C3 00 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 02 FF 76 04 E8 B1 07 E8 6C 08 D0 D8 73 08 E8 6F 08 88 46 FD EB F1 B8 C8 00 50 E8 9B 07 E8 56 08 D0 D8 72 E3 8B E5 5D C2 02 00 xSum: 0x3A (OK) Offset: 0x02179 Type: 0x72 Size: 172 0x00AC Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 6432 0x1920 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.06432.bin Data size: 167 0x00A7 Data: 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 06 B8 00 01 50 E8 C4 0B 8C 46 FA 89 5E F8 C7 46 FC 01 00 C4 76 04 26 C4 1C 8B 7E FC 26 80 79 04 20 75 23 8D 46 F8 16 50 B0 27 50 E8 58 0B 8D 46 F8 16 50 B0 20 50 E8 4D 0B 8D 46 F8 16 50 B0 27 50 E8 42 0B EB 16 8D 46 F8 16 50 C4 76 04 26 C4 1C 8B 7E FC 26 8A 41 04 50 E8 2A 0B FF 46 FC 8B 46 FC 99 C4 76 04 26 C4 3C 26 8B 0D 8B D9 31 C9 9A 70 02 00 00 7E 9C C4 76 04 06 56 E8 39 0B C4 76 F8 06 56 E8 1D 0B 06 53 C4 76 04 26 8F 04 26 8F 44 02 8D 46 F8 16 50 E8 1D 0B 8B E5 5D C2 04 00 xSum: 0x0A (OK) Offset: 0x02228 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC879 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 121 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xC6 (OK) Offset: 0x02230 Type: 0x72 Size: 163 0x00A3 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 6600 0x19C8 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.06600.bin Data size: 158 0x009E Data: 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 0C B8 50 00 50 E8 1C 0B 8C 46 FA 89 5E F8 26 8D 47 04 06 50 E8 5A 07 C4 76 F8 26 8A 44 04 30 E4 26 89 04 8D 06 50 06 1E 50 E8 FD 0A 8C 46 F6 89 5E F4 8D 46 F4 16 50 B0 F7 50 E8 A1 0A C4 76 F4 06 56 8D 06 59 06 1E 50 E8 DE 0A 06 53 E8 A7 0A 8C 46 F6 89 5E F4 C4 76 F8 26 8D 44 05 06 50 26 FF 34 8E 46 F6 26 8D 47 05 06 50 26 FF 37 B0 01 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 FC 16 50 E8 2B 08 C4 76 F8 26 8B 04 3B 46 FC 75 06 C6 46 F3 01 EB 04 C6 46 F3 00 8A 46 F3 8B E5 5D C3 xSum: 0x13 (OK) Offset: 0x022D6 Type: 0x72 Size: 90 0x005A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 6758 0x1A66 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.06758.bin Data size: 85 0x0055 Data: 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 06 C7 46 FA 00 00 E8 48 06 89 46 FC C4 76 FA 26 8B 4C 55 8B C1 31 D2 BB 00 00 31 C9 9A 70 02 00 00 7C 21 C4 76 FA 26 8B 44 55 31 D2 BB 04 00 31 C9 9A 70 02 00 00 7F 0C C4 76 FA 26 8B 44 55 88 46 F9 EB 04 C6 46 F9 00 8A 46 F9 8B E5 5D C3 xSum: 0x7E (OK) Offset: 0x02333 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC825 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 37 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 58 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xBC (OK) Offset: 0x0233F Type: 0x72 Size: 517 0x0205 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 6844 0x1ABC Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.06844.bin Data size: 512 0x0200 Data: 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 0E E8 91 07 8C 46 FA 89 5E F8 B8 50 00 50 E8 1F 0A 8C 46 F2 89 5E F0 C4 76 F8 26 8A 04 30 E4 89 46 F4 B9 01 00 3B 4E F4 7F 19 89 4E FC C4 5E F8 8B F1 4E 26 8A 40 01 C4 5E F0 8B F1 26 88 40 04 41 71 E2 C4 76 F8 26 8A 04 30 E4 40 8B F8 C4 5E F0 26 C6 41 04 60 8E 46 FA 26 8A 04 30 E4 40 8E 46 F2 26 89 07 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B C4 FF 76 FE 8B E8 55 83 EC 08 C6 46 F5 01 C4 76 04 26 83 3C 00 76 4A 26 8B 04 89 46 F6 B9 01 00 3B 4E F6 7F 3A 89 4E FA BB 7C 00 9A 60 01 00 00 BB 7E 00 9A A0 00 00 00 BB 60 00 9A A0 00 00 00 C4 5E 04 8B 76 FA 26 8A 40 04 30 E4 8B D8 9A 00 00 00 00 75 04 C6 46 F5 00 8B 4E FA 41 71 C1 EB 04 C6 46 F5 00 8A 46 F5 88 46 F4 8A 46 F4 8B E5 5D C2 04 00 55 8B C4 FF 76 FE 8B E8 55 83 EC 18 E8 43 06 8B 76 FE 36 8D 44 E8 16 50 E8 78 06 8B 76 FE 36 C7 44 E4 00 00 36 C7 44 E6 00 00 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 23 09 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA 06 53 C4 76 08 26 C4 3C 06 57 E8 DE 08 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA 06 53 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 FF 08 06 53 E8 C8 08 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA 06 53 C4 76 04 26 C4 3C 06 57 E8 B5 08 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA 06 53 8D 06 68 06 1E 50 E8 D6 08 06 53 E8 9F 08 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA 06 53 8D 06 6B 06 1E 50 E8 C0 08 06 53 E8 89 08 8C 46 EC 89 5E EA C6 46 F6 02 C6 46 F7 00 C6 46 F8 00 C6 46 F9 00 B0 00 50 8B 76 FE 36 FF 74 17 36 8D 44 DE 16 50 36 8D 44 E4 16 50 36 C4 7C 08 06 57 E8 CB 09 06 53 8D 46 EA 16 50 B8 FF FF 8B C8 51 50 8D 56 F6 16 52 B2 00 52 B2 01 52 B2 01 52 8D 56 FA 16 52 B2 00 52 8D 56 E8 16 52 8D 56 E9 16 52 E8 E1 08 88 46 E6 8A 46 E6 88 46 E5 8B 76 FE 36 C4 7C 04 8A 46 E6 26 88 05 C4 7E EA 06 xSum: 0x5E (OK) Offset: 0x02547 Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC89F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 159 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A7 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 167 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8AF Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 175 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8C2 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 194 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0x18 (OK) Offset: 0x0255B Type: 0x72 Size: 515 0x0203 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 7356 0x1CBC Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.07356.bin Data size: 510 0x01FE Data: 57 B8 02 00 50 E8 BA 08 06 53 C4 76 08 26 8F 04 26 8F 44 02 C4 7E EA 06 57 B8 03 00 50 E8 A2 08 06 53 C4 76 04 26 8F 04 26 8F 44 02 C4 7E EA 06 57 B8 04 00 50 E8 8A 08 8C 46 F0 89 5E EE C4 76 EA 06 56 B8 05 00 50 E8 78 08 8C 46 F4 89 5E F2 C4 76 EE 26 8A 44 05 30 E4 3D F7 00 75 0E 8E 46 F4 26 8A 47 05 30 E4 3D F7 00 74 14 C4 76 EE 26 80 7C 05 20 75 10 C4 7E F2 26 80 7D 05 20 75 06 C6 46 E7 01 EB 04 C6 46 E7 00 8D 46 EE 16 50 E8 90 07 8D 46 F2 16 50 E8 88 07 8D 46 EA 16 50 E8 80 07 BB 1B 00 9A 60 01 00 00 BB 9B 00 9A A0 00 00 00 BB 8D 00 9A A0 00 00 00 8B 76 FE 36 8A 44 DE 30 E4 8B D8 9A 00 00 00 00 74 03 E9 22 FE F6 46 E7 01 75 03 E9 19 FE 8A 46 E5 8B E5 5D C2 08 00 55 8B EC 55 83 EC 20 C7 46 EC 00 00 E8 10 FD 06 53 B8 02 00 50 E8 C9 07 8C 46 F4 89 5E F2 E8 FE FC 06 53 B8 03 00 50 E8 B7 07 8C 46 F8 89 5E F6 8D 46 F2 16 50 8D 46 F6 16 50 E8 C7 FD 88 46 E0 BB 8D 00 9A 60 01 00 00 BB 9B 00 9A A0 00 00 00 8A 46 DE 30 E4 8B D8 9A 00 00 00 00 75 D2 F6 46 E0 01 75 03 E9 21 01 C4 76 F2 06 56 E8 1F FD D0 D8 72 03 E9 0D 01 C4 76 F6 06 56 E8 10 FD D0 D8 72 03 E9 FE 00 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 CC 06 06 53 C4 76 F2 06 56 E8 95 06 06 53 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 B7 06 06 53 C4 76 F6 06 56 E8 80 06 06 53 8D 06 6F 06 1E 50 E8 A2 06 06 53 E8 6B 06 06 53 E8 66 06 06 53 E8 61 06 06 53 E8 5C 06 8C 46 FC 89 5E FA 26 8B 07 26 88 47 04 C7 46 F0 00 00 26 8D 47 04 06 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 F0 16 50 B0 01 50 8D 46 EC 16 50 E8 56 02 89 46 EE 8D 4E FA 16 51 E8 3F 06 BB EA 00 9A 60 01 00 00 BB 21 00 9A A0 00 00 00 BB 00 00 9A A0 00 00 00 8B 5E EC xSum: 0xDC (OK) Offset: 0x02761 Type: 0x9C Size: 41 0x0029 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A8 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 168 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8B0 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 176 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8B8 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 184 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8C8 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 200 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC927 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 295 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC92F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 303 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC93B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 315 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9E9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 489 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9F1 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 497 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9F9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 505 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 10 xSum: 0xAF (OK) Offset: 0x0278D Type: 0x72 Size: 191 0x00BF Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 7866 0x1EBA Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.07866.bin Data size: 186 0x00BA Data: 9A 00 00 00 00 75 5D 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 2D 06 06 53 C4 76 F2 06 56 E8 F6 05 06 53 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 18 06 06 53 C4 76 F6 06 56 E8 E1 05 06 53 8D 06 66 06 1E 50 E8 03 06 06 53 E8 CC 05 06 53 E8 C7 05 06 53 E8 C2 05 06 53 E8 BD 05 06 53 E8 07 07 83 7E EC 00 75 0B FF 76 EE 8D 46 EC 16 50 E8 03 02 EB 05 C7 46 EC 0F 27 F6 46 E0 01 74 22 BB EA 00 9A 60 01 00 00 BB 21 00 9A A0 00 00 00 BB 00 00 9A A0 00 00 00 8B 5E EC 9A 00 00 00 00 74 09 F6 46 E0 01 74 03 E9 77 FE 8D 46 F2 16 50 E8 80 05 8D 46 F6 16 50 E8 78 05 8D 46 08 16 50 E8 70 05 8B E5 5D C2 1A 00 xSum: 0xDE (OK) Offset: 0x0284F Type: 0x9C Size: 21 0x0015 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC803 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 3 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC877 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 119 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC87F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 127 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC887 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 135 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC88F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 143 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 5 xSum: 0x9B (OK) Offset: 0x02867 Type: 0x72 Size: 1788 0x06FC Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 1 0x0001 Data Record Offset: 8064 0x1F80 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00001.frameIndex.00000.offset.08064.bin Data size: 1783 0x06F7 Data: B8 0D 00 CD C1 B8 0E 00 CD C1 B8 10 00 CD C1 B8 11 00 CD C1 B8 12 00 CD C1 B8 13 00 CD C1 B8 0B 00 CD C1 B8 0F 00 CD C1 B8 0C 00 CD C1 B8 0A 00 CD C1 B8 09 00 CD C1 B8 00 00 CD C1 B8 01 00 CD C1 B8 02 00 CD C1 B8 04 00 CD C1 B8 05 00 CD C1 B8 06 00 CD C1 B8 03 00 CD C1 B8 1A 00 CD C1 B8 08 00 CD C1 B8 07 00 CD C1 B8 14 00 CD C1 B8 15 00 CD C1 B8 16 00 CD C1 B8 17 00 CD C1 B8 18 00 CD C1 B8 19 00 CD C1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 00 EB 62 90 B0 01 EB 5D 90 B0 02 EB 58 90 B0 03 EB 53 90 B0 04 EB 4E 90 B0 05 EB 49 90 B0 06 EB 44 90 B0 07 EB 3F 90 B0 08 EB 3A 90 B0 09 EB 35 90 B0 0A EB 30 90 B0 0B EB 2B 90 B0 0C EB 26 90 B0 0D EB 21 90 B0 0E EB 1C 90 B0 0F EB 17 90 B0 10 EB 12 90 B0 11 EB 0D 90 B0 12 EB 08 90 B0 13 EB 03 90 B0 14 5B 0E 53 32 E4 50 33 C0 8E C0 B8 D4 01 8B D8 26 C4 1F 43 43 58 06 53 CB 00 00 B0 00 E9 2D 02 B0 01 E9 28 02 B0 02 E9 23 02 B0 03 E9 1E 02 B0 04 E9 19 02 B0 05 E9 14 02 B0 06 E9 0F 02 B0 07 E9 0A 02 B0 08 E9 05 02 B0 09 E9 00 02 B0 0A E9 FB 01 B0 0B E9 F6 01 B0 0C E9 F1 01 B0 0D E9 EC 01 B0 0E E9 E7 01 B0 0F E9 E2 01 B0 10 E9 DD 01 B0 11 E9 D8 01 B0 12 E9 D3 01 B0 13 E9 CE 01 B0 14 E9 C9 01 B0 15 E9 C4 01 B0 16 E9 BF 01 B0 17 E9 BA 01 B0 18 E9 B5 01 B0 19 E9 B0 01 B0 1A E9 AB 01 B0 1B E9 A6 01 B0 1C E9 A1 01 B0 1D E9 9C 01 B0 1E E9 97 01 B0 1F E9 92 01 B0 20 E9 8D 01 B0 21 E9 88 01 B0 22 E9 83 01 B0 23 E9 7E 01 B0 24 E9 79 01 B0 25 E9 74 01 B0 26 E9 6F 01 B0 27 E9 6A 01 B0 28 E9 65 01 B0 29 E9 60 01 B0 2A E9 5B 01 B0 2B E9 56 01 B0 2C E9 51 01 B0 2D E9 4C 01 B0 2E E9 47 01 B0 2F E9 42 01 B0 30 E9 3D 01 B0 31 E9 38 01 B0 32 E9 33 01 B0 33 E9 2E 01 B0 34 E9 29 01 B0 35 E9 24 01 B0 36 E9 1F 01 B0 37 E9 1A 01 B0 38 E9 15 01 B0 39 E9 10 01 B0 3A E9 0B 01 B0 3B E9 06 01 B0 3C E9 01 01 B0 3D E9 FC 00 B0 3E E9 F7 00 B0 3F E9 F2 00 B0 40 E9 ED 00 B0 41 E9 E8 00 B0 42 E9 E3 00 B0 43 E9 DE 00 B0 44 E9 D9 00 B0 45 E9 D4 00 B0 46 E9 CF 00 B0 47 E9 CA 00 B0 48 E9 C5 00 B0 49 E9 C0 00 B0 4A E9 BB 00 B0 4B E9 B6 00 B0 4C E9 B1 00 B0 4D E9 AC 00 B0 4E E9 A7 00 B0 4F E9 A2 00 B0 50 E9 9D 00 B0 51 E9 98 00 B0 52 E9 93 00 B0 53 E9 8E 00 B0 54 E9 89 00 B0 55 E9 84 00 B0 56 E9 7F 00 B0 57 EB 7B 90 B0 58 EB 76 90 B0 59 EB 71 90 B0 5A EB 6C 90 B0 5B EB 67 90 B0 5C EB 62 90 B0 5D EB 5D 90 B0 5E EB 58 90 B0 5F EB 53 90 B0 60 EB 4E 90 B0 61 EB 49 90 B0 62 EB 44 90 B0 63 EB 3F 90 B0 64 EB 3A 90 B0 65 EB 35 90 B0 66 EB 30 90 B0 67 EB 2B 90 B0 68 EB 26 90 B0 69 EB 21 90 B0 6A EB 1C 90 B0 6B EB 17 90 B0 6C EB 12 90 B0 6D EB 0D 90 B0 6E EB 08 90 B0 6F EB 03 90 B0 93 5B 0E 53 32 E4 50 33 C0 8E C0 B8 C0 01 8B D8 26 C4 1F 43 43 58 06 53 CB 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 00 E9 7A 03 B0 01 E9 75 03 B0 02 E9 70 03 B0 03 E9 6B 03 B0 04 E9 66 03 B0 05 E9 61 03 B0 06 E9 5C 03 B0 07 E9 57 03 B0 08 E9 52 03 B0 09 E9 4D 03 B0 0A E9 48 03 B0 0B E9 43 03 B0 0C E9 3E 03 B0 0D E9 39 03 B0 0E E9 34 03 B0 0F E9 2F 03 B0 10 E9 2A 03 B0 11 E9 25 03 B0 12 E9 20 03 B0 13 E9 1B 03 B0 14 E9 16 03 B0 15 E9 11 03 B0 16 E9 0C 03 B0 17 E9 07 03 B0 18 E9 02 03 B0 19 E9 FD 02 B0 1A E9 F8 02 B0 1B E9 F3 02 B0 1C E9 EE 02 B0 1D E9 E9 02 B0 1E E9 E4 02 B0 1F E9 DF 02 B0 20 E9 DA 02 B0 21 E9 D5 02 B0 22 E9 D0 02 B0 23 E9 CB 02 B0 24 E9 C6 02 B0 25 E9 C1 02 B0 26 E9 BC 02 B0 27 E9 B7 02 B0 28 E9 B2 02 B0 29 E9 AD 02 B0 2A E9 A8 02 B0 2B E9 A3 02 B0 2C E9 9E 02 B0 2D E9 99 02 B0 2E E9 94 02 B0 2F E9 8F 02 B0 30 E9 8A 02 B0 31 E9 85 02 B0 32 E9 80 02 B0 33 E9 7B 02 B0 34 E9 76 02 B0 35 E9 71 02 B0 36 E9 6C 02 B0 37 E9 67 02 B0 38 E9 62 02 B0 39 E9 5D 02 B0 3A E9 58 02 B0 3B E9 53 02 B0 3C E9 4E 02 B0 3D E9 49 02 B0 3E E9 44 02 B0 3F E9 3F 02 B0 40 E9 3A 02 B0 41 E9 35 02 B0 42 E9 30 02 B0 43 E9 2B 02 B0 44 E9 26 02 B0 45 E9 21 02 B0 46 E9 1C 02 B0 47 E9 17 02 B0 48 E9 12 02 B0 49 E9 0D 02 B0 4A E9 08 02 B0 4B E9 03 02 B0 4C E9 FE 01 B0 4D E9 F9 01 B0 4E E9 F4 01 B0 4F E9 EF 01 B0 50 E9 EA 01 B0 51 E9 E5 01 B0 52 E9 E0 01 B0 53 E9 DB 01 B0 54 E9 D6 01 B0 55 E9 D1 01 B0 56 E9 CC 01 B0 57 E9 C7 01 B0 58 E9 C2 01 B0 59 E9 BD 01 B0 5A E9 B8 01 B0 5B E9 B3 01 B0 5C E9 AE 01 B0 5D E9 A9 01 B0 5E E9 A4 01 B0 5F E9 9F 01 B0 60 E9 9A 01 B0 61 E9 95 01 B0 62 E9 90 01 B0 63 E9 8B 01 B0 64 E9 86 01 B0 65 E9 81 01 B0 66 E9 7C 01 B0 67 E9 77 01 B0 68 E9 72 01 B0 69 E9 6D 01 B0 6A E9 68 01 B0 6B E9 63 01 B0 6C E9 5E 01 B0 6D E9 59 01 B0 6E E9 54 01 B0 6F E9 4F 01 B0 70 E9 4A 01 B0 71 E9 45 01 B0 72 E9 40 01 B0 73 E9 3B 01 B0 74 E9 36 01 B0 75 E9 31 01 B0 76 E9 2C 01 B0 77 E9 27 01 B0 78 E9 22 01 B0 79 E9 1D 01 B0 7C E9 18 01 B0 7D E9 13 01 B0 7E E9 0E 01 B0 7F E9 09 01 B0 80 E9 04 01 B0 81 E9 FF 00 B0 82 E9 FA 00 B0 83 E9 F5 00 B0 84 E9 F0 00 B0 85 E9 EB 00 B0 86 E9 E6 00 B0 87 E9 E1 00 B0 88 E9 DC 00 B0 89 E9 D7 00 B0 8A E9 D2 00 B0 8B E9 CD 00 B0 8C E9 C8 00 B0 8D E9 C3 00 B0 8E E9 BE 00 B0 8F E9 B9 00 B0 90 E9 B4 00 B0 91 E9 AF 00 B0 92 E9 AA 00 B0 93 E9 A5 00 B0 94 E9 A0 00 B0 95 E9 9B 00 B0 96 E9 96 00 B0 97 E9 91 00 B0 98 E9 8C 00 B0 99 E9 87 00 B0 9A E9 82 00 B0 9B EB 7E 90 B0 9C EB 79 90 B0 9D EB 74 90 B0 9E EB 6F 90 B0 9F EB 6A 90 B0 A0 EB 65 90 B0 A1 EB 60 90 B0 A2 EB 5B 90 B0 A3 EB 56 90 B0 A4 EB 51 90 B0 A5 EB 4C 90 B0 A6 EB 47 90 B0 82 EB 42 90 B0 82 EB 3D 90 B0 A9 EB 38 90 B0 AA EB 33 90 B0 AB EB 2E 90 B0 AC EB 29 90 B0 AD EB 24 90 B0 AE EB 1F 90 B0 AF EB 1A 90 B0 B0 EB 15 90 B0 B1 EB 10 90 B0 B2 EB 0B 90 B0 B3 EB 06 90 B0 B4 EB 01 90 5B 0E 53 32 E4 50 33 C0 8E C0 B8 CC 01 8B D8 26 C4 1F 43 43 58 06 53 CB xSum: 0xA1 (OK) Offset: 0x02F66 Type: 0x72 Size: 35 0x0023 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 30 0x001E Data: 55 8B EC 9A 80 00 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 8B C6 BE 00 00 8E C6 BE 00 00 9A 40 01 00 00 5D CB xSum: 0xED (OK) Offset: 0x02F8C Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC806 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 6 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 11 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0x95 (OK) Offset: 0x02FA0 Type: 0x72 Size: 23 0x0017 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 32 0x0020 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00032.bin Data size: 18 0x0012 Data: BE 00 00 8E C6 BE 00 00 9A 30 01 00 00 EA D0 00 00 00 xSum: 0xF9 (OK) Offset: 0x02FBA Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC801 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 1 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 11 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xD8 (OK) Offset: 0x02FCA Type: 0x72 Size: 23 0x0017 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 64 0x0040 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00064.bin Data size: 18 0x0012 Data: BE 00 00 8E C6 BE 00 00 9A 30 01 00 00 EA 20 01 00 00 xSum: 0x88 (OK) Offset: 0x02FE4 Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC801 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 1 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 11 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xD8 (OK) Offset: 0x02FF4 Type: 0x72 Size: 31 0x001F Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 96 0x0060 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00096.bin Data size: 26 0x001A Data: 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 49 6E 74 65 6C 20 31 39 38 31 2C 38 33 2C 38 34 xSum: 0x0F (OK) Offset: 0x03016 Type: 0x72 Size: 73 0x0049 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 128 0x0080 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00128.bin Data size: 68 0x0044 Data: 55 8B EC 83 EC 04 16 8D 46 FE 50 9A D0 0C 00 00 0B C0 75 2C B8 12 00 50 16 8D 46 FC 50 9A B0 0C 00 00 8B F0 8B 46 FC 0B C0 75 15 8E C6 33 FF B9 12 00 FC 32 C0 F3 AA 8B 46 FE 26 A3 0E 00 33 C0 8B E5 5D CB xSum: 0x15 (OK) Offset: 0x03062 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 14 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC820 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 32 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xED (OK) Offset: 0x0306E Type: 0x72 Size: 79 0x004F Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 208 0x00D0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00208.bin Data size: 74 0x004A Data: 55 8B EC 8E DE BB 00 00 8B 07 0B C0 74 35 8E D8 80 3E 1A 00 00 74 27 F6 06 11 00 08 74 0F 1E 55 50 50 8B EC 9A 90 05 00 00 58 58 5D 1F 1E 33 C0 50 C4 36 14 00 26 FF 5C 04 9A D0 01 00 00 BB 18 00 EB C5 50 9A 80 0D 00 00 F4 xSum: 0xCA (OK) Offset: 0x030C0 Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC827 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 39 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 60 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC847 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 71 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0x4D (OK) Offset: 0x030D0 Type: 0x72 Size: 20 0x0014 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 288 0x0120 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00288.bin Data size: 15 0x000F Data: BA 48 25 BF 00 00 B9 D0 17 B8 01 00 E9 46 02 xSum: 0xE0 (OK) Offset: 0x030E7 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC804 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 4 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3B (OK) Offset: 0x030EF Type: 0x72 Size: 27 0x001B Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 304 0x0130 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00304.bin Data size: 22 0x0016 Data: 26 8B 34 CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 89 04 CA 00 00 xSum: 0x0D (OK) Offset: 0x0310D Type: 0x72 Size: 30 0x001E Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 336 0x0150 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00336.bin Data size: 25 0x0019 Data: 50 50 8B F4 51 16 56 50 E8 95 04 9A D0 01 00 00 58 5A C3 BB 50 01 E9 B7 03 xSum: 0xDA (OK) Offset: 0x0312E Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 14 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x31 (OK) Offset: 0x03136 Type: 0x72 Size: 30 0x001E Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 368 0x0170 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00368.bin Data size: 25 0x0019 Data: E8 DD FF 8B DA 99 3B D3 74 08 B8 06 91 9A D0 01 00 00 C3 BB 70 01 E9 97 03 xSum: 0x7E (OK) Offset: 0x03157 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x2F (OK) Offset: 0x0315F Type: 0x72 Size: 61 0x003D Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 400 0x0190 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00400.bin Data size: 56 0x0038 Data: E8 AD 03 8E 46 06 B8 02 91 26 F6 06 11 00 10 75 0F E8 CC 03 74 0F FF 76 06 B3 14 9A 60 05 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 8E 46 06 26 80 0E 11 00 20 26 80 26 11 00 BF 5D CA 02 00 xSum: 0xC9 (OK) Offset: 0x0319F Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 30 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC823 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 35 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xDA (OK) Offset: 0x031AB Type: 0x72 Size: 34 0x0022 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 464 0x01D0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00464.bin Data size: 29 0x001D Data: 0B C0 75 01 CB 50 33 C0 50 50 50 FF 76 04 FF 76 02 50 50 8B F4 16 56 9A 90 0D 00 00 CB xSum: 0xD6 (OK) Offset: 0x031D0 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x25 (OK) Offset: 0x031D8 Type: 0x72 Size: 124 0x007C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 496 0x01F0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00496.bin Data size: 119 0x0077 Data: 8B CA 8B D8 55 33 F6 0B D2 79 08 F7 D2 F7 D8 F5 13 D6 46 0B C9 79 09 F7 D1 F7 DB F5 83 D1 00 46 56 33 ED 0B D2 74 05 0B C9 74 01 45 8B F0 8B FA F7 E1 71 01 45 97 F7 E3 71 01 45 03 F8 73 01 45 8B C6 F7 E3 03 D7 73 01 45 5E D1 EE 73 19 F7 D2 F7 D8 F5 13 D6 0B ED 75 18 0B D2 78 12 8B DA 0B D8 74 0C EB 0C 5D CB 0B ED 75 06 0B D2 78 02 5D CB B3 7F FE C3 5D CB xSum: 0xC7 (OK) Offset: 0x03257 Type: 0x72 Size: 76 0x004C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 624 0x0270 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00624.bin Data size: 71 0x0047 Data: 2B C3 53 51 50 9C 1B D1 9C 5B 58 0D 95 08 23 C3 50 9D 58 59 5B CB 33 DB 8B CB EA 70 02 00 00 9A 70 02 00 00 F6 C6 80 74 03 33 C0 99 CB 2B C2 78 F8 CB 9A 70 02 00 00 7E F3 8B C3 8B D1 CB 9A 70 02 00 00 7D E7 EB F2 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x032A6 Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 29 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC822 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 34 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC835 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 53 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC841 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 65 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0x1E (OK) Offset: 0x032BA Type: 0x72 Size: 611 0x0263 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 704 0x02C0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00704.bin Data size: 606 0x025E Data: 8E 5E F2 BE 00 00 C4 5E 0C 8B 3C 0B FF 74 0E 8E DF BE 18 00 80 3E 1A 00 00 75 EE EB 1B 1E 56 06 53 9A 80 07 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 C5 5E 0C 8E 1F 5B 07 C7 06 18 00 00 00 C6 06 1A 00 01 26 8C 1F C3 00 B8 56 00 50 16 8D 46 EC 50 9A B0 0C 00 00 83 7E EC 00 74 06 80 26 11 00 F7 C3 80 0E 11 00 08 8E C0 A1 1C 00 26 A3 00 00 A1 1E 00 26 A3 02 00 C7 06 1C 00 00 00 8C 06 1E 00 26 C6 06 04 00 50 26 C6 06 05 00 00 C3 C4 3E 1C 00 06 26 C4 3D 89 3E 1C 00 8C 06 1E 00 8D 46 EC 16 50 9A C0 0C 00 00 C3 57 FF 76 04 FF 76 02 55 8B EC E8 28 02 5D 58 58 5F C3 BB 00 03 55 8B EC 1E 50 52 57 51 53 56 8A 4E 0A 32 ED E3 0F C4 7E 06 32 C0 FC F2 AE 75 05 FE C1 28 4E 0A C4 7E 0C 26 8B 45 02 26 8B 55 04 8B C8 0B CA 75 05 8C CA B8 01 03 52 50 33 C0 50 26 8B 3D 0B FF 75 06 E8 03 FF EB 7F 90 8E C7 26 A1 14 00 26 0B 06 16 00 75 09 26 A1 10 00 09 46 FA EB 68 80 7E 0A 00 75 38 57 8E DF A0 11 00 A8 08 74 16 E8 7A FF 8A 46 FB 24 03 3C 00 75 0A 57 E8 52 FF 5F 80 26 11 00 F7 8A 46 FB A2 11 00 24 03 50 B3 1C A0 11 00 A8 08 74 03 E9 CA 00 E9 D3 00 8E DF F6 06 11 00 08 74 0D 57 E8 42 FF E8 24 FF 80 26 11 00 F7 5F 57 B0 01 50 8E C7 26 C4 36 14 00 26 FF 5C 04 9A D0 01 00 00 80 7E 0A 00 75 36 C5 5E EE 8A 07 34 80 78 2D 50 1E 43 53 24 7F 50 1E 53 50 16 8D 46 06 50 8E 5E F2 FF 36 0E 00 9A 00 0D 00 00 5B 1F 0A C0 75 08 8C 5E 08 89 5E 06 58 50 88 46 0A 58 C4 5E 06 06 53 FF 76 0A 16 8D 46 F6 50 9A A0 07 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 C4 5E 0C 26 8E 1F 8C 06 1E 00 83 C3 06 89 1E 1C 00 C4 4E F6 8C 06 16 00 89 0E 14 00 8B 46 FC A3 12 00 8B 46 FA A3 10 00 A8 08 74 03 FF 4E FC 1E C4 5E 06 06 53 FF 76 0A 8B 5E FA F7 C3 04 00 74 03 80 CF 03 53 FF 76 FC B3 00 F6 06 11 00 08 74 05 53 E8 1C FE 5B 8C 5E 06 9A 60 05 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 8B 1E 10 00 F7 C3 04 00 74 15 80 E7 03 80 FF 00 75 0D 1E B3 24 9A 60 05 00 00 9A D0 01 00 00 FF 56 F4 83 C4 12 1F 5D CA 0A 00 xSum: 0x08 (OK) Offset: 0x03520 Type: 0x9C Size: 49 0x0031 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC824 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 36 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC829 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 41 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC84E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 78 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A0 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 160 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC97C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 380 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9A6 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 422 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9CA Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 458 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9CF Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 463 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA2D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 557 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA32 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 562 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 11 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA4C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 588 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 12 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA51 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 593 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 12 xSum: 0xB5 (OK) Offset: 0x03554 Type: 0x72 Size: 29 0x001D Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1312 0x0520 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01312.bin Data size: 24 0x0018 Data: E8 1D 00 53 E8 59 01 3C 20 75 05 E8 60 01 EB F7 B9 8E 06 5B FF D3 5D CB xSum: 0x06 (OK) Offset: 0x03574 Type: 0x72 Size: 26 0x001A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1344 0x0540 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01344.bin Data size: 21 0x0015 Data: 5F 55 8B EC 57 8B 7E 06 0B FF 75 08 B8 01 11 9A D0 01 00 00 C3 xSum: 0x16 (OK) Offset: 0x03591 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC812 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 18 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x2D (OK) Offset: 0x03599 Type: 0x72 Size: 41 0x0029 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1376 0x0560 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01376.bin Data size: 36 0x0024 Data: 8E 46 06 26 C4 36 14 00 B7 00 26 FF 28 00 00 00 E8 0D 01 8E 46 06 26 F6 06 11 00 20 B0 00 74 01 40 3C 01 C3 xSum: 0x5D (OK) Offset: 0x035C5 Type: 0x72 Size: 93 0x005D Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1424 0x0590 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01424.bin Data size: 88 0x0058 Data: FF 76 08 E8 02 00 58 CB 1E 8E 46 06 26 F6 06 11 00 08 74 1B 26 C5 3E 1C 00 33 C9 8A 4D 05 8D 75 06 83 F9 00 74 07 32 C0 88 45 05 EB 0C 1F C3 26 8B 0E 12 00 26 C5 36 1C 00 26 F6 06 11 00 03 75 12 06 1E 56 51 B3 0C 9A 60 05 00 00 1F 9A D0 01 00 00 C3 B8 05 11 EB F4 xSum: 0x40 (OK) Offset: 0x03625 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC84A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 74 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC850 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 80 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0x81 (OK) Offset: 0x03631 Type: 0x72 Size: 147 0x0093 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1520 0x05F0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01520.bin Data size: 142 0x008E Data: 55 8B EC 33 FF 33 C9 BB 00 2B 8A 46 04 3C 2B 74 06 3C 2D 75 12 8A F8 53 57 51 55 8B 76 0A 8B 6E 00 FF D6 5D 59 5F 5B 2C 30 98 BE 0A 00 3B C6 73 21 80 CB 80 97 F7 E6 03 C7 73 01 42 8B F8 8B C1 8B CA F7 E6 73 03 80 CB 40 03 C8 73 CA 80 CB 40 EB C5 B8 03 91 0A DB 79 27 B8 06 91 33 D2 80 EF 2D 75 0F B8 06 91 4A F7 D1 F7 DF 75 05 41 75 02 FE CF 02 DB 78 08 32 FD 79 04 33 C0 33 D2 D1 E2 C4 5E 06 26 89 3F 26 89 4F 02 5D C2 08 00 xSum: 0x9C (OK) Offset: 0x036C7 Type: 0x72 Size: 102 0x0066 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1664 0x0680 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01664.bin Data size: 97 0x0061 Data: E8 6D 00 72 11 26 C4 1E 1C 00 26 8A 07 C3 8E 46 06 E8 69 00 73 12 0B C0 75 1B 26 F6 06 11 00 10 75 2F 26 80 26 11 00 DF 26 C4 1E 1C 00 26 8A 07 3C 0C 74 DA C3 3D FE 15 75 11 26 80 0E 11 00 20 26 C4 1E 1C 00 B0 20 26 88 07 C3 9A D0 01 00 00 C3 26 F6 06 11 00 20 75 E7 26 80 26 11 00 EF EB D9 xSum: 0xAD (OK) Offset: 0x03730 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC84E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 78 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xF1 (OK) Offset: 0x03738 Type: 0x72 Size: 138 0x008A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1776 0x06F0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01776.bin Data size: 133 0x0085 Data: 8E 46 06 33 C0 26 F6 06 11 00 40 75 0A 26 80 0E 11 00 40 E8 0A 00 F9 C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 8E 5E 06 F6 06 11 00 04 74 44 50 8B C4 1E C4 1E 1C 00 06 53 FF 36 12 00 16 50 C4 1E 14 00 26 FF 5F 08 5B 3D FF 15 75 37 B8 02 91 F6 06 11 00 10 75 2D 33 C0 80 26 11 00 FB 0B DB 74 1D C4 3E 1C 00 3B 1E 12 00 74 18 26 C6 01 00 43 EB F3 B8 02 91 F6 06 11 00 10 75 07 33 C0 80 0E 11 00 10 8E 46 06 1F C3 xSum: 0x94 (OK) Offset: 0x037C5 Type: 0x72 Size: 33 0x0021 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1920 0x0780 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01920.bin Data size: 28 0x001C Data: 55 8B EC 50 8B F4 B8 30 00 50 16 56 9A B7 1F 00 00 C4 5E 06 26 89 07 58 5D CA 04 00 xSum: 0xCD (OK) Offset: 0x037E9 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 15 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x32 (OK) Offset: 0x037F1 Type: 0x72 Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1952 0x07A0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01952.bin Data size: 5 0x0005 Data: 33 C0 CA 0A 00 xSum: 0x0D (OK) Offset: 0x037FE Type: 0x72 Size: 495 0x01EF Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 1968 0x07B0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.01968.bin Data size: 490 0x01EA Data: 1E 55 8B EC F6 46 0A 80 74 28 80 7E 0C 00 74 1D 8E 5E 12 8E 1E 02 00 33 F6 32 ED 8A 0C B8 FD 15 3A 4E 0C 75 0A 46 C4 7E 0E F3 A6 75 02 33 C0 E9 88 00 33 C9 0A 4E 0C 75 0B 8C 4E 10 C7 46 0E 94 09 B9 06 00 51 52 8B F4 41 51 16 56 9A B7 1F 00 00 5A 59 0B D2 92 75 62 8E C2 33 FF 26 89 0D 47 C5 76 0E FC F3 A4 8E 5E 12 89 16 02 00 8B 56 0A 81 E2 03 03 06 0A F6 74 48 80 7E 0C 00 74 5C 52 50 8B F4 06 33 FF 57 16 56 9A 9E 1F 00 00 59 91 5A 0B C0 75 32 80 FA 01 75 58 B8 02 15 50 50 8B F4 51 16 56 9A A3 1F 00 00 58 58 07 50 50 8B F4 06 16 56 9A BC 1F 00 00 58 58 8B E5 5D 1F CA 0C 00 C6 46 0B 02 EB 14 3D 0B 01 74 0A 3D 23 00 74 05 3D 21 00 75 D5 80 FA 02 74 D0 07 06 50 8B F4 06 33 FF 57 16 56 9A A8 1F 00 00 8B C8 58 0B C0 75 B9 51 E8 9A 06 59 75 A4 51 8B 56 0A 50 8B F4 51 8A C6 24 03 F6 C3 06 7A 08 3C 03 75 04 D0 EB 22 C3 50 80 E7 03 74 05 80 E2 BF EB 0A F6 C2 40 75 05 80 CA 40 EB 0A 8A F0 93 33 C0 F6 C2 40 75 07 40 F6 C2 04 75 01 40 50 D1 E0 D1 E0 0A F0 89 56 0A 16 56 F6 C2 40 74 1C 80 FB 01 75 17 B0 01 F6 C2 08 74 02 FE C0 50 16 8B C6 4E 4E 56 16 50 9A F8 1F 00 00 9A 80 1F 00 00 58 59 0B C0 75 87 B8 00 04 F7 46 0A 08 00 74 04 83 46 08 02 3B 46 08 73 0E 93 8B 46 08 4B 03 C3 F7 D3 23 C3 75 01 48 F6 46 0A 40 74 03 B8 01 00 50 8B F4 51 50 05 1E 00 50 16 56 9A B7 1F 00 00 5B 59 5A 92 0B C0 75 BC 89 16 00 00 8E C2 33 FF FC 8C D8 AB 91 AB B8 1E 00 AB 48 AB 40 AB AB AB 93 AB 8B 46 08 AB 8B 46 0A 80 E4 7F AB B8 00 80 AB 33 C0 AB AB AB AB E9 D6 FE 3A 57 4F 52 4B 3A xSum: 0xD1 (OK) Offset: 0x039F0 Type: 0x9C Size: 33 0x0021 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC84F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 79 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC88C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 140 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A7 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 167 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8B6 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 182 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8E9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 233 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC963 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 355 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC968 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 360 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9A8 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 424 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 8 xSum: 0xBC (OK) Offset: 0x03A14 Type: 0x72 Size: 183 0x00B7 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 2464 0x09A0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.02464.bin Data size: 178 0x00B2 Data: 3A 57 4F 52 4B 3A 1E 55 8B EC 8E 5E 0A FF 36 02 00 8E 1E 00 00 E8 D8 05 75 44 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 16 56 9A A3 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 75 31 A0 12 00 FE C0 24 03 74 2E 80 7E 08 02 74 28 50 8B F4 FF 76 FE 16 56 9A BC 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 75 10 50 8B F4 1E 8C D0 8E D8 16 56 9A BC 1F 00 00 58 5B 5D 1F CA 04 00 58 50 1E 8E D8 33 DB 32 ED 8A 0F 80 F9 06 75 1F BF A0 09 8C C8 8E C0 43 8A 07 26 3A 05 74 07 04 20 26 3A 05 75 09 47 E2 EE 33 C0 1F EB 1A 90 1F 58 50 50 8B F4 50 33 C0 50 16 56 9A B2 1F 00 00 58 3D 21 00 75 02 33 C0 0B C0 75 AE EB 8A xSum: 0x56 (OK) Offset: 0x03ACE Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC826 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 38 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC847 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 71 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC85B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 91 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A2 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 162 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0x71 (OK) Offset: 0x03AE2 Type: 0x72 Size: 426 0x01AA Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 2656 0x0A60 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.02656.bin Data size: 421 0x01A5 Data: 1E 55 8B EC 8E 5E 08 8E 06 00 00 8E 1E 00 00 8B 3E 04 00 A1 0A 00 8B 0E 08 00 3B C1 72 01 91 2B CF 72 47 F6 06 12 00 04 75 2F F6 06 12 00 08 74 28 0B C9 74 35 B0 0D FC F2 AE 75 2E F6 06 12 00 20 75 01 47 33 C0 89 3E 04 00 89 3E 0C 00 C7 06 1C 00 00 00 5D 1F CA 02 00 A1 10 00 2B 06 1C 00 01 0E 1C 00 03 F8 3B C8 73 DA E8 13 04 74 A0 BF 1E 00 EB D2 80 0E 13 00 80 EB 32 8B 0E 08 00 8B D1 2B CE E9 A7 00 1E 55 8B EC 8E 5E 12 8E 1E 00 00 F6 06 12 00 20 74 06 B8 72 12 EB 2A 90 8B 4E 0C C4 76 08 26 89 0C 01 0E 1C 00 72 C7 C4 7E 0E 8B 36 04 00 A1 0C 00 2B C6 76 54 FC 3B C1 72 3F F3 A4 89 36 04 00 91 5D 1F CA 0C 00 39 0E 1C 00 74 A9 FF 76 12 9A 60 0A 00 00 B8 FE 15 E9 AF 00 A1 10 00 2B 06 1C 00 03 46 0C 03 06 04 00 72 04 3B D0 73 01 92 A3 0C 00 8B 4E 0C EB B0 EB D3 2B C8 91 F3 A4 89 36 04 00 89 7E 0E 89 46 0C 91 3B 36 08 00 72 B7 8B 0E 0A 00 3B F1 73 07 8B D1 2B CE EB 0A 90 E8 59 03 75 66 8B 16 08 00 F6 06 12 00 04 75 AC F6 06 12 00 08 74 A5 8B 3E 04 00 1E 07 8A 1D 0B C9 74 0E B0 0D FC F2 AE 75 07 4F 39 3E 04 00 74 A8 89 3E 0C 00 8B 4E 0C 39 0E 1C 00 75 99 93 B4 20 3C 0A 74 0A B4 31 3C 0C 74 04 B4 2B EB 04 FF 06 04 00 F6 06 12 00 20 75 03 E9 2C FF C4 7E 0E 26 88 25 FF 46 0E 49 75 D3 33 C0 C4 5E 08 8B 4E 0C 26 29 0F 0B C0 74 06 C7 06 1C 00 00 00 E9 22 FF xSum: 0xEA (OK) Offset: 0x03C8F Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8D8 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 216 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x67 (OK) Offset: 0x03C97 Type: 0x72 Size: 161 0x00A1 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3088 0x0C10 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03088.bin Data size: 156 0x009C Data: 1E 55 8B EC 8E 5E 0A 8E 1E 00 00 E8 72 03 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 16 56 9A 85 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 75 76 1E 07 FC BF 04 00 B8 1E 00 AB 48 AB 40 AB AB AB 83 C7 06 B8 00 80 AB 33 C0 AB AB AB AB 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 8A 46 08 8A 26 13 00 24 03 75 02 B0 02 3C 03 75 02 22 C4 50 80 E4 FC 0A C4 A2 13 00 D0 E8 D0 E8 24 03 50 16 56 9A 80 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 75 23 80 7E 08 00 75 1D 8B 0E 02 00 E8 AF 02 75 14 F6 C7 02 74 0F 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 16 56 9A 99 1F 00 00 58 5D 1F CA 04 00 xSum: 0xB2 (OK) Offset: 0x03D3B Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC86D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 109 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC894 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 148 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xE2 (OK) Offset: 0x03D4B Type: 0x72 Size: 21 0x0015 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3248 0x0CB0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03248.bin Data size: 16 0x0010 Data: 5E 5F 5B 59 58 57 56 50 51 53 9A B7 1F 00 00 CB xSum: 0x0F (OK) Offset: 0x03D63 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 13 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x34 (OK) Offset: 0x03D6B Type: 0x72 Size: 21 0x0015 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3264 0x0CC0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03264.bin Data size: 16 0x0010 Data: 5F 5E 5B 59 58 56 57 50 51 53 9A BC 1F 00 00 CB xSum: 0xFA (OK) Offset: 0x03D83 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 13 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x34 (OK) Offset: 0x03D8B Type: 0x72 Size: 52 0x0034 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3280 0x0CD0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03280.bin Data size: 47 0x002F Data: 55 8B EC 9A 10 10 00 00 9A B0 0D 00 00 9A 60 0F 00 00 9A C0 0D 00 00 9A 60 0F 00 00 C4 5E 06 06 53 9A 20 0E 00 00 9A 60 0F 00 00 5D CA 04 00 xSum: 0xA2 (OK) Offset: 0x03DC2 Type: 0x9C Size: 29 0x001D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC806 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 6 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 11 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC815 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 21 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC824 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 36 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC829 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 41 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 7 xSum: 0xCA (OK) Offset: 0x03DE2 Type: 0x72 Size: 125 0x007D Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3328 0x0D00 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03328.bin Data size: 120 0x0078 Data: 55 1E 8B EC 80 7E 0E 00 75 29 33 C0 8A 46 14 B2 0A F6 F2 80 C4 30 50 44 32 E4 0A C0 75 F3 B8 49 54 50 B8 55 4E 50 8B C5 2B C4 88 46 0E 89 66 10 8C 56 12 8E 5E 08 33 F6 8B 44 02 0B C0 74 32 8B 34 8E D8 33 C9 8A 4E 0E 38 4C 04 75 0E 56 83 C6 05 C4 7E 10 FC F3 A6 8A 4E 0E 5E C5 34 75 D9 C4 5E 0A 26 8C 5F 02 33 C0 83 C6 04 8A 04 46 26 89 37 8B E5 1F 5D CA 0E 00 xSum: 0xBA (OK) Offset: 0x03E62 Type: 0x72 Size: 16 0x0010 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3456 0x0D80 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03456.bin Data size: 11 0x000B Data: 5B 59 58 51 53 50 9A DA 1F 00 00 xSum: 0x55 (OK) Offset: 0x03E75 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC809 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 9 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x38 (OK) Offset: 0x03E7D Type: 0x72 Size: 34 0x0022 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3472 0x0D90 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03472.bin Data size: 29 0x001D Data: 55 8B EC 50 8B C4 FF 76 08 FF 76 06 16 50 9A CB 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 74 01 F4 5D CA 04 00 xSum: 0xC2 (OK) Offset: 0x03EA2 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC811 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 17 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x30 (OK) Offset: 0x03EAA Type: 0x72 Size: 24 0x0018 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3504 0x0DB0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03504.bin Data size: 19 0x0013 Data: 33 C0 CB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 C0 CB xSum: 0x34 (OK) Offset: 0x03EC5 Type: 0x72 Size: 82 0x0052 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3536 0x0DD0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03536.bin Data size: 77 0x004D Data: DA 0D 00 00 05 55 4E 49 54 35 E3 0D 00 00 04 3A 43 49 3A ED 0D 00 00 05 55 4E 49 54 36 F6 0D 00 00 04 3A 43 4F 3A 00 0E 00 00 05 49 4E 50 55 54 09 0E 00 00 04 3A 43 49 3A 14 0E 00 00 06 4F 55 54 50 55 54 00 00 00 00 04 3A 43 4F 3A xSum: 0x9E (OK) Offset: 0x03F1A Type: 0x9C Size: 29 0x001D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 12 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC815 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 21 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 31 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC828 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 40 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC832 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 50 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 59 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 7 xSum: 0x90 (OK) Offset: 0x03F3A Type: 0x72 Size: 188 0x00BC Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3616 0x0E20 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03616.bin Data size: 183 0x00B7 Data: 55 83 EC 52 8B EC B1 04 E8 5D 00 75 40 C4 5E 58 26 89 17 8E C2 E8 3C 00 75 25 80 F9 28 75 20 E8 5B 00 75 1B 80 F9 3D 75 13 E8 51 00 75 11 80 F9 2C 74 EC 80 F9 29 75 04 33 C0 EB 03 B8 01 15 26 C7 06 02 00 00 00 26 C7 06 00 00 D0 0D 83 C4 52 5D CA 04 00 06 50 8B DC 16 55 16 53 9A FD 1F 00 00 8A C8 58 0B C0 07 C3 06 50 8B DC B5 00 51 16 53 9A B7 1F 00 00 8B D0 58 0B C0 07 C3 E8 D4 FF 51 75 32 8A 4E 00 80 F9 01 B8 01 15 72 27 80 C1 05 E8 D4 FF 75 1F 26 89 16 02 00 26 C7 06 00 00 00 00 8E C2 BF 04 00 8B F5 33 C9 8A 4E 00 41 FC F3 36 A4 33 C0 59 C3 xSum: 0x0E (OK) Offset: 0x03FF9 Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC844 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 68 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC85F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 95 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC874 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 116 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xE4 (OK) Offset: 0x04009 Type: 0x72 Size: 92 0x005C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3808 0x0EE0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03808.bin Data size: 87 0x0057 Data: 06 E8 AC 00 75 4D 72 0E 2B 0E 0E 00 74 08 F7 D9 8B 3E 08 00 EB 1B 8B 0E 0E 00 BF 1E 00 89 3E 08 00 89 3E 04 00 89 3E 0C 00 89 3E 06 00 FF 0E 06 00 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 1E 57 51 16 56 9A 8A 1F 00 00 91 58 0B C0 75 0B 01 0E 08 00 0B C9 75 03 B8 FF 15 0B C0 07 C3 xSum: 0xB1 (OK) Offset: 0x04068 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC840 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 64 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x01 (OK) Offset: 0x04070 Type: 0x72 Size: 32 0x0020 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3904 0x0F40 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03904.bin Data size: 27 0x001B Data: 50 8B F4 83 EC 07 8B FC 4C 51 16 57 16 56 9A E9 1F 00 00 5A 5B 5E 5F 58 0B C0 C3 xSum: 0xDA (OK) Offset: 0x04093 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC811 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 17 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x30 (OK) Offset: 0x0409B Type: 0x72 Size: 38 0x0026 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3936 0x0F60 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03936.bin Data size: 33 0x0021 Data: 55 8B EC 0B C0 75 02 5D CB 50 33 C0 50 50 50 FF 76 04 FF 76 02 50 50 8B F4 16 56 9A 90 0D 00 00 CB xSum: 0x0A (OK) Offset: 0x040C4 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 30 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x21 (OK) Offset: 0x040CC Type: 0x72 Size: 127 0x007F Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 3984 0x0F90 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.03984.bin Data size: 122 0x007A Data: 33 C9 BF 1E 00 A1 0A 00 2B C7 74 5A A1 08 00 2B C7 74 09 B1 01 33 D2 E8 A6 00 75 47 A1 04 00 BB 1E 00 87 1E 0A 00 3B C3 73 01 93 8B 0E 08 00 3B C1 73 01 91 BB 1E 00 2B C3 39 06 0E 00 74 07 01 06 08 00 EB 0A 90 01 06 18 00 83 16 1A 00 00 50 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 1E 53 50 16 56 9A 8F 1F 00 00 58 59 0B C0 C3 8B 1E 08 00 83 EB 1E 01 1E 18 00 83 16 1A 00 00 0B C0 F9 C3 xSum: 0x89 (OK) Offset: 0x0414E Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC85F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 95 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xE2 (OK) Offset: 0x04156 Type: 0x72 Size: 57 0x0039 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4112 0x1010 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04112.bin Data size: 52 0x0034 Data: 55 8B EC 51 51 8B C4 16 50 9A F0 10 00 00 5E 5F 2B C9 8E C1 0B C0 74 0D D1 E0 D1 E0 8B D8 26 89 37 26 89 7F 02 B8 00 00 50 B8 70 10 50 9A B0 10 00 00 5D CB xSum: 0x36 (OK) Offset: 0x04192 Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 12 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC826 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 38 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC830 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 48 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0x95 (OK) Offset: 0x041A2 Type: 0x72 Size: 26 0x001A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4176 0x1050 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04176.bin Data size: 21 0x0015 Data: 50 8B F4 FF 36 02 00 51 52 50 16 56 9A 94 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 C3 xSum: 0x73 (OK) Offset: 0x041BF Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 15 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x32 (OK) Offset: 0x041C7 Type: 0x72 Size: 65 0x0041 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4208 0x1070 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04208.bin Data size: 60 0x003C Data: 55 8B EC 9C 81 7E 0C 07 80 74 07 9D 5D EA A5 15 00 00 83 7E 06 00 75 0A 9C FA 9B DD 7E 06 9B DB E2 9D 50 FF 76 06 9A 00 18 00 00 0A C0 58 74 05 9D 5D CA 08 00 9D 5D EA F0 13 00 00 xSum: 0xD9 (OK) Offset: 0x0420B Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x000D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC829 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 41 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 58 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0x84 (OK) Offset: 0x0421B Type: 0x72 Size: 57 0x0039 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4272 0x10B0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04272.bin Data size: 52 0x0034 Data: 55 8B EC 33 C0 50 8B C4 8D 5E 06 16 53 16 50 9A C6 1F 00 00 58 0B C0 74 17 50 16 8D 46 06 50 9A 90 0D 00 00 33 C0 50 50 50 FF 5E 06 5D CA 04 00 5D CA 04 00 xSum: 0xDF (OK) Offset: 0x04257 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x0009 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC812 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 18 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC822 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 34 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xE9 (OK) Offset: 0x04263 Type: 0x72 Size: 28 0x001C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4336 0x10F0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04336.bin Data size: 23 0x0017 Data: 55 8B EC 33 C0 C4 5E 06 26 C7 07 D0 16 26 C7 47 02 00 00 5D CA 04 00 xSum: 0x47 (OK) Offset: 0x04282 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC811 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 17 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x2E (OK) Offset: 0x0428A Type: 0x72 Size: 1464 0x05B8 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 4368 0x1110 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.04368.bin Data size: 1459 0x05B3 Data: 0D 0A 0D 0A 07 2A 2A 2A 20 52 55 4E 2D 54 49 4D 45 20 38 30 38 37 46 4C 4F 41 54 49 4E 47 2D 50 4F 49 4E 54 20 07 20 45 58 43 45 50 54 49 4F 4E 20 07 48 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 49 4E 53 54 52 20 4F 50 43 4F 44 45 20 48 07 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 4D 45 4D 4F 50 20 41 44 44 52 45 53 53 20 48 07 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 4E 45 41 52 20 4C 4F 43 41 54 49 4F 4E 20 48 07 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 4A 4F 42 20 41 42 4F 52 54 45 44 2E 0D 0A 0D 0A 53 49 47 4E 04 44 49 4D 07 04 41 49 4E 54 04 41 4E 49 4E 54 07 06 4E 49 4E 54 04 4D 4F 44 07 04 59 2A 2A 58 04 45 58 50 07 04 4C 4E 02 4C 4F 47 31 30 07 06 53 49 4E 48 04 43 4F 53 48 04 54 41 4E 48 04 53 49 4E 07 04 43 4F 53 07 04 54 41 4E 07 04 41 52 43 53 49 4E 06 41 52 43 43 4F 53 06 41 52 43 54 41 4E 06 41 52 43 54 41 4E 28 59 2C 58 29 07 0C 52 49 4E 54 04 49 4E 54 07 04 52 4D 44 07 04 49 52 49 4E 54 34 06 59 2A 2A 49 04 00 54 52 55 4E 43 07 06 52 4F 55 4E 44 07 06 49 52 49 4E 54 32 06 4D 49 4E 07 04 4D 41 58 07 04 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 42 53 07 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 4D 55 4C 54 49 50 4C 59 10 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 44 49 56 49 44 45 0E 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 52 41 49 53 45 44 20 54 4F 20 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 07 1A 00 00 52 45 41 4C 20 52 41 49 53 45 44 20 54 4F 20 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 16 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 52 41 49 53 45 44 20 54 4F 20 52 45 41 4C 16 00 00 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 43 49 34 07 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 53 51 52 07 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 4C 4E 0A 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 45 58 50 07 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 53 49 4E 07 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 53 49 4E 48 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 43 4F 53 07 0C 00 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 54 41 4E 07 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 54 41 4E 48 0C 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 53 49 4E 0E 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 53 49 4E 48 07 10 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 43 4F 53 0E 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 43 4F 53 48 07 10 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 54 41 4E 0E 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 41 52 43 54 41 4E 48 07 10 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 43 4F 53 48 0C 00 00 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 50 4F 4C 41 52 07 0E 43 4F 4D 50 4C 45 58 20 52 45 43 54 41 4E 47 55 4C 41 52 07 14 26 8B 54 02 B1 0C D3 EA 26 8B 0C C3 5F 87 D1 E8 8C 03 8B D1 E8 87 03 59 83 46 00 03 FF E7 83 EC 0E 55 2B C0 50 50 8B EC 9B D9 76 06 0E 1F 16 07 B9 0C 00 BE 9A 11 E8 A5 03 8D 76 0C E8 C1 FF 83 FA 0F 75 0F 81 F9 FF FF 75 09 FF 46 02 8D 76 10 E8 AD FF E8 B6 FF B9 0B 00 BE 82 11 E8 7F 03 8D 76 10 E8 9B FF E8 A4 FF B9 0B 00 BE 6C 11 E8 6D 03 8B 56 0E 80 C6 D8 E8 24 03 83 46 00 02 B9 0A 00 BE 56 11 E8 57 03 8B 56 18 E8 11 03 83 46 00 02 B9 06 00 BE 42 11 E8 44 03 F7 46 02 01 00 75 0C B9 0B 00 BE 26 11 E8 34 03 EB 36 90 8A 4E 0E 80 E9 A9 F6 D9 2A ED BE D1 13 E3 09 8A 04 FE C0 98 2B F0 E2 F7 8A 0C 2A ED E3 0E D1 E9 E8 0E 03 B9 08 00 BE 36 11 E8 05 03 B9 09 00 BE 22 11 E8 FC 02 8B 46 00 D1 E0 50 E8 58 02 00 00 00 0D 0A 0D 0A 07 2A 2A 2A 20 52 55 4E 2D 54 49 4D 45 20 50 41 53 43 41 4C 2D 38 36 20 49 2F 4F 20 50 41 53 43 41 4C 2D 38 36 20 53 45 54 20 50 41 53 43 41 4C 2D 38 36 20 48 45 41 50 20 07 50 41 53 43 41 4C 2D 38 36 20 53 54 52 49 4E 47 20 07 46 4F 52 54 52 41 4E 2D 38 36 20 49 2F 4F 20 07 4F 50 45 52 41 54 49 4E 47 20 45 4E 56 49 52 4F 4E 4D 45 4E 54 20 49 2F 4F 20 49 4E 54 45 47 45 52 20 5A 45 52 4F 20 44 49 56 49 44 45 20 49 4E 54 45 47 45 52 20 4F 56 45 52 46 4C 4F 57 20 07 52 41 4E 47 45 20 43 48 45 43 4B 20 45 58 43 45 50 54 49 4F 4E 20 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 4E 45 41 52 20 4C 4F 43 41 54 49 4F 4E 20 07 48 3A 48 07 0D 0A 2A 2A 2A 20 4A 4F 42 20 41 42 4F 52 54 45 44 2E 0D 0A 0D 0A 1E 55 33 C9 51 8B EC 0E 1F 16 07 B9 0C 00 BE A5 15 E8 F7 01 8B 56 06 E8 B1 01 2E FF 36 8B 15 8B 56 08 E8 A6 01 83 46 00 05 B9 0A 00 BE 8A 15 E8 D9 01 33 D2 8B 46 10 3D 00 11 72 3E 3D 30 11 72 3F 3D 40 11 72 44 3D 50 11 72 49 3D 55 11 72 4E 3D FF 12 72 53 3D FF 15 72 58 3D 00 80 72 1B 74 65 3D 01 80 74 68 3D 06 80 74 6B 3D 17 80 74 6E 3D 00 91 72 05 3D 00 92 72 42 33 F6 8B D0 EB 64 B9 07 00 8B D0 BE E0 14 EB 5A B9 07 00 8B D0 BE EE 14 EB 50 B9 09 00 8B D0 BE 10 15 EB 46 B9 08 00 8B D0 BE FE 14 EB 3C B9 08 00 8B D0 BE 20 15 EB 32 B9 0B 00 8B D0 BE 36 15 EB 28 B9 02 00 8B D0 BE 3A 15 EB 1E B9 0A 00 BE 4E 15 EB 16 B9 09 00 BE 60 15 EB 0E B9 03 00 BE 66 15 EB 06 B9 03 00 BE 6C 15 0B D2 74 0C 2E FF 36 8A 15 E8 DB 00 83 46 00 03 8B D9 8B D6 BE 76 15 B9 05 00 E8 0A 01 8B F2 0B F6 74 05 8B CB E8 FF 00 B9 09 00 BE D2 14 E8 F6 00 8B 46 00 D1 E0 50 E8 52 00 xSum: 0x52 (OK) Offset: 0x04845 Type: 0x72 Size: 65 0x0041 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 5840 0x16D0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.05840.bin Data size: 60 0x003C Data: 83 EC 0C 55 50 8B EC 8B 46 14 89 46 08 C7 46 14 07 80 FB 2B C0 87 46 12 89 46 0C 2B C0 87 46 10 89 46 0A 8D 46 04 16 50 9A 90 0D 00 00 FA 90 DD 7E 0E 8A 46 0E 90 DB E2 FB 58 5D CF xSum: 0x11 (OK) Offset: 0x04889 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 43 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x14 (OK) Offset: 0x04891 Type: 0x72 Size: 92 0x005C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 5904 0x1710 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.05904.bin Data size: 87 0x0057 Data: 04 3A 43 4F 3A 55 50 8B EC 0E 8D 1E 10 17 53 16 55 9A A8 1F 00 00 83 7E 00 00 75 3A 50 50 B8 02 00 50 2B C0 50 16 55 9A 80 1F 00 00 83 7E 00 00 75 24 8D 5E 08 16 53 FF 76 06 16 55 9A 8F 1F 00 00 83 7E 00 00 75 0F 58 5D 59 58 03 E0 51 2B C0 50 9A DA 1F 00 00 F4 xSum: 0x9F (OK) Offset: 0x048F0 Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC814 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 20 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 42 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83F Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 63 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC854 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 84 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 1 0x0001 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0x0A (OK) Offset: 0x04904 Type: 0x72 Size: 86 0x0056 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6000 0x1770 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06000.bin Data size: 81 0x0051 Data: 51 B9 04 00 8A C2 24 0F 3C 0A 73 04 04 30 EB 02 04 37 F6 C1 01 74 09 80 F9 03 75 02 8B D8 EB 02 8A E0 D1 EA D1 EA D1 EA D1 EA E2 D8 59 5A 53 50 FF E2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4E 4E FD 01 4E 00 8B FC 58 2B E1 2B E1 F3 A5 FF E0 xSum: 0xED (OK) Offset: 0x0495D Type: 0x72 Size: 49 0x0031 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6096 0x17D0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06096.bin Data size: 44 0x002C Data: B0 07 00 00 A6 09 00 00 E6 0A 00 00 10 18 00 00 20 18 00 00 60 0A 00 00 30 18 00 00 10 0C 00 00 40 18 00 00 50 18 00 00 60 18 00 00 xSum: 0xB1 (OK) Offset: 0x04991 Type: 0x9C Size: 45 0x002D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC806 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 6 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 10 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 14 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC812 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 18 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC816 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 22 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 30 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC822 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 34 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC826 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 38 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 11 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 42 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 11 xSum: 0xE5 (OK) Offset: 0x049C1 Type: 0x72 Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6144 0x1800 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06144.bin Data size: 5 0x0005 Data: EA 70 18 00 00 xSum: 0xF1 (OK) Offset: 0x049CE Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC803 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 3 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3C (OK) Offset: 0x049D6 Type: 0x72 Size: 91 0x005B Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6160 0x1810 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06160.bin Data size: 86 0x0056 Data: B8 03 15 CA 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 15 CA 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 15 CA 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 15 CA 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 15 CA 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 15 CA 06 00 xSum: 0x5F (OK) Offset: 0x04A34 Type: 0x72 Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6256 0x1870 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06256.bin Data size: 5 0x0005 Data: EA 76 18 00 00 xSum: 0x7B (OK) Offset: 0x04A41 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC803 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 3 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3C (OK) Offset: 0x04A49 Type: 0x72 Size: 10 0x000A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 3 0x0003 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 6262 0x1876 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.3.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.06262.bin Data size: 5 0x0005 Data: 32 C0 CA 02 00 xSum: 0x2F (OK) Offset: 0x04A56 Type: 0x72 Size: 900 0x0384 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 4 0x0004 Segment Index: 8 0x0008 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.4.segmentIndex.00008.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 895 0x037F Data: 8B F4 83 C6 04 55 8B EC 36 8B 4C 02 51 56 8B D6 83 C2 04 53 16 52 36 FF 34 51 E8 11 00 5B 59 50 51 53 E8 DB 02 58 5D 3C FF 75 02 B0 01 CB 55 8B EC 8B 4E 0C 8B 46 06 3B C8 7C 07 2B C8 3B 4E 04 72 04 B0 00 EB 0F 8B 46 0C 2B 46 06 50 C4 5E 08 06 53 E8 0B 00 5D C2 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 8B EC 1E 33 C0 8B 4E 08 8E 5E 06 8B 5E 04 D1 E9 D1 E9 D1 E9 8B F1 8B 10 8B 4E 08 81 E1 07 00 BB 01 00 D3 E3 23 D3 74 03 B8 FF 00 1F 5D C2 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5F 5E 8B C4 56 57 53 56 57 50 E8 03 00 CB 00 00 55 83 EC 0A 8B EC C7 46 00 00 00 8B 5E 0E 36 8B 07 89 46 02 36 8B 47 02 89 46 04 83 C3 04 8B C3 8C 56 08 89 5E 06 8B 5E 14 3B 5E 02 7C 2B 2B 5E 02 3B 5E 04 73 11 53 FF 76 08 FF 76 06 E8 50 01 83 C4 0A 5D C2 08 00 2B 5E 04 43 8B 4E 04 D1 E9 D1 E9 D1 E9 03 C1 EB 09 90 2B 5E 02 FF 46 00 F7 DB 50 53 50 FF 76 12 FF 76 10 E8 7C 01 5B 2B D8 53 50 53 33 D2 52 E8 47 01 5B 8B 76 0E 2B F3 29 5E 06 D1 E3 D1 E3 D1 E3 01 5E 04 83 7E 00 00 74 03 29 5E 02 8B 46 02 36 89 04 8B 46 04 36 89 44 02 EB 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5F 5E 8B C4 56 57 53 53 B9 01 00 51 56 57 50 E8 02 00 CB 00 55 8B EC 83 EC 06 8B 46 0E 89 46 0C C7 46 0A 01 00 8D 46 0C 16 50 8D 46 0A 16 50 E8 68 00 FF 76 0A FF 76 04 C4 5E 06 06 53 E8 F0 00 89 46 FA 50 FF 76 0C FF 76 0A E8 23 00 8B 46 FA 83 C0 04 50 E8 39 01 89 5E FC 8C 46 FE 8B 46 0E 2B 46 0C 50 06 53 E8 77 00 8B E5 5D C2 0C 00 00 55 8B EC 51 FF 76 08 FF 76 06 FF 76 04 E8 62 01 89 46 FE 50 FF 76 04 E8 F6 01 D1 E0 50 B0 00 50 E8 7D 00 8B E5 5D C2 06 00 00 55 8B EC 51 51 C4 5E 08 26 8B 07 25 F0 FF 89 46 FE 26 8B 0F 2B C8 C4 5E 04 26 03 0F 89 4E FC 51 E8 C3 01 B1 04 D3 E0 89 46 FC C4 5E 04 26 89 07 8B 46 FE C4 5E 08 26 89 07 8B E5 5D C2 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 8B EC 1E 8B 4E 08 8E 5E 06 8B 5E 04 D1 E9 D1 E9 D1 E9 8B F1 8B 10 8B 4E 08 81 E1 07 00 B8 01 00 D3 E0 0B D0 89 10 1F 5D C2 06 00 00 00 00 00 55 8B EC 8C D0 8E C0 8B 7E 08 8B 4E 06 8A 46 04 FC F3 AA 5D C2 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 8B EC B8 04 00 EB 06 90 55 8B EC 33 C0 50 55 8B EC 8B 5E 0C 2B DC 8B CC 53 51 FF 76 0E E8 2F 01 D1 E0 03 46 02 59 5B 8B D4 2B D0 72 1D 8B E2 50 51 53 51 52 53 E8 D7 00 5B 59 58 8B D4 03 D3 83 C4 04 5D 2B E8 8B C2 C2 08 00 BB 32 11 53 C4 5E 08 06 53 E8 99 00 EB E7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 8B EC 8B 5E 04 8C D0 8E C0 5D C2 02 00 00 00 55 8B EC B8 04 00 EB 06 90 55 8B EC 33 C0 50 55 8B EC 8B 5E 08 2B DC 8B CC 51 53 FF 76 0A E8 BF 00 D1 E0 03 46 02 5B 59 8B D4 03 D0 52 50 51 52 53 E8 87 00 58 5A 8B E2 83 C4 04 5D 03 E8 C2 04 00 00 55 8B EC 51 51 FF 76 08 E8 A3 FF 89 5E FC 8C 46 FE 8D 46 06 16 50 8D 46 04 16 50 E8 9A FE 8B 46 04 C4 5E FC 26 89 47 02 8B 46 06 C4 5E FC 26 89 07 8B 46 08 83 C0 04 8B E5 5D C2 06 00 xSum: 0x9C (OK) Offset: 0x04DDD Type: 0x72 Size: 28 0x001C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 4 0x0004 Segment Index: 8 0x0008 Data Record Offset: 896 0x0380 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.4.segmentIndex.00008.frameIndex.00000.offset.00896.bin Data size: 23 0x0017 Data: 55 8B EC 8B 46 08 0B C0 74 09 8B 6E 00 9A D0 01 00 00 C3 5D C2 06 00 xSum: 0xAA (OK) Offset: 0x04DFC Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC810 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 16 RAW fixDat: 0x55 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 1 Method: (T5) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x2F (OK) Offset: 0x04E04 Type: 0x72 Size: 95 0x005F Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 4 0x0004 Segment Index: 8 0x0008 Data Record Offset: 928 0x03A0 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.4.segmentIndex.00008.frameIndex.00000.offset.00928.bin Data size: 90 0x005A Data: 55 8B EC 1E 8C D0 8E D8 8E C0 8B 76 08 8B 7E 06 8B 4E 04 FC F3 A4 1F 5D C2 06 00 55 8B EC 1E 8C D0 8E D8 8E C0 8B 4E 04 0B C9 74 0F 49 8B 76 08 03 F1 8B 7E 06 03 F9 41 FD F3 A4 1F 5D C2 06 00 55 8B EC 8B 5E 04 8B C3 D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 80 E3 0F 74 01 40 5D C2 02 00 xSum: 0xEF (OK) Offset: 0x04E66 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x0011 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 12 0x000C Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00012.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 7E 03 90 DB E3 9B 2E D9 2E 00 00 CB xSum: 0x07 (OK) Offset: 0x04E7A Type: 0x72 Size: 193 0x00C1 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 14 0x000E Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00014.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 188 0x00BC Data: 7E 01 FF 0F 7F 01 FF 0F 80 01 FF 03 FF 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF FF 35 C2 68 21 A2 DA 0F C9 01 40 35 C2 68 21 A2 DA 0F C9 FF 3F 35 C2 68 21 A2 DA 0F C9 FE 3F AB 91 0E 99 F9 E3 CB 96 00 40 30 EB 10 12 67 8C 6C B1 0C 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 60 AB 79 CF D1 F7 17 72 B1 0C 40 00 00 00 42 02 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 4D C0 BF 00 40 00 00 80 38 FF 1F 00 00 00 30 84 64 DE F9 33 F3 04 B5 DE 3F 84 64 DE F9 33 F3 04 B5 FE 3F BE CD 10 03 66 86 7D A5 FF 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 01 00 xSum: 0x4D (OK) Offset: 0x04F3E Type: 0x72 Size: 85 0x0055 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 13 0x000D Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00013.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 80 0x0050 Data: BE 00 00 EB 08 BE 04 00 EB 03 BE 08 00 55 1E 83 EC 76 8B EC B8 00 00 8E D8 9B D9 7E 18 9B D9 6C 02 9B D9 C0 80 3C 7F 75 19 9B D9 E5 9B DD 7E 02 F6 46 03 02 74 07 9B D8 26 7E 00 EB 05 9B D8 06 7E 00 9B D9 FC 9B DF 5E 04 9B 8B 46 04 E9 00 00 xSum: 0x7F (OK) Offset: 0x04F96 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x0005 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC815 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 21 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 14 0x000E Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x20 (OK) Offset: 0x04F9E Type: 0x72 Size: 230 0x00E6 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 13 0x000D Data Record Offset: 80 0x0050 Dest. File: SPOC.RUN.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00013.frameIndex.00000.offset.00080.bin Data size: 225 0x00E1 Data: 9B DD 7E 1A 8A 4E 18 F6 D1 22 4E 1A 75 06 9B DD D8 E9 AC 00 F6 C1 02 74 09 80 66 1A FD C7 46 00 FF FF F6 C1 01 75 03 9B DD D8 E9 01 00 00 50 8B 4E 18 8A 46 1A 8A E1 F6 D4 84 E0 75 47 81 7E 00 FF FF 74 32 8A 64 01 8A DC 80 E3 0F 9B DD C0 9B D9 F7 FE CB 75 F6 81 7E 00 FE FF 75 0A 9B DB 6E 0E 9B DB 6E 04 EB 0F 8B 5E 00 9B DB 2F F6 C4 10 74 04 9B DB 6F 0A 9B DD 7E 1A 38 46 1A 74 40 E8 48 00 EB 33 E8 43 00 8B 46 7C 8A FC 25 FF 0F 80 E7 F0 D1 E0 D1 E0 D1 E0 D1 E0 03 46 7A 89 46 22 80 D7 0F 81 E3 00 F0 89 5E 24 B8 00 F0 0B 04 89 46 20 C7 46 1E FF FF 58 9B D9 66 18 9B EB 05 58 9B D9 6E 18 8D 66 76 1F 5D CB 2E 80 3E 0C 01 90 9C 74 01 FA 90 D9 76 18 9B 9D 88 46 1A 89 4E 18 C3 xSum: 0xB1 (OK) Offset: 0x05087 Type: 0x8A Size: 2 0x0002 Record description: Module end Record Module type (RAW): 0x80 Init registers: (type=2) Main module with NO Start Address Note: L=0, does not matter when no Start Address. xSum: 0xF4 (OK)