Filename: EMULATOR.SHR Offset: 0x00000 Type: 0x6E Size: 41 0x29 Record description: R-module Header Record Module name: EMULATORMAIN Module type: 03 Load-Time Locatable module. It can be loaded anywhere with perhaps some base fixups to be performed. Segment record count: 12 0C Group record count: 1 01 Overlay record count: 0 00 Overlay Offset: 0 0x0000 Static Size: 15547 0x3CBB Maximums Static Size: 15547 0x3CBB Dynamic Size: 0 0x0000 Maximum dynamic Size: 0 0x0000 xSum: 0xD1 (OK) Offset: 0x0002C Type: 0x96 Size: 115 0x73 Record description: List of Names Record Index: 1: NULL entry Index: 2: CODE Index: 3: ??SEG Index: 4: CGROUP Index: 5: AQMCODE Index: 6: A?MED Index: 7: AQMDATA Index: 8: A?MUN Index: 9: A?MJU Index: 10: STACK Index: 11: A?MSK Index: 12: A?MSR Index: 13: MEMORY Index: 14: LIB_E87_INIT Index: 15: LIB_E87_INT Index: 16: LIB_87_PUB Entry count: 17 xSum: 0x60 (OK) Offset: 0x000A2 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 3 0x0003 Group Name Index: 1 0x0001 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x97 (OK) Offset: 0x000B1 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x80 Flag: GROUP. Segment is part of group and should be loaded as part of the group Max Segment Length: 184 0x00B8 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 184 0x00B8 Segment Name Index: 2 0x0002 Group Name Index: 2 0x0002 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xA7 (OK) Offset: 0x000C0 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 15156 0x3B34 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 15156 0x3B34 Segment Name Index: 6 0x0006 Group Name Index: 5 0x0005 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xB2 (OK) Offset: 0x000CF Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 20 0x0014 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 20 0x0014 Segment Name Index: 8 0x0008 Group Name Index: 7 0x0007 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x64 (OK) Offset: 0x000DE Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 10 0x000A Group Name Index: 10 0x000A Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x87 (OK) Offset: 0x000ED Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 5 0x0005 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 5 0x0005 Segment Name Index: 9 0x0009 Group Name Index: 7 0x0007 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x81 (OK) Offset: 0x000FC Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 80 0x0050 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 80 0x0050 Segment Name Index: 11 0x000B Group Name Index: 7 0x0007 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xE9 (OK) Offset: 0x0010B Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 14 0x000E Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 14 0x000E Segment Name Index: 12 0x000C Group Name Index: 7 0x0007 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x6C (OK) Offset: 0x0011A Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 48 0x0030 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 48 0x0030 Segment Name Index: 15 0x000F Group Name Index: 1 0x0001 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x2B (OK) Offset: 0x00129 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 40 0x0028 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 40 0x0028 Segment Name Index: 14 0x000E Group Name Index: 1 0x0001 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x3C (OK) Offset: 0x00138 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 13 0x000D Group Name Index: 13 0x000D Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x81 (OK) Offset: 0x00147 Type: 0x98 Size: 12 0x0C Record description: Segment Definition Record ACBP RAW: 0xC0 Aligment: 6 Type: SEGDEF describes a load-time locatable (LTL), paragraph aligned LSEG if not member of any group Combination: 0 LTL Data (RAW): 0x00 Max Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Group offset: 0 0x0000 Segment Length: 0 0x0000 Segment Name Index: 16 0x0010 Group Name Index: 1 0x0001 Overlay Name Index: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0x8A (OK) Offset: 0x00156 Type: 0x9A Size: 10 0x0A Record description: Group Definition Record Group Name Index: 4 0x0004 Entry: 1 Group Component Descriptor Field For LTL data. RAW: 0x00 Group Length: 184 0x00B8 Maximum Group Length: 184 0x00B8 Entry: 2 Group Component Descriptor Field For Segment Index: 0x0002 Total Entries: 2 xSum: 0xEC (OK) Offset: 0x00163 Type: 0x70 Size: 6 0x06 Record description: Register Initialisation Record Entry: 0 0x0000 Register type (RAW): 0x00 Init registers: (type=0) CS:IP Init registers as base:offset pair (L=0) Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 2 0x0002 Register Offset Relative To Segment Index: 2 0x0002 Register Offset: 179 0x00B3 Total entries: 1 0x0001 xSum: 0xD4 (OK) Offset: 0x0016C Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00182 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00198 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x001AE Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x001C4 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 03 80 09 1C 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 0D xSum: 0xBF (OK) Offset: 0x001DA Type: 0x74 Size: 20 0x14 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 03 E4 09 1C 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 xSum: 0x66 (OK) Offset: 0x001F1 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00207 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x0021D Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00233 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00249 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x0025F Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00275 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x0028B Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x002A1 Type: 0x74 Size: 20 0x14 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 07 00 00 28 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 xSum: 0x43 (OK) Offset: 0x002B8 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x002CE Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x002E4 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x002FA Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00310 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00326 Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x0033C Type: 0x74 Size: 19 0x13 Warning: RecordType 74 not parsed Data: 00 04 0C 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 03 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00352 Type: 0x72 Size: 189 0xBD Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 1 0x0001 Segment Index: 2 0x0002 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.1.segmentIndex.00002.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 184 0x00B8 Data: EE E7 E0 D9 50 50 06 53 50 55 8B EC 8B 5E 0C 8E 46 0E 26 8A 07 8A E0 80 E4 F8 80 FC D8 74 39 8A E0 80 E4 E7 80 FC 26 74 07 5D 58 5B 07 58 58 CF 43 26 8A 27 80 E4 F8 80 FC D8 75 ED 89 5E 0C 8A E0 80 E4 18 8A DC 32 FF D1 EB D1 EB D1 EB 2E 02 87 00 00 8A D8 EB 0B 90 43 89 5E 0C 24 1F 32 E4 8B D8 33 C0 8E C0 83 C3 64 D1 E3 D1 E3 26 8B 07 89 46 08 26 8B 47 02 89 46 0A 5D 58 5B 07 CB 1E 55 8B EC 8B 46 10 3D 00 00 74 05 B8 23 00 EB 18 33 C0 8E C0 BB 0C 00 26 C7 07 04 00 26 8C 4F 02 9A 08 00 00 00 B8 00 00 C4 5E 08 26 89 07 5D 1F CA 0A 00 EA 7F 00 00 00 xSum: 0x21 (OK) Offset: 0x00412 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x09 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8A3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 163 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 10 0x000A Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8B6 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 182 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 2 0x0002 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xBE (OK) Offset: 0x0041E Type: 0x72 Size: 46 0x2E Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 41 0x0029 Data: 56 31 50 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 43 29 20 31 39 38 31 2C 31 39 38 32 20 49 4E 54 45 4C 20 43 4F 52 50 2E xSum: 0xAE (OK) Offset: 0x0044F Type: 0x72 Size: 42 0x2A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 42 0x002A Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.00042.bin Data size: 37 0x0025 Data: E8 2B 20 A8 FF 74 0F B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 10 EB 05 C6 06 3A 00 00 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 2B 20 C3 xSum: 0x9E (OK) Offset: 0x0047C Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC808 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 8 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x37 (OK) Offset: 0x00484 Type: 0x72 Size: 1021 0x3FD Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 80 0x0050 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.00080.bin Data size: 1016 0x03F8 Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE 7F C7 06 78 00 00 00 2E 8B 07 A3 7A 00 2E 8B 47 02 A3 7C 00 2E 8B 47 04 A3 7E 00 2E 8B 47 06 A3 80 00 2E 8B 47 08 A3 6C 00 C3 BB 50 00 E8 D1 FF C6 06 6A 00 FF C6 06 6B 00 02 C3 BB 5A 00 E8 C0 FF C6 06 6B 00 02 C3 BB 64 00 E8 B4 FF C6 06 6B 00 01 C3 BB 6E 00 E8 A8 FF C6 06 6B 00 00 C3 BF 6A 00 8C D9 06 8E C1 FC B9 0E 00 F3 A5 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 C6 06 A6 00 FF 26 80 3E 07 00 FF 74 08 81 2E 6C 00 00 60 EB 2D C6 06 A4 00 FF E8 53 26 3C FF 75 0F C6 06 A6 00 00 A0 6A 00 E8 1C 26 3C FF 74 05 E8 93 FF EB 18 F6 06 81 00 80 75 0E C7 06 6C 00 FE 7F C6 06 6B 00 00 EB 04 90 E8 91 FF 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 C6 06 A5 00 FF 26 80 3E 06 00 FF 74 0D 81 06 6C 00 00 60 C6 06 6B 00 00 EB 53 A0 6A 00 E8 FB 25 3C FF 75 05 C6 06 A5 00 00 BB 6A 00 B8 01 00 E8 F5 0A BB 6A 00 B0 FF 26 8A 16 00 00 E8 1B 25 C7 06 6C 00 00 00 83 3E 7A 00 00 75 1C 83 3E 7C 00 00 75 15 83 3E 7E 00 00 75 0E 83 3E 80 00 00 75 07 C6 06 6B 00 01 EB 05 C6 06 6B 00 02 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 A0 3A 00 8A 26 52 00 50 80 3E 3B 00 0A 75 05 80 26 51 00 7F 80 3E 53 00 0A 75 05 80 26 69 00 7F C6 06 3A 00 00 C6 06 52 00 00 C6 06 24 00 07 56 E8 09 35 5E 58 80 3E 6A 00 00 75 08 A2 3A 00 BB 3A 00 EB 07 88 26 52 00 BB 52 00 E8 75 1E E8 3A 1F 07 C3 F2 36 F2 36 0D 1C 93 0D 99 02 D3 03 D8 03 D3 03 D3 03 28 03 D8 03 28 03 D8 03 99 02 22 04 D3 03 03 04 28 03 D3 03 D8 03 D8 03 28 03 99 02 99 02 FA 03 99 02 99 02 FA 03 F1 03 F1 03 32 04 99 02 99 02 F6 03 99 02 99 02 F6 03 F1 03 F1 03 32 04 B9 00 00 8E C1 E8 F7 1D 3C FF 75 14 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 09 BF 6A 00 E8 E8 20 E9 88 00 E9 91 00 80 3E AA 00 FF 75 08 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 EE 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 07 80 3E 53 00 00 74 03 E9 A1 00 8A 1E 24 00 80 EB 06 32 FF D1 E3 2E FF 97 09 02 80 3E A8 00 FF 74 78 50 BB 6A 00 B0 00 26 8A 16 00 00 E8 DD 23 BB 6A 00 B4 04 E8 F0 25 58 8B 0E 6C 00 81 F9 FE 7F 77 3A 83 F9 00 75 23 83 3E 80 00 00 75 2E 83 3E 7E 00 00 75 27 83 3E 7C 00 00 75 20 83 3E 7A 00 00 75 19 C6 06 6B 00 01 EB 05 C6 06 6B 00 00 BB 6A 00 BE 26 00 E8 72 1D E8 37 1E C3 81 3E 6C 00 FF 7F 74 04 3C FF 74 05 E8 CC FD EB E2 E8 1C FE EB DD C6 06 6B 00 02 EB D6 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 D5 E8 69 FD EB C4 80 3E 3B 00 06 75 18 C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 BC C7 06 3C 00 01 00 C6 06 3B 00 00 80 3E 53 00 06 75 18 C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 9D C7 06 54 00 01 00 C6 06 53 00 00 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 07 80 3E 53 00 02 75 14 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 06 BE 26 00 E8 17 FE C3 8A 1E 53 00 8A 3E 3B 00 81 E3 03 03 02 DF 02 DF 02 DF 32 FF D1 E3 A0 24 00 3C 08 74 12 3C 09 74 13 3C 07 74 05 2E FF A7 35 02 2E FF A7 47 02 2E FF A7 11 02 2E FF A7 23 02 E8 E8 FC EB 03 E8 D7 FC C6 06 6A 00 00 8A 26 3A 00 3A 26 52 00 74 04 F6 16 6A 00 E9 0D FF BE 3A 00 EB 07 F6 16 52 00 BE 52 00 E8 D6 FC E9 FB FE 83 3E 62 00 00 75 C9 83 3E 64 00 00 75 C2 83 3E 66 00 00 75 BB 83 3E 68 00 00 75 B4 E9 06 FF C6 06 A7 00 FF 26 80 3E 08 00 FF 74 A9 E9 D8 FE 8A 26 52 00 80 3E 24 00 07 75 02 F6 D4 3A 26 3A 00 75 08 26 80 3E xSum: 0x84 (OK) Offset: 0x00884 Type: 0x9C Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC898 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 152 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8ED Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 237 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC962 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 354 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA0A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 522 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 4 xSum: 0xDF (OK) Offset: 0x00898 Type: 0x72 Size: 691 0x2B3 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 1096 0x0448 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.01096.bin Data size: 686 0x02AE Data: 03 00 01 74 A4 E9 D8 FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 E8 F0 1B C6 06 A4 00 FF C6 06 6A 00 00 C7 06 C3 00 00 00 A1 54 00 2B 06 3C 00 A3 C7 00 3D 0F 00 7E 42 3D 3F 00 7E 3A E8 04 09 BB 6A 00 B0 00 2E 8A 16 64 04 E8 FF 21 BB 6A 00 B4 04 E8 12 24 8B 0E 6C 00 81 F9 FE 7F 77 08 83 F9 00 74 03 E9 2E 02 E8 82 FC BB 78 00 E8 A9 17 48 A2 A5 00 E9 23 02 E9 B6 00 B0 00 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 44 24 B0 00 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 3A 24 E8 DB 31 D1 26 C3 00 80 3E 81 00 00 75 62 BF AF 00 BE 78 00 E8 4E 17 B0 00 8B 0E C7 00 D0 E1 BB 48 00 E8 15 24 E8 7F 31 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 34 17 BE 50 04 BF 60 00 E8 3A 17 E8 6A 31 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 1F 17 C6 06 60 00 00 BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 11 17 FF 06 C3 00 80 3E 81 00 00 74 11 B0 00 B1 01 BB 60 00 E8 D1 23 C6 06 60 00 00 EB 08 B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 7E 23 FF 06 C7 00 83 3E C7 00 0F 77 03 E9 7A FF B1 07 BB 48 00 E8 68 23 81 26 48 00 00 E0 C7 06 C7 00 0F 00 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 54 23 E8 16 07 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 B7 16 B0 00 B1 09 BB 48 00 E8 82 23 80 26 48 00 E0 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 9F 16 B0 00 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 6A 23 80 26 60 00 E0 BF AF 00 BE 78 00 81 26 78 00 00 E0 E8 81 16 E8 C0 30 BF B9 00 BE 78 00 E8 75 16 BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 6C 16 BF 60 00 BE AF 00 E8 63 16 B0 00 B1 1E BB 48 00 E8 2E 23 C7 06 48 00 00 00 BB 48 00 B1 1E E8 DC 22 E8 1A 15 B0 00 8B 0E C7 00 D0 E1 BB 78 00 E8 0F 23 C6 06 81 00 C0 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 2C 16 81 26 60 00 00 E0 80 3E C2 00 00 74 06 B0 01 B1 07 EB 04 B0 00 B1 08 50 BB B9 00 E8 9F 22 BF 48 00 BE B9 00 E8 05 16 E8 58 06 81 26 78 00 00 E0 58 D0 E8 72 04 B1 07 EB 02 B1 06 B0 00 BB 78 00 E8 BE 22 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 E0 15 D1 2E C3 00 73 1E B8 0A 00 F7 26 C7 00 05 94 3A 8B F0 BF 60 00 E8 D7 15 E8 07 30 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 BC 15 83 3E C3 00 00 74 15 B0 00 B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 80 22 80 26 48 00 E0 FF 0E C7 00 EB C0 80 3E 51 00 00 75 04 B1 08 EB 06 B1 07 FF 0E C7 00 BB 48 00 E8 1A 22 C7 06 3C 00 FE 3F A1 C7 00 29 06 3C 00 BB 3A 00 E8 96 22 BE 5A 04 BF 60 00 E8 7C 15 A1 3C 00 A3 6C 00 E8 A6 2F BB 6A 00 E8 D2 21 C6 06 6B 00 00 BB 6A 00 BE 26 00 E8 87 19 E8 4C 1A C3 xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x00B4E Type: 0x72 Size: 41 0x29 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 1782 0x06F6 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.01782.bin Data size: 36 0x0024 Data: E8 5F 19 A8 FF 74 0F B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 0F EB 04 F6 16 3A 00 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 60 19 C3 xSum: 0x34 (OK) Offset: 0x00B7A Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC808 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 8 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x37 (OK) Offset: 0x00B82 Type: 0x72 Size: 262 0x106 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 1818 0x071A Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.01818.bin Data size: 257 0x0101 Data: 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 E8 35 19 3C FF 74 73 80 3E 24 00 03 74 1E C6 06 52 00 00 C6 06 53 00 01 33 C0 A3 54 00 A3 60 00 A3 62 00 A3 64 00 A3 66 00 A3 68 00 8A 26 3B 00 A0 53 00 BB 54 00 E8 7F 00 86 C4 BB 3C 00 E8 77 00 3C 02 74 30 80 FC 02 74 2B BB 48 00 BE 51 00 BF 3B 00 E8 6E 00 86 C4 BB 60 00 BE 69 00 BF 53 00 E8 60 00 26 80 3E 03 00 01 74 25 80 FC 0A 75 1C 3C 0A 74 0C C6 06 A8 00 FF C6 06 AC 00 FF EB 05 C6 06 AC 00 00 C6 06 AB 00 FF EB 26 3C 0A 74 E4 C6 06 24 00 07 E8 39 2F BB 78 00 E8 4B 00 74 E0 80 3E A8 00 FF 74 D2 C6 06 AB 00 00 A0 6A 00 A2 AC 00 E8 6B 19 07 C3 3C 06 75 07 E8 21 00 C7 07 01 00 C3 3C 0A 74 1E F6 04 80 75 18 E8 1A 00 74 13 26 80 3E 03 00 01 74 06 80 FC 0A 75 01 C3 C6 06 AA 00 FF C3 80 0C 80 C3 50 8B 07 0B 47 02 0B 47 04 0B 47 06 0B 47 08 58 C3 xSum: 0x3A (OK) Offset: 0x00C8B Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3D (OK) Offset: 0x00C93 Type: 0x72 Size: 1128 0x468 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 2076 0x081C Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.02076.bin Data size: 1123 0x0463 Data: 24 0C 24 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 24 0C 09 0C 24 0C 09 0C 2F 0C 66 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 24 0C 24 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 24 0C 09 0C 24 0C 09 0C 2F 0C 66 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 66 0C 2F 0C 66 0C 38 0C 24 0C 24 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 24 0C 09 0C 24 0C 09 0C 2F 0C 66 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 24 0C 24 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 24 0C 09 0C 24 0C 09 0C 2F 0C 66 0C 3D 0C 38 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 38 0C 38 0C 06 08 03 03 07 07 09 09 00 0D 01 01 1C 0A 1D 1E 06 08 03 03 07 07 09 09 00 0D 01 01 0D 00 0D 01 06 08 03 03 07 07 09 09 00 0D 01 01 0C 0D 0B 1F 06 08 03 03 07 07 09 09 00 0D 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 06 06 06 06 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 0D 03 03 0D 05 0D 05 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0D 01 01 06 0D 06 06 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 0D 02 02 08 04 08 04 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 10 1A 10 10 00 26 26 10 10 26 26 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 10 1A 10 10 00 26 26 00 10 00 26 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 10 1A 10 10 00 26 26 10 00 26 26 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 10 1A 10 10 00 26 26 10 10 26 26 02 0E 0D 0D 2C 2D 0D 0D 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0D 13 11 14 15 10 0D 27 28 17 12 16 0D 18 19 0D 0D 29 2A 2B 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 0C 24 0C 00 00 00 00 3D 0C 3D 0C 00 00 00 00 2F 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 2F 0C 00 00 24 0C F4 0B 12 0C 4A 0C 12 0C 00 00 66 0C 66 0C 1C 0C F4 0B 24 0C 00 00 24 0C 01 0C 00 00 00 00 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 66 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 08 03 03 07 07 09 09 00 1A 01 01 50 0B 50 0B 80 0B 86 0B 50 0B 67 0B 50 0B 67 0B 9F 0B BF 0B CE 0B D4 0B B0 07 A2 10 00 A2 1A 00 B0 02 A2 19 00 A2 23 00 A1 02 00 A8 08 75 0E 24 03 8A D0 B6 FF BE 03 00 A1 03 00 EB 0F 8A CC 80 E1 C0 80 F9 C0 74 7A B6 00 BE 02 00 8A DC 80 E3 38 D0 EB D0 EB D0 EB 24 07 D0 E0 D0 E0 D0 E0 0A D8 32 FF 8B FB 2E 8A 8D 9C 08 88 0E 24 00 2E 8A 9D 1C 09 32 FF 2E 8A 8D DC 08 88 0F C6 47 01 00 88 77 05 88 57 08 8A C4 D0 C4 D0 C4 25 07 03 88 67 03 88 47 04 8B 4C 02 80 FC 02 74 17 3D 06 00 74 12 80 FC 00 74 0B 32 ED F6 C1 80 74 06 F6 D5 EB 02 33 C9 89 4F 06 D1 E7 B8 05 01 2E FF A5 1C 08 A8 01 74 29 F6 C4 20 74 24 25 02 1F D0 E0 D0 E0 D0 E0 D0 E0 0A E0 8A DC 32 FF 2E 8A 8F 5C 09 88 0E 24 00 D1 E3 B8 05 01 2E FF A7 9C 09 B2 02 A8 02 74 02 B2 01 8A F0 80 E6 04 8A EC 80 E5 07 25 01 38 D0 EC D0 EC D0 EC D0 E0 D0 E0 D0 E0 0A E0 8A DC 32 FF 2E 8A 8F 1C 0A 88 0E 24 00 D1 E3 B8 05 01 2E FF A7 28 0A 88 16 19 00 E8 E6 00 E8 38 00 80 FE 00 A2 26 00 88 26 27 00 75 7B C3 88 16 23 00 A2 10 00 A2 1A 00 C6 06 11 00 04 88 2E 12 00 88 26 1B 00 EB DA 88 16 23 00 EB 09 C6 06 23 00 01 88 16 19 00 E8 AB 00 A2 1A 00 C6 06 1B 00 04 88 2E 1C 00 C3 A2 10 00 C6 06 11 00 04 88 2E 12 00 80 FE 00 74 7F C6 06 24 00 0D C6 06 19 00 00 88 16 23 00 C3 E8 7B 00 E8 CD FF A2 30 00 88 26 31 00 EB 13 88 16 19 00 EB 05 C6 06 19 00 01 80 FE 00 74 10 E8 5C 00 A2 26 00 C6 06 27 00 04 88 2E 28 00 C3 C6 06 24 00 0D C3 A2 1A 00 C6 06 1B 00 02 E8 39 00 EB 5D A2 10 00 C6 06 11 00 02 A2 1A 00 88 26 1B 00 EB 15 A2 30 00 C6 06 31 00 03 EB 08 A2 1A 00 C6 06 1B 00 02 E8 16 00 A2 26 00 88 26 27 00 C3 A2 26 00 C6 06 27 00 03 C3 C6 06 19 00 01 A2 10 00 88 26 11 00 C3 C6 06 19 00 01 A2 10 00 C6 06 11 00 02 A2 1A 00 88 26 1B 00 C6 06 23 00 01 A2 26 00 C6 06 27 00 02 C3 00 8B C8 87 47 02 2B C8 83 F9 43 72 02 B1 43 8D 5F 0E 32 C0 E8 48 1C C3 xSum: 0x58 (OK) Offset: 0x010FE Type: 0x72 Size: 383 0x17F Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 3200 0x0C80 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.03200.bin Data size: 378 0x017A Data: 1B 00 23 00 38 00 43 00 1B 00 23 00 3B 00 43 00 7E 00 7C 00 7A 00 79 00 B8 80 0C EB 03 B8 88 0C 55 50 33 C0 A3 78 00 A3 7A 00 A3 7C 00 A3 7E 00 A3 80 00 BB 60 00 B1 01 32 C0 E8 09 1C B8 00 00 8E C0 32 FF 26 8A 1E 00 00 D1 E3 5F 2E 8B 09 2E 8B AF 90 0C A1 48 00 8B 1E 4A 00 8B 16 4C 00 8B 3E 4E 00 8B 36 50 00 D1 EE D1 DF D1 DA D1 DB D1 D8 D1 EE D1 DF D1 DA D1 DB D1 D8 41 EB 11 D1 E0 D1 D3 D1 D2 D1 D7 D1 D6 72 1B 3E 80 4E 00 20 2B 06 60 00 1B 1E 62 00 1B 16 64 00 1B 3E 66 00 1B 36 68 00 EB 14 03 06 60 00 13 1E 62 00 13 16 64 00 13 3E 66 00 13 36 68 00 D1 26 78 00 D1 16 7A 00 D1 16 7C 00 D1 16 7E 00 D1 16 80 00 E2 AF F7 C6 00 80 75 07 3E 80 4E 00 20 EB 14 03 06 60 00 13 1E 62 00 13 16 64 00 13 3E 66 00 13 36 68 00 A3 48 00 89 1E 4A 00 89 16 4C 00 89 3E 4E 00 89 36 50 00 0B C3 0B C2 0B C7 0B C6 0A E0 88 26 78 00 5D C3 06 B2 FF A1 3C 00 2B 06 54 00 F6 C4 80 75 02 B2 00 52 05 FF 3F A3 6C 00 C6 06 6A 00 FF A0 3A 00 3A 06 52 00 75 05 C6 06 6A 00 00 F6 06 69 00 80 75 08 C6 06 A8 00 FF EB 2B 90 E8 C8 FE 26 80 3E 00 00 02 75 19 B9 03 00 D1 26 78 00 D1 16 7A 00 D1 16 7C 00 D1 16 7E 00 D1 16 80 00 E2 EA BB 6A 00 E8 6B 1B 58 07 C3 xSum: 0x85 (OK) Offset: 0x01280 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC83E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 62 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x01 (OK) Offset: 0x01288 Type: 0x72 Size: 341 0x155 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 3578 0x0DFA Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.03578.bin Data size: 336 0x0150 Data: 86 15 F6 2E F6 06 1A 07 8A 1C 8A 1C 59 02 59 02 59 02 59 02 F1 2D 78 27 56 25 8A 1C 2A 00 5B 2D 2A 12 D6 15 DD 15 91 0F 88 38 65 04 96 2A E9 23 76 13 8C 27 4A 0F 8A 1C 0D 2E 1B 2E 62 2E 47 2E 6A 15 6A 15 6A 15 6A 15 6A 15 6A 15 6A 15 92 2D 8E 2D C3 2E BF 2E 39 2E 1A 07 D0 0E FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF FF 50 E8 1E 1A 58 E8 EE 03 E8 B1 FB B0 00 A2 A8 00 A2 A6 00 A2 A5 00 A2 A7 00 A2 A4 00 A2 AA 00 A2 A9 00 B0 F0 A2 AC 00 A2 AB 00 A2 AD 00 A2 AE 00 8A 1E 24 00 32 FF 53 D1 E3 2E FF 97 FA 0D 5B 32 E4 2E 8A 87 56 0E FA E8 A2 1C C3 00 C6 06 AE 00 00 E8 80 11 3C FF 75 11 C6 06 A9 00 00 C6 06 AB 00 FF C6 06 AC 00 FF EB 5C 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 2B 80 3E 3B 00 0A 74 1F 80 3E 3B 00 06 75 11 C6 06 AC 00 00 C6 06 AB 00 FF C6 06 AE 00 01 EB 2E F6 06 51 00 80 74 05 C6 06 AE 00 01 C6 06 AB 00 00 F6 06 3B 00 01 74 05 C6 06 AB 00 FF C6 06 AC 00 00 F6 06 3B 00 02 74 05 C6 06 AC 00 FF A0 3A 00 24 01 A2 AD 00 C3 xSum: 0xDB (OK) Offset: 0x013E0 Type: 0x72 Size: 44 0x2C Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 3914 0x0F4A Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.03914.bin Data size: 39 0x0027 Data: E8 0B 11 A8 FF 74 0D B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 12 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 12 11 BB 52 00 BE 30 00 E8 09 11 C3 xSum: 0xBD (OK) Offset: 0x0140F Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC808 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 8 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x37 (OK) Offset: 0x01417 Type: 0x72 Size: 657 0x291 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 3954 0x0F72 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.03954.bin Data size: 652 0x028C Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F5 1F 98 EC C0 BB F0 17 5C 29 3B AA B8 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 E8 C4 10 80 3E 3B 00 01 75 06 BB 3A 00 E9 56 02 C7 06 C3 00 00 00 B8 FF 3F 2B 06 3C 00 3D 3F 00 77 67 C6 06 A4 00 FF A3 3C 00 3D 0F 00 77 57 B0 00 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 4D 19 8B 36 3C 00 83 EE 01 B8 0A 00 F7 E6 8B F0 81 C6 7E 1A BF 60 00 E8 6F 0C E8 D6 26 D1 26 C3 00 80 3E 81 00 00 75 12 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 49 0C 80 26 48 00 E0 FF 06 C3 00 FF 06 3C 00 83 3E 3C 00 0F 77 5E B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 BE 18 EB B3 EB 60 90 C6 06 52 00 00 C7 06 54 00 FF 3F BF 60 00 BE 7C 0F E8 23 0C BB 60 00 B1 08 E8 9D 18 E8 5A FD BB 6A 00 B0 00 2E 8A 16 90 0F E8 55 16 BB 6A 00 B4 04 E8 68 18 8B 0E 6C 00 81 F9 FE 7F 77 0D 83 F9 00 74 08 C6 06 6B 00 00 E9 8F 01 E8 D3 F0 E9 89 01 C7 06 3C 00 0F 00 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 5A 18 BF AF 00 BE 48 00 E8 C0 0B BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 B7 0B B8 00 00 B1 1E BB 48 00 E8 81 18 81 26 48 00 00 00 B1 1E BB 48 00 E8 2F 18 E8 6D 0A BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 92 0B 81 26 48 00 00 E0 BF 60 00 BE 72 0F E8 92 0B E8 52 0A B8 00 00 8B 0E 3C 00 80 C1 0A BB 78 00 E8 45 18 80 26 78 00 E0 BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 62 0B B8 00 00 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 2C 18 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 4E 0B E8 C4 25 B8 00 00 8B 0E 3C 00 FE C1 BB 78 00 E8 11 18 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 80 26 78 00 E0 E8 2E 0B BF 48 00 BE 7C 0F E8 34 0B E8 9B 25 BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 19 0B BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 10 0B B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 99 17 E8 5B FB B8 00 00 B1 08 BB 78 00 E8 CF 17 80 26 78 00 E0 D1 2E C3 00 73 2D BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 E6 0A BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 DD 0A B8 00 00 8B 0E 3C 00 BB 60 00 E8 A5 17 80 26 60 00 E0 81 0E 68 00 80 00 E8 04 25 83 3E C3 00 00 74 16 B8 00 00 B1 01 BB 78 00 E8 85 17 80 26 78 00 E0 FF 0E 3C 00 EB B0 B1 08 80 3E 81 00 00 74 06 B1 07 FF 0E 3C 00 BB 78 00 E8 21 17 B8 FF 3F 2B 06 3C 00 A3 6C 00 C6 06 6A 00 00 C6 06 6B 00 00 F6 06 81 00 80 75 0C B1 01 BB 78 00 E8 FE 16 FF 0E 6C 00 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 60 0A BF 60 00 BE 86 0F E8 66 0A E8 96 24 BB 6A 00 E8 C2 16 BB 6A 00 BE 26 00 E8 7C 0E C3 xSum: 0x40 (OK) Offset: 0x016AB Type: 0x72 Size: 128 0x80 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 4606 0x11FE Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.04606.bin Data size: 123 0x007B Data: 06 BE 3A 00 BF 52 00 B9 18 00 FC 8C D8 8E C0 F3 A4 80 3E 53 00 01 74 12 C7 06 54 00 FF 3F A1 3C 00 2D FF 3F BF 3A 00 E8 B5 0F 07 C3 B9 00 00 8E C1 E8 26 0E A8 FF 74 0A 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 3A EB 1B 80 3E 3B 00 01 74 1C 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 15 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 1D BF 52 00 E8 FA 10 EB 0C E8 98 FF BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 0A 0E BB 52 00 BE 30 00 E8 01 0E C3 xSum: 0x3F (OK) Offset: 0x0172E Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 45 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x12 (OK) Offset: 0x01736 Type: 0x72 Size: 257 0x101 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 4730 0x127A Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.04730.bin Data size: 252 0x00FC Data: A2 02 00 33 F6 8B 2E 00 00 8B 5E 14 4B 4B 89 1E 08 00 43 43 8B 4E 16 8E C1 89 0E 0A 00 26 8A 20 46 88 64 02 F7 D0 A9 08 C0 74 33 F7 D0 A8 08 75 07 26 8A 20 46 88 64 02 80 E4 C7 80 FC 06 74 10 80 E4 C0 80 FC 80 74 08 80 FC 40 74 0A EB 0F 90 26 8A 20 46 88 64 02 26 8A 20 46 88 64 02 03 DE 89 5E 14 C3 0B 13 13 13 1B 13 23 13 1E 13 16 13 2B 13 0E 13 65 13 6A 13 61 13 6F 13 8B 2E 00 00 8B F3 8B 44 06 8A 5C 04 32 FF D1 E3 2E FF A7 DE 12 03 46 02 03 46 06 EB 23 03 46 06 03 46 00 EB 1B 03 46 0A 03 46 02 EB 13 03 46 0A 03 46 00 EB 0B 8A 4C 03 80 F9 00 74 03 03 46 0A A3 0C 00 8A 44 05 A8 FF 74 0A 8A 5C 08 D1 E3 2E FF A7 EE 12 8A 44 04 3C 02 74 10 3C 03 74 0C 8A 64 03 3D 06 00 74 12 3C 06 75 0E 8C D0 EB 0D 8B 46 0E EB 08 8B 46 16 EB 03 8B 46 0C A3 0E 00 C3 xSum: 0x08 (OK) Offset: 0x0183A Type: 0x72 Size: 189 0xBD Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 4982 0x1376 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.04982.bin Data size: 184 0x00B8 Data: B8 00 00 8E C0 E8 DA 0C A8 FF 74 0A 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 27 EB 15 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 4F 80 3E 3B 00 06 74 30 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 03 E9 80 00 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 74 F0 EB 7A 90 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 F0 E8 DD EC BB 6A 00 EB 5E 90 C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 56 C7 06 3C 00 01 00 C6 06 3B 00 00 81 3E 3C 00 3E 40 7D 13 BB 3A 00 B8 3E 40 E8 75 F8 BB 3A 00 B2 03 B0 00 E8 9E 12 A1 4A 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 50 00 3D 00 00 74 08 BB 3A 00 E8 64 15 EB 0B C7 06 3C 00 00 00 C6 06 3B 00 01 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 4C 0C C3 xSum: 0xB4 (OK) Offset: 0x018FA Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC801 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 1 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3E (OK) Offset: 0x01902 Type: 0x72 Size: 236 0xEC Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 5166 0x142E Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.05166.bin Data size: 231 0x00E7 Data: 00 00 40 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FC 06 1E 55 50 53 51 56 57 8B EC 8B C4 2D C9 00 25 F0 FF 8B E0 D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 8C D1 03 C1 8E D8 89 2E 00 00 8A C2 E8 20 FA FA 3C FF 2E C4 3E 30 14 2E C5 36 34 14 26 8B 05 89 04 26 8B 45 02 89 44 02 8B E5 5F 5E 59 5B 58 5D 1F 07 74 01 C3 83 C4 08 5A 81 E2 FF FD 83 EC 08 52 9D 5A EA 00 00 00 00 52 B2 11 E8 95 FF 5A CF 52 B2 12 E8 8D FF 5A CF 52 B2 13 E8 85 FF 5A CF 52 B2 14 E8 7D FF 5A CF 52 B2 15 E8 75 FF 5A CF 52 B2 16 E8 6D FF 5A CF 52 B2 17 E8 65 FF 5A CF 52 B2 18 E8 5D FF 5A CF 52 B2 19 E8 55 FF 5A CF 52 B2 1A E8 4D FF 5A CF 52 B2 1B E8 45 FF 5A CF 52 B2 1C E8 3D FF 5A CF 52 B2 1D E8 35 FF 5A CF 52 B2 1E E8 2D FF 5A CF 52 B2 1F E8 25 FF 5A CF xSum: 0x8A (OK) Offset: 0x019F1 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x09 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC808 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 8 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 6 0x0006 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC86D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 109 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 6 0x0006 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0xA2 (OK) Offset: 0x019FD Type: 0x72 Size: 116 0x74 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 5398 0x1516 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.05398.bin Data size: 111 0x006F Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 3F FE 8A 1B CD 4B 78 9A D4 00 40 BC F0 17 5C 29 3B AA B8 FF 3F 35 C2 68 21 A2 DA 0F C9 00 40 99 F7 CF FB 84 9A 20 9A FD 3F AC 79 CF D1 F7 17 72 B1 FE 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 15 20 15 2A 15 34 15 3E 15 48 15 52 15 2E 8B 87 1C 15 A3 0C 00 8C 0E 0E 00 BF 6A 00 E8 5E 08 8B DF BE 26 00 E8 F5 0A C3 xSum: 0x3F (OK) Offset: 0x01A74 Type: 0x72 Size: 35 0x23 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 5510 0x1586 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.05510.bin Data size: 30 0x001E Data: E8 CF 0A A8 FF 74 0D B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 09 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 D6 0A C3 xSum: 0x10 (OK) Offset: 0x01A9A Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC808 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 8 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x37 (OK) Offset: 0x01AA2 Type: 0x72 Size: 1013 0x3F5 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 5540 0x15A4 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.05540.bin Data size: 1008 0x03F0 Data: 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 84 64 DE F9 33 F3 04 B5 00 00 00 8D F4 11 05 5F AC 7F 8A C6 06 83 00 00 EB 05 C6 06 83 00 01 E8 73 0A BF AF 00 BE 60 00 E8 54 06 A0 53 00 A2 AF 00 A1 54 00 A3 C5 00 A0 52 00 A2 90 00 C6 06 82 00 00 BB 48 00 80 3E 83 00 00 75 1D B0 00 B1 08 E8 01 13 BF 60 00 BE C2 15 E8 32 06 E8 99 20 80 3E 81 00 00 75 78 E9 99 01 E8 39 06 D0 C8 73 03 E9 C8 00 A1 3C 00 A3 6C 00 80 3E 3A 00 00 75 4D BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 F6 05 B9 FF 3F 2B 0E 3C 00 83 F9 48 76 03 B9 48 00 B0 00 BB 60 00 E8 B4 12 8B 0E 60 00 81 E1 FF 1F 0B D1 F7 C2 FF FF 74 06 81 0E 60 00 00 20 80 0E 69 00 80 81 26 60 00 00 E0 E8 16 F6 81 26 78 00 00 E0 E9 61 01 BF 78 00 BE 48 00 E8 A9 05 C6 06 82 00 01 E9 60 01 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 2A 12 BF 78 00 BE 48 00 E8 90 05 B1 01 BB 78 00 E8 19 12 BB 78 00 E8 A8 05 D0 C8 72 2A C7 06 6C 00 FE 3F BB 6A 00 E8 AB 12 BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 69 05 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 60 05 E8 B8 F5 81 26 78 00 00 E0 E9 03 01 E8 0D FB BB 48 00 E8 71 05 D0 C8 73 1F E8 60 03 C6 06 3B 00 01 A0 3A 00 32 06 90 00 A2 3A 00 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 63 09 E8 28 0A C3 80 3E AF 00 01 75 2F C7 06 80 00 00 00 C7 06 7E 00 00 00 C7 06 7C 00 00 00 C7 06 7A 00 00 00 C7 06 6C 00 00 00 A0 3A 00 32 06 90 00 A2 6A 00 C6 06 6B 00 01 EB 59 C6 06 AF 00 00 BF 60 00 BE AF 00 E8 E4 04 A1 C5 00 A3 54 00 A0 90 00 A2 52 00 E8 A0 04 50 E8 ED 02 58 8B 0E 6C 00 81 F9 FE 7F 77 33 83 F9 00 75 23 83 3E 80 00 00 75 27 83 3E 7E 00 00 75 20 83 3E 7C 00 00 75 19 83 3E 7A 00 00 75 12 C6 06 6B 00 01 EB 05 C6 06 6B 00 00 BB 6A 00 E9 61 FF 81 3E 6C 00 FF 7F 74 04 3C 00 75 05 E8 28 E9 EB E9 E8 78 E9 EB E4 FF 06 3C 00 BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 70 04 BF 48 00 BE AE 15 E8 76 04 E8 DD 1E B1 07 BB 78 00 E8 ED 10 C6 06 82 00 FF C7 06 6C 00 FF 3F BB 78 00 E8 71 04 D0 C8 72 06 BB 6A 00 E8 7A 11 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 38 04 B8 FF 3F 2B 06 6C 00 A3 C7 00 C7 06 C3 00 00 00 3D 0F 00 76 03 E9 A2 00 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 17 04 B8 00 00 B9 07 00 03 0E C7 00 BB 48 00 E8 DC 10 B8 00 00 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 D1 10 E8 3B 1E 80 3E 81 00 00 74 19 80 26 78 00 E0 C6 06 81 00 00 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 DF 03 C7 06 C3 00 01 00 D1 26 C3 00 BF 48 00 BE 60 00 E8 CC 03 B8 00 00 8B 0E C7 00 BB 48 00 E8 94 10 80 0E 50 00 80 E8 F9 1D 80 3E 81 00 00 74 17 80 26 78 00 E0 C6 06 81 00 00 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 9D 03 FF 06 C3 00 B1 01 BB 60 00 E8 22 10 FF 06 C7 00 83 3E C7 00 0F 76 AD B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 0F 10 C6 06 A4 00 FF BF 48 00 BE 60 00 E8 70 03 E8 3F 02 B8 00 00 8B 0E C7 00 83 F9 48 76 03 B9 48 00 BB 78 00 E8 2D 10 81 26 78 00 00 E0 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 49 03 E8 BF 1D BF B9 00 BE 78 00 E8 3D 03 B8 00 00 8B 0E C7 00 83 F9 48 76 03 B9 48 00 BB 48 00 E8 FD 0F 81 26 48 00 00 E0 BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 19 03 BF 48 00 BE B8 15 E8 1F 03 E8 86 1D BE 78 00 BF 48 00 E8 04 03 BE B9 00 BF 60 00 E8 FB 02 B8 00 00 8B 0E C7 00 41 83 F9 48 76 03 B9 48 00 BB 60 00 E8 BA 0F 81 26 60 00 00 F0 E8 55 1D 81 26 78 00 00 E0 BE B9 00 BF 48 00 E8 CD 02 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 C4 02 E8 1C F3 81 26 78 00 00 E0 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 B2 02 BF 60 00 BE xSum: 0xFB (OK) Offset: 0x01E9A Type: 0x72 Size: 238 0xEE Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 6548 0x1994 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.06548.bin Data size: 233 0x00E9 Data: CC 15 E8 B8 02 E8 78 01 B8 00 00 B1 07 BB 78 00 E8 70 0F FF 0E C7 00 D1 2E C3 00 73 24 BF 60 00 8B 36 C7 00 83 EE 01 B8 0A 00 F7 E6 8B F0 81 C6 7E 1A E8 88 02 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 70 02 E8 AF 1C 83 3E C3 00 00 74 11 B8 00 00 B1 01 BB 78 00 E8 30 0F FF 0E C7 00 EB BE B8 07 40 2B 06 C7 00 A3 6C 00 80 26 78 00 E0 BB 78 00 E8 66 02 D0 C8 72 06 BB 6A 00 E8 6F 0F 80 3E 83 00 00 75 38 E8 E8 F7 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 23 02 A1 6C 00 A3 54 00 C6 06 24 00 06 A0 82 00 A2 52 00 E8 C5 1C BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 06 02 A0 6A 00 A2 3A 00 A1 6C 00 A3 3C 00 E9 A6 FC C6 06 6A 00 00 80 3E 82 00 00 74 DC C6 06 6A 00 FF EB D5 C6 06 78 00 01 BB 6A 00 B8 00 00 8E C0 B0 00 26 8A 16 00 00 E8 26 0C BB 6A 00 B4 04 E9 39 0E xSum: 0x59 (OK) Offset: 0x01F8B Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8D3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 211 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x6C (OK) Offset: 0x01F93 Type: 0x72 Size: 533 0x215 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 6782 0x1A7E Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.06782.bin Data size: 528 0x0210 Data: C0 9F 87 D6 FB 39 1A C0 95 00 60 F2 57 DC 68 5E C2 D3 A4 00 20 FD 3C B4 DE CF D1 00 AE 00 80 E6 B3 98 48 D6 B7 1F B3 00 C0 89 39 EC 77 AC 9B D6 B5 00 80 53 4C 91 16 2E B4 3C B7 00 80 FC 8B 42 78 B7 85 F2 B7 00 00 57 BA 63 D5 6B 23 4E B8 00 E0 31 26 AB 53 F8 1F 7C B8 00 80 FD A0 A2 1F BA 29 93 B8 00 C0 57 18 BE CA 7B B1 9E B8 00 A0 70 44 FE 0D 15 76 A4 B8 00 60 AA 1B 9B D2 8F 58 A7 B8 00 80 94 E9 9A BE D8 C9 A8 B8 00 80 33 72 25 17 80 82 A9 B8 00 55 BB 6E 00 C7 07 00 00 C7 47 02 00 00 C7 47 04 00 00 C7 47 06 00 00 C7 47 08 00 00 C7 47 0A 00 00 C7 47 0C 00 00 C7 47 0E 00 00 C7 47 10 00 00 C7 47 12 00 00 BF 60 00 F7 06 64 00 FF FF 75 14 F7 06 62 00 FF FF 75 0C F7 05 FF FF 75 06 83 C7 06 83 C3 06 BE 48 00 F7 06 4C 00 FF FF 75 14 F7 06 4A 00 FF FF 75 0C F7 04 FF FF 75 06 83 C6 06 83 C3 06 33 C9 8B 2D 8B 04 F7 E5 01 07 13 CA 8B 44 02 F7 E5 03 C1 83 D2 00 33 C9 01 47 02 13 CA 83 FE 48 74 05 89 4F 04 EB 35 8B 44 04 F7 E5 03 C1 83 D2 00 33 C9 01 47 04 13 CA 8B 44 06 F7 E5 03 C1 83 D2 00 33 C9 01 47 06 13 CA 8B 44 08 F7 E5 03 C1 83 D2 00 01 47 08 83 D2 00 89 57 0A 83 C3 02 83 C7 02 83 FF 6A 75 99 A1 6E 00 0B 06 70 00 0B 06 72 00 0B 06 74 00 0B 06 76 00 A9 FF FF 74 05 80 0E 78 00 01 5D C3 B2 FF A1 3C 00 03 06 54 00 A9 00 80 74 02 B2 00 52 2D FE 3F A3 6C 00 C6 06 6A 00 FF A0 3A 00 3A 06 52 00 75 05 C6 06 6A 00 00 E8 DA FE BB 6A 00 E8 22 0D 58 C3 8C C3 8C D8 8E C0 FC B9 05 00 F3 A5 8E C3 C3 8C C3 8C D8 8E C0 8C DA 8C C8 8E D8 FC B9 05 00 F3 A5 8E DA 8E C3 C3 B0 00 83 3F 00 75 1A 83 7F 02 00 75 14 83 7F 04 00 75 0E 83 7F 06 00 75 08 83 7F 08 00 75 02 B0 01 C3 E8 B4 04 C3 xSum: 0xC0 (OK) Offset: 0x021AB Type: 0x72 Size: 1022 0x3FE Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 7310 0x1C8E Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.07310.bin Data size: 1017 0x03F9 Data: 06 C4 1E 0C 00 C7 45 10 00 00 C7 45 12 00 00 C6 45 14 00 26 8B 07 89 45 15 26 8B 47 02 88 45 17 C6 05 FF F6 C4 80 75 03 C6 05 00 D1 E0 8A C4 32 E4 A8 FF 75 2A 8B 45 15 A9 FF FF 75 12 8A 45 17 A8 FF 75 0B C6 45 01 01 C7 45 02 00 00 EB 43 C6 45 01 00 C7 45 02 81 3F C6 06 AA 00 FF EB 33 3C FF 75 21 C7 45 02 FF 7F 80 4D 17 80 83 7D 15 00 75 0C 80 7D 17 80 75 06 C6 45 01 0A EB 14 C6 45 01 02 EB 0E C6 45 01 00 05 80 3F 89 45 02 80 4D 17 80 07 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 C6 45 10 00 26 8B 07 89 45 11 26 8B 47 02 89 45 13 26 8B 47 04 89 45 15 26 8A 47 06 24 0F 88 45 17 53 8B DF 83 C3 0E B1 03 E8 80 0B 5B C6 05 FF 26 8B 47 06 F6 C4 80 75 03 C6 05 00 25 F0 7F D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 D1 E8 3D 00 00 75 2C 8B 45 11 0B 45 13 0B 45 15 0A 45 17 3D 00 00 75 0B C6 45 01 01 C7 45 02 00 00 EB 49 C6 45 01 00 C7 45 02 01 3C C6 06 AA 00 FF EB 39 3D FF 07 75 26 C7 45 02 FF 7F 8B 45 11 0B 45 13 0B 45 15 0A 45 17 80 4D 17 80 3D 00 00 75 06 C6 45 01 0A EB 14 C6 45 01 02 EB 0E C6 45 01 00 05 00 3C 89 45 02 80 4D 17 80 07 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 26 8B 07 89 45 10 26 8B 47 02 89 45 12 26 8B 47 04 89 45 14 26 8B 47 06 89 45 16 26 8B 47 08 C6 05 FF F6 C4 80 75 03 C6 05 00 80 E4 7F 89 45 02 A9 FF 7F 75 2D F7 45 16 FF FF 75 1B F7 45 14 FF FF 75 14 F7 45 12 FF FF 75 0D F7 45 10 FF FF 75 06 C6 45 01 01 EB 3C C6 45 01 06 C6 06 AA 00 FF EB 31 3D FF 7F 75 28 81 7D 16 00 80 75 1B F7 45 14 FF FF 75 14 F7 45 12 FF FF 75 0D F7 45 10 FF FF 75 06 C6 45 01 0A EB 0A C6 45 01 02 EB 04 C6 45 01 00 07 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 26 8B 07 A3 60 00 26 8B 47 02 A3 62 00 26 8B 47 04 A3 64 00 26 8B 47 06 A3 66 00 26 8B 47 08 A3 68 00 C6 06 3A 00 FF F6 06 69 00 80 75 05 C6 06 3A 00 00 33 C0 A3 48 00 A3 4A 00 A3 4C 00 A3 4E 00 A3 50 00 B9 12 00 51 BB 60 00 B1 04 E8 0A 0A 80 26 69 00 0F BB 48 00 B1 01 E8 FD 09 BE 3A 00 E8 FA E1 BB 78 00 B1 02 E8 EF 09 A1 78 00 01 06 48 00 A1 7A 00 11 06 4A 00 A1 7C 00 11 06 4C 00 A1 7E 00 11 06 4E 00 A1 80 00 11 06 50 00 32 E4 A0 69 00 01 06 48 00 B0 00 11 06 4A 00 11 06 4C 00 11 06 4E 00 11 06 50 00 59 E2 9B A1 48 00 0B 06 4A 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 50 00 3D 00 00 75 0D C7 06 3C 00 00 00 C6 06 3B 00 01 EB 11 C7 06 3C 00 4E 40 BB 3A 00 E8 25 0A C6 06 3B 00 00 07 C3 96 1F A9 1F 2F 20 4A 20 3C 20 8E 1C 22 1D D0 21 22 22 83 22 DA 1D D0 21 D0 21 74 1E 06 8A 04 3C 07 74 26 B8 00 00 8E C0 C7 45 0E 00 00 32 FF 8A 5C 01 D1 E3 2E FF A7 5D 1F 8B DE E8 5B F3 8A 1C 32 FF D1 E3 2E FF 97 67 1F E9 AB 00 26 8A 1E 01 00 32 FF 26 8A 47 0C 3C 03 74 53 88 45 01 B8 00 00 8E C0 8B CB D1 E3 D1 E3 03 D9 D1 E3 26 8B 07 89 45 10 26 8B 47 02 89 45 12 26 8B 47 04 89 45 14 26 8B 47 06 89 45 16 26 8B 47 08 C6 05 FF F6 C4 80 75 03 C6 05 00 25 FF 7F 89 45 02 80 7D 01 02 75 54 3D 00 00 75 08 C6 45 01 06 EB 49 EB 3D F7 45 16 FF 7F 75 40 F7 45 14 FF FF 75 39 F7 45 12 FF FF 75 32 F7 45 10 FF FF 75 2B C6 45 01 0A EB 25 26 8A 1E 01 00 FE C3 80 E3 07 E9 72 FF 8A 5C 02 26 02 1E 01 00 80 E3 07 E9 64 FF E8 0E 03 B0 FF A2 A9 00 07 C3 B0 00 07 C3 BE 10 00 BF 3A 00 E8 18 FF 50 BE 1A 00 BF 52 00 E8 0E FF 5E 0B C6 C3 A0 20 8D 20 94 20 A0 20 CE 20 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 8B FB 32 FF 8A 5C 01 D1 xSum: 0xB4 (OK) Offset: 0x025AC Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x0D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCAF3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 755 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB2E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 814 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCBED Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 1005 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xDE (OK) Offset: 0x025BC Type: 0x72 Size: 762 0x2FA Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 8327 0x2087 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.08327.bin Data size: 757 0x02F5 Data: E3 2E FF A7 6F 20 26 8A 1E 01 00 EB 46 26 8A 1E 01 00 FE C3 80 E3 07 EB 3A E8 EF 0C 26 8A 1E 01 00 26 8A 47 0C 3C 03 74 2A C6 06 A9 00 FF 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 74 05 E8 CE 0C EB 5C 57 E8 95 02 5F 26 8A 1E 01 00 EB 0C 8A 1E 28 00 26 02 1E 01 00 80 E3 07 57 53 8A C3 8A 65 01 E8 DD 0C 5B 5F 32 FF 8B CB D1 E3 D1 E3 03 D9 D1 E3 B8 00 00 8E C0 8B 45 10 26 89 07 8B 45 12 26 89 47 02 8B 45 14 26 89 47 04 8B 45 16 26 89 47 06 8A 25 25 00 80 0B 45 02 26 89 47 08 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 8A 1E 01 00 FE CB 81 E3 07 00 26 8A 47 0C 3C 03 74 04 B0 FF EB 02 B0 00 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 74 0B A0 A9 00 0A 06 A8 00 3C FF 74 1A A0 19 00 3C 01 74 16 3C 00 75 3A B4 03 A0 12 00 26 02 06 01 00 24 07 E8 4D 0C EB 58 90 32 FF 26 8A 1E 01 00 26 8A 47 0C B4 03 3A C4 75 0D C6 06 A9 00 FF 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 39 26 A0 01 00 E8 25 0C E8 EF 0B A0 23 00 3C 01 75 28 32 FF 26 8A 1E 01 00 26 8A 47 0C B4 03 3A C4 75 0D C6 06 A9 00 FF 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 0A 26 A0 01 00 E8 F6 0B E8 C0 0B 07 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 26 8B 07 E8 02 00 07 C3 33 D2 89 55 0E 89 55 10 89 55 12 89 55 14 89 55 16 3B C2 75 0F 89 55 02 C6 05 00 89 55 16 C6 45 01 01 EB 20 F6 C4 80 74 07 C6 05 FF F7 D8 EB 03 C6 05 00 89 45 16 C7 45 02 0E 40 8B DF E8 5E 07 C6 45 01 00 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 C7 45 0E 00 00 C7 45 10 00 00 C7 45 12 00 00 26 8B 07 89 45 14 26 8B 47 02 89 45 16 C6 05 00 F6 45 17 80 74 11 F7 55 14 83 45 14 01 F7 55 16 83 55 16 00 C6 05 FF 8B 45 14 0B 45 16 3D 00 00 75 0B C7 45 02 00 00 C6 45 01 01 EB 0E C7 45 02 1E 40 8B DF E8 FE 06 C6 45 01 00 07 C3 06 C4 1E 0C 00 C7 45 0E 00 00 26 8B 07 89 45 10 26 8B 47 02 89 45 12 26 8B 47 04 89 45 14 26 8B 47 06 89 45 16 C6 05 00 F6 45 17 80 74 1F F7 55 10 83 45 10 01 F7 55 12 83 55 12 00 F7 55 14 83 55 14 00 F7 55 16 83 55 16 00 C6 05 FF 8B 45 10 0B 45 12 0B 45 14 0B 45 16 3D 00 00 75 0B C7 45 02 00 00 C6 45 01 01 EB 0E C7 45 02 3E 40 8B DF E8 85 06 C6 45 01 00 07 C3 1E FC B8 00 00 8E D8 8A 16 01 00 32 F6 8B DA B0 0A F6 E3 8B F0 B8 00 00 8E D8 B9 05 00 F3 A5 43 81 E3 07 00 3B DA 75 E7 1F C3 1E 06 FC 8B F7 8C C0 8E D8 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 8A 16 01 00 32 F6 8B DA B0 0A F6 E3 8B F8 B8 00 00 8E C0 B9 05 00 F3 A5 43 81 E3 07 00 3B DA 75 E7 8B FE 07 1F C3 C7 45 10 00 00 C7 45 12 00 00 C7 45 14 00 00 C7 45 16 00 C0 C6 05 FF C7 45 02 FF 7F C6 45 01 02 C3 xSum: 0x43 (OK) Offset: 0x028B9 Type: 0x9C Size: 29 0x1D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC86C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 108 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC89B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 155 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8BC Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 188 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA78 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 632 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA8B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 651 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCAA9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 681 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCABD Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 701 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 7 0x0007 Total entries: 7 xSum: 0x2A (OK) Offset: 0x028D9 Type: 0x72 Size: 478 0x1DE Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 9084 0x237C Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.09084.bin Data size: 473 0x01D9 Data: 51 B1 01 32 C0 BB 48 00 E8 90 05 B1 01 32 C0 BB 60 00 E8 86 05 BE 60 00 BF 78 00 E8 AF 14 C6 06 9B 00 01 F6 06 9B 00 01 75 05 BE 60 00 EB 03 BE 78 00 BF 48 00 E8 72 14 88 16 9B 00 D0 DA D0 16 9A 00 59 49 83 F9 00 74 0B 51 B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 05 05 EB CF F6 06 9B 00 01 75 09 BE 60 00 BF 48 00 E8 46 14 B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 EB 04 C3 B8 00 00 8E C0 C6 06 9A 00 00 E8 62 FC C6 06 AE 00 00 3C FF 75 17 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 0C BF 6A 00 E8 4E FF BB 6A 00 E9 08 01 E9 3E 01 80 3E 53 00 06 75 1F C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 E9 F6 06 69 00 80 74 54 C7 06 54 00 01 00 C6 06 53 00 00 80 3E 3B 00 06 75 18 C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 5E C7 06 3C 00 01 00 C6 06 3B 00 00 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 39 80 3E 53 00 02 74 32 80 3E 3B 00 0A 74 15 80 3E 53 00 0A 74 21 F6 06 69 00 80 74 07 80 3E 53 00 00 74 2C C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 1C BF 3A 00 E8 C3 FE EB 7E 90 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 06 BE 26 00 E8 02 DD E9 A3 00 8B 0E 3C 00 2B 0E 54 00 41 83 F9 00 7E 59 83 F9 40 7E 08 B9 40 00 C6 06 AE 00 FF 29 0E 3C 00 FF 06 3C 00 E8 A5 FE A1 4A 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 50 00 3D 00 00 75 0D C7 06 3C 00 00 00 C6 06 3B 00 01 EB 20 BB 3A 00 E8 7D 04 C6 06 3B 00 00 83 3E 3C 00 01 7D 0E BE 3A 00 E8 C6 DB E8 28 DC BB 6A 00 EB 03 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 58 FB C6 06 AC 00 00 C6 06 AB 00 00 C6 06 AD 00 00 F6 06 9A 00 04 74 05 C6 06 AC 00 FF F6 06 9A 00 02 74 05 C6 06 AB 00 FF F6 06 9A 00 01 74 05 C6 06 AD 00 FF C3 xSum: 0x3B (OK) Offset: 0x02ABA Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC86E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 110 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xD1 (OK) Offset: 0x02AC2 Type: 0x72 Size: 22 0x16 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 9558 0x2556 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.09558.bin Data size: 17 0x0011 Data: BB 10 00 E8 9A ED C4 3E 0C 00 E8 09 07 E8 C0 FD C3 xSum: 0x52 (OK) Offset: 0x02ADB Type: 0x72 Size: 532 0x214 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 9576 0x2568 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.09576.bin Data size: 527 0x020F Data: 33 D2 33 C9 87 4D 14 F6 C5 80 74 02 F6 D6 F7 C1 FF 7F 75 15 F7 45 12 FF FF 75 0E F7 45 10 FF FF 75 07 F7 45 0E FF FF 74 02 F6 D2 32 E4 F6 45 16 01 74 11 F6 D4 C7 45 12 00 00 C7 45 10 00 00 C7 45 0E 00 00 B9 02 01 C3 33 D2 33 C9 87 4D 13 F6 C5 80 74 02 F6 D6 F7 C1 FF 7F 75 14 F7 45 11 FF FF 75 0D F7 45 0F FF FF 75 06 F6 45 0E FF 74 02 F6 D2 32 E4 F6 45 15 01 74 02 F6 D4 C7 45 11 00 00 C7 45 0F 00 00 C6 45 0E 00 B9 03 01 C3 33 D2 33 C9 87 4D 12 F6 C5 80 74 02 F6 D6 F7 C1 FF 7F 75 0E F7 45 10 FF FF 75 07 F7 45 0E FF FF 74 02 F6 D2 32 E4 F6 45 14 01 74 02 F6 D4 C7 45 10 00 00 C7 45 0E 00 00 B9 04 01 C3 33 D2 8B 4D 10 F6 C5 04 74 02 F6 D6 F7 C1 FF 03 75 07 F7 45 0E FF FF 74 02 F6 D2 32 E4 F6 45 11 08 74 02 F6 D4 C7 45 0E 00 00 81 65 10 00 F8 B9 07 08 C3 33 D2 33 C9 87 4D 0E F6 C5 80 74 02 F6 D6 F7 C1 FF 7F 74 02 F6 D2 32 E4 F6 45 10 01 74 02 F6 D4 B9 08 01 C3 B0 25 F6 25 32 26 65 26 68 25 DB 26 D4 26 CD 26 05 27 06 BE 00 00 8E C6 8B FB 32 F6 8B F2 D1 E6 2E FF 94 89 26 33 F6 F7 C2 FF FF 75 09 C6 06 AD 00 00 32 C0 EB 73 26 8A 1E 02 00 32 FF D1 E3 2E FF A7 93 26 80 3D 00 74 3C EB 31 80 3D FF 74 35 EB 2A 8A FA 0A D4 3C FF 75 1C 8A 1E AD 00 0A 1E A4 00 81 FB FF 00 75 0E 3A 26 AD 00 75 08 81 FA FF FF 74 08 EB 0F 81 FA FF FF 74 09 32 C0 C6 06 AD 00 00 EB 1F C6 06 AD 00 FF 8A D5 32 ED BB 0A 00 2B D9 32 C0 00 51 0E 43 49 10 41 0E 43 E2 FA 73 02 F6 D0 C6 06 A4 00 FF 07 C3 06 BA 00 00 8E C2 26 8A 26 02 00 80 FC 00 74 10 80 FC 03 74 0B 80 FC 01 74 02 F6 D0 3C 00 74 04 B0 00 07 C3 B0 FF 07 C3 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 B0 00 26 8A 26 02 00 80 FC 01 74 05 80 FC 02 75 02 B0 FF 07 C3 xSum: 0x75 (OK) Offset: 0x02CF2 Type: 0x9C Size: 13 0x0D Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC935 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 309 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9CE Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 462 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9F6 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 502 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 3 xSum: 0xFB (OK) Offset: 0x02D02 Type: 0x72 Size: 25 0x19 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 10104 0x2778 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.10104.bin Data size: 20 0x0014 Data: BB 26 00 E8 78 EB C4 3E 0C 00 E8 F8 06 E8 74 FB E8 D0 05 C3 xSum: 0xDC (OK) Offset: 0x02D1E Type: 0x72 Size: 286 0x11E Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 10124 0x278C Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.10124.bin Data size: 281 0x0119 Data: B9 00 00 8E C1 E8 C4 F8 3C FF 75 14 26 80 3E 09 00 FF 75 09 BF 52 00 E8 B5 FB E9 95 00 E9 9B 00 80 3E 3B 00 01 74 F3 80 3E 53 00 01 74 EC 80 3E 3B 00 06 75 0A C6 06 AA 00 FF C6 06 3B 00 00 80 3E 53 00 06 75 10 C6 06 AA 00 FF C7 06 54 00 01 00 C6 06 53 00 00 80 3E AA 00 FF 75 08 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 56 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 07 80 3E 53 00 00 74 03 EB 47 90 26 8A 16 02 00 52 FA 26 C6 06 02 00 03 E8 07 0C E8 91 00 5A 26 88 16 02 00 3D FF 00 8B 16 50 00 74 5E 8B C2 03 06 54 00 A3 54 00 C6 06 A4 00 00 78 4E 3D FF 7F 74 5E 3D 00 00 74 4B BB 52 00 BE 26 00 E8 32 F8 C3 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 1E 80 3E 53 00 02 74 17 80 3E 3B 00 0A 75 E1 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 DD E9 33 FF C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 CD BE 26 00 E8 30 D9 EB C5 80 3E 3A 00 00 74 0E BE 52 00 E8 47 D8 E8 A9 D8 BB 6A 00 EB AA BE 52 00 E8 39 D8 E8 46 D8 BB 6A 00 EB 9C xSum: 0x19 (OK) Offset: 0x02E3F Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC801 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 1 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3E (OK) Offset: 0x02E47 Type: 0x72 Size: 245 0xF5 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 10406 0x28A6 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.10406.bin Data size: 240 0x00F0 Data: 8B 2E 00 00 F7 46 18 00 02 74 02 FB C3 FA C3 00 A8 01 74 0B FF 47 02 83 C3 0E B1 01 E8 01 00 C3 E8 4E 00 F7 C2 FF FF 74 03 80 0F 01 C3 06 32 ED F6 C1 F0 74 23 8C DE 8E C6 FD 51 D0 E9 D0 E9 D0 E9 D0 E9 8B F3 83 C6 06 8B FB 83 C7 08 A5 A5 A5 A5 C7 07 00 00 E2 EC 59 80 E1 0F 74 12 F8 D1 17 D1 57 02 D1 57 04 D1 57 06 D1 57 08 F8 E2 EF 07 C3 06 33 D2 32 ED F6 C1 F0 74 22 8C DE 8E C6 FC 51 D0 E9 D0 E9 D0 E9 D0 E9 0B 17 8B F3 46 46 8B FB A5 A5 A5 A5 C7 47 08 00 00 E2 ED 59 80 E1 0F 74 18 D0 C8 D1 5F 08 D1 5F 06 D1 5F 04 D1 5F 02 D1 1F 73 04 80 CA FF F8 E2 EA 07 C3 F6 47 17 80 75 12 D1 67 0E D1 57 10 D1 57 12 D1 57 14 D1 57 16 FF 4F 02 C3 F6 47 17 80 75 14 D1 67 0E D1 57 10 D1 57 12 D1 57 14 D1 57 16 FF 4F 02 EB E6 C3 xSum: 0xBD (OK) Offset: 0x02F3F Type: 0x72 Size: 478 0x1DE Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 10646 0x2996 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.10646.bin Data size: 473 0x01D9 Data: 33 C0 A3 78 00 A3 7A 00 A3 7C 00 A3 7E 00 A3 80 00 A3 60 00 A3 62 00 A3 64 00 A3 66 00 A3 68 00 B2 01 B9 41 00 51 A0 51 00 24 C0 A2 60 00 BB 48 00 B1 02 E8 07 FF D0 DA 72 28 B0 C0 8A 26 79 00 01 06 60 00 A1 7A 00 11 06 62 00 A1 7C 00 11 06 64 00 A1 7E 00 11 06 66 00 A1 80 00 11 06 68 00 EB 30 B0 C0 8A 26 79 00 F6 D4 01 06 60 00 A1 7A 00 F7 D0 11 06 62 00 A1 7C 00 F7 D0 11 06 64 00 A1 7E 00 F7 D0 11 06 66 00 A1 80 00 F7 D0 11 06 68 00 D0 D2 59 49 74 18 51 BB 78 00 B1 01 E8 9C FE 08 16 79 00 BB 60 00 B1 02 E8 90 FE E9 76 FF D0 CA 88 16 78 00 A0 79 00 F9 10 06 61 00 A1 7A 00 11 06 62 00 A1 7C 00 11 06 64 00 A1 7E 00 11 06 66 00 A1 80 00 11 06 68 00 A1 68 00 0B 06 66 00 0B 06 64 00 0B 06 62 00 0A 06 61 00 3D 00 00 74 05 80 0E 78 00 40 BB 78 00 B1 08 E8 3E FE C3 B8 00 00 8E C0 E8 BA F5 A8 FF 75 57 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 65 80 3E 3B 00 06 74 4B 80 3E 3B 00 01 74 39 80 3E 3B 00 02 74 25 80 3E 3A 00 00 75 08 26 80 3E 03 00 01 74 23 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 1F BF 6A 00 E8 7B F8 E9 82 00 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 09 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 80 F5 EB 73 C6 06 AA 00 FF 26 80 3E 0A 00 FF 75 66 C7 06 3C 00 01 00 80 3E 3A 00 00 75 B8 F6 06 51 00 80 74 B1 81 2E 3C 00 FF 3F F7 06 3C 00 01 00 74 06 FF 0E 3C 00 EB 0A B1 01 32 C0 BB 48 00 E8 8C FD A1 3C 00 D1 F8 05 FF 3F A3 6C 00 E8 4E FE C6 06 6A 00 00 C6 06 6B 00 00 BB 6A 00 26 8A 16 00 00 B0 00 E8 3C FB BB 6A 00 E8 51 FD BB 6A 00 BE 26 00 E8 0B F5 C3 xSum: 0x97 (OK) Offset: 0x03120 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC901 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 257 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x3D (OK) Offset: 0x03128 Type: 0x72 Size: 889 0x379 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 11120 0x2B70 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.11120.bin Data size: 884 0x0374 Data: 3D FF 00 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 74 03 E9 87 00 26 8A 26 0D 00 A0 AB 00 A8 FF 74 09 3C FF 75 08 80 CC 40 EB 03 80 E4 BF A0 AC 00 A8 FF 74 09 3C FF 75 08 80 CC 01 EB 03 80 E4 FE 80 E4 FD A0 AD 00 B1 01 D2 E0 24 02 0A E0 80 E4 FB A0 AE 00 B1 02 D2 E0 24 04 0A E0 26 88 26 0D 00 8B 0E 08 00 A1 0A 00 E8 89 00 BF 00 00 F6 06 02 00 08 75 01 47 8A 45 02 24 07 0A E0 8A 45 03 26 89 0E 04 00 26 A3 06 00 8B 0E 0C 00 A1 0E 00 E8 61 00 26 89 0E 00 00 26 A3 02 00 26 8A 26 0C 00 A0 A5 00 24 10 0A E0 A0 A6 00 24 08 0A E0 A0 A4 00 24 20 0A E0 A0 A7 00 24 04 0A E0 A0 A8 00 24 01 0A E0 A0 A9 00 24 01 0A E0 A0 AA 00 24 02 0A E0 26 88 26 0C 00 26 A0 0A 00 F6 D0 22 C0 79 11 22 C4 74 0D 8B 2E 00 00 F7 46 18 00 02 74 02 B0 FF 07 C3 BA 10 00 F7 E2 03 C8 12 D6 B8 00 10 F7 E2 C3 1E B8 00 00 8E D8 26 8B 05 A3 0A 00 26 8B 45 02 A3 0C 00 26 8B 45 04 A3 08 00 26 8B 45 06 A3 04 00 26 8B 45 08 A3 06 00 26 8B 45 0A A3 00 00 26 8B 45 0C A3 02 00 83 C7 0E 1F 06 1E B9 00 00 8E C1 B9 00 00 8E D9 26 A0 0B 00 8A E0 24 03 A2 00 00 8A C4 24 0C B1 02 D2 E8 A2 02 00 8A C4 24 10 B1 04 D2 E8 A2 03 00 26 A0 0D 00 24 38 B1 03 D2 E8 A2 01 00 B0 00 A2 09 00 A2 05 00 A2 08 00 A2 07 00 A2 06 00 A2 04 00 A2 0A 00 A2 0B 00 26 A0 0A 00 B1 FF A8 01 74 04 88 0E 09 00 A8 01 74 04 88 0E 05 00 A8 04 74 04 88 0E 08 00 A8 08 74 04 88 0E 07 00 A8 10 74 04 88 0E 06 00 A8 20 74 04 88 0E 04 00 A8 02 74 04 88 0E 0A 00 A8 80 74 04 88 0E 0B 00 33 F6 26 A1 08 00 8A C8 80 E1 03 88 4C 0C D1 E8 D1 E8 46 83 FE 08 72 EE 1F 07 C3 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 C6 06 0B 00 03 26 C6 06 0A 00 FF 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 C7 06 08 00 FF FF 26 C6 06 0C 00 00 26 A0 0D 00 24 C7 26 A2 0D 00 E8 1A FF 07 C3 B0 01 EB 02 B0 FF 06 1E B9 00 00 8E C1 B9 00 00 8E D9 02 06 01 00 24 07 8A E8 26 8A 26 0D 00 80 E4 C7 B1 03 D2 E5 0A E5 26 88 26 0D 00 A2 01 00 1F 07 C3 06 1E B9 00 00 8E C1 B9 00 00 8E D9 80 E4 03 8B D8 26 8B 16 08 00 8A C8 D0 E1 D3 CA 80 E2 FC 0A D4 D3 C2 26 89 16 08 00 32 FF 88 67 0C 1F 07 C3 06 BB 10 00 E8 FE E4 C4 1E 0C 00 26 8B 07 B9 00 00 8E C1 26 A3 0A 00 E8 9B FE 07 C3 BB 10 00 E8 E3 E4 C4 3E 0C 00 E8 52 FE C3 BB 26 00 E8 D5 E4 C4 3E 0C 00 E8 55 00 B8 00 00 06 8E C0 26 80 0E 0A 00 3F 07 E8 6E FE C3 06 B9 00 00 8E C1 26 C6 06 0C 00 00 07 C3 06 B9 00 00 8E C1 26 A1 0C 00 50 BB 26 00 E8 9E E4 C4 1E 0C 00 58 26 89 07 07 C3 06 B9 00 00 8E C1 26 A1 0A 00 50 BB 26 00 E8 83 E4 C4 1E 0C 00 58 26 89 07 07 C3 1E 06 57 E8 23 FE 5F 07 B8 00 00 8E D8 A1 0A 00 26 89 05 A1 0C 00 26 89 45 02 A1 08 00 26 89 45 04 A1 04 00 26 89 45 06 A1 06 00 26 89 45 08 A1 00 00 26 89 45 0A A1 02 00 26 89 45 0C 83 C7 0E 1F C3 B0 FF EB 02 B0 00 1E 06 B9 00 00 8E C1 B9 00 00 8E D9 A2 0B 00 24 80 26 80 26 0A 00 7F 26 08 06 0A 00 07 1F C3 xSum: 0x0D (OK) Offset: 0x034A4 Type: 0x9C Size: 73 0x49 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC805 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 5 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC8FE Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 254 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC939 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 313 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC93E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 318 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9EC Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 492 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9FE Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 510 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA27 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 551 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA2C Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 556 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA54 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 596 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA59 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 601 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 11 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCA90 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 656 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 12 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCAB9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 697 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 13 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCACB Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 715 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 14 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCAD9 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 729 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 15 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCAF4 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 756 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 16 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB16 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 790 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 17 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB58 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 856 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 8 0x0008 Entry: 18 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB5D Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 861 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 18 xSum: 0x74 (OK) Offset: 0x034F0 Type: 0x72 Size: 1022 0x3FE Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 12004 0x2EE4 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.12004.bin Data size: 1017 0x03F9 Data: B6 30 D2 31 67 34 FE 34 A8 35 39 2F 67 34 67 34 5A 2F 06 B8 00 00 8E C0 E8 59 F1 26 8A 26 09 00 F6 D4 22 C4 9C 80 3E 27 00 04 75 11 9D 75 24 BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 5D F1 E8 22 F2 EB 16 BB 26 00 E8 CF E3 9D 75 0D 8A 1E 26 00 32 FF D1 E3 2E FF 97 E4 2E 07 C3 C4 3E 0C 00 8D 36 4A 00 FC A5 A5 A5 A5 8A 26 3A 00 80 E4 80 32 C0 0B 06 3C 00 26 89 05 E8 E8 F1 C3 B8 00 00 8E C0 26 A0 00 00 50 26 C6 06 00 00 03 80 3E 3B 00 01 74 2F F6 06 51 00 80 74 07 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 24 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 11 B1 10 BB 48 00 E8 83 F9 C7 06 50 00 FF FF E9 02 01 E9 10 01 E9 F4 00 C6 06 52 00 00 C7 06 54 00 FE 3F C7 06 60 00 00 00 C7 06 62 00 00 00 C7 06 64 00 00 00 C7 06 66 00 00 00 C7 06 68 00 00 80 C6 06 24 00 06 80 3E 3A 00 00 74 05 C6 06 24 00 07 E8 12 07 BE 6A 00 BF 3A 00 E8 8D 06 C6 06 52 00 00 C7 06 54 00 3A 40 C7 06 60 00 00 00 C7 06 62 00 00 00 C7 06 64 00 40 76 C7 06 66 00 3A 6B C7 06 68 00 0B DE E8 7E DD 8B 0E 6C 00 81 E9 FF 3F F7 D9 83 F9 00 7F 03 E9 58 FF 80 FD 00 74 02 B1 FF BB 78 00 32 C0 E8 E1 F8 B9 12 00 51 BE 6A 00 BF 52 00 E8 33 06 BB 60 00 B1 02 32 C0 E8 CA F8 A1 60 00 01 06 78 00 A1 62 00 11 06 7A 00 A1 64 00 11 06 7C 00 A1 66 00 11 06 7E 00 A1 68 00 11 06 80 00 BB 48 00 B1 04 E8 5B F8 A0 81 00 D0 E8 D0 E8 D0 E8 D0 E8 08 06 48 00 BB 78 00 B1 03 E8 44 F8 80 26 81 00 7F 59 E2 A2 A0 3A 00 24 80 A2 51 00 06 C4 3E 0C 00 BE 48 00 B9 05 00 F3 A5 07 E8 91 F0 58 26 A2 00 00 C3 B8 00 00 8E C0 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 39 80 3E 3B 00 0A 74 0E 80 3E 3B 00 06 74 0C 80 3E 3B 00 02 75 76 E8 4D 02 EB 74 EB 75 E8 8E 02 C6 06 A6 00 00 EB 68 C6 06 A8 00 FF 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 05 E8 67 02 EB 56 C3 BB 3A 00 B0 00 B2 00 E8 96 F5 BB 3A 00 E8 AB F7 81 3E 3C 00 81 3F 72 59 74 7F F6 06 51 00 80 74 CC 81 3E 3C 00 7E 40 76 7B C6 06 A6 00 FF 26 80 3E 07 00 FF 75 C9 E8 28 F6 F6 D0 A2 A6 00 C6 06 A4 00 FF A0 3A 00 E8 F0 F5 3C FF 74 96 E8 0A 02 EB 03 E8 F0 01 E9 EE EF A1 50 00 25 FF 7F 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4A 00 74 05 C6 06 A4 00 FF C6 06 A5 00 FF 26 80 3E 06 00 FF 75 81 E8 E0 F5 F6 D0 A2 A5 00 BB 3A 00 B8 81 3F E8 DE DA BB 3A 00 B0 FF B2 00 E8 07 F5 F6 06 51 00 80 75 04 FF 0E 3C 00 A1 50 00 0A 06 4F 00 0A C4 74 A3 C4 3E 0C 00 A0 3A 00 24 01 8A 26 3C 00 80 C4 80 D1 C8 8A 0E 51 00 80 E1 7F 0A C1 26 89 45 02 A1 4F 00 26 89 05 E9 6F EF 80 3E 3B 00 00 74 39 80 3E 3B 00 06 74 17 80 3E 3B 00 0A 74 07 80 3E 3B 00 02 75 06 E8 93 01 E9 18 01 E9 81 00 A1 50 00 25 FF 7F 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4A 00 74 73 C6 06 A4 00 FF EB 6C BB 3A 00 B0 00 B2 02 E8 7F F4 BB 3A 00 E8 94 F6 81 3E 3C 00 01 3C 72 54 74 7E F6 06 51 00 80 74 3F 81 3E 3C 00 FE 43 76 7A B8 00 00 8E C0 B0 FF A2 A6 00 26 38 06 07 00 75 29 A2 A4 00 E8 0A F5 F6 D0 A2 A6 00 A0 3A 00 E8 D7 F4 3C FF 74 06 E8 6E 01 E9 A5 00 E8 8E 01 C6 06 A6 00 00 E9 9A 00 E9 9B 00 E9 97 00 E8 3A 01 E9 8E 00 B8 00 00 8E C0 B0 FF A2 A5 00 26 38 06 06 00 75 E6 E8 CA F4 F6 D0 A2 A5 00 BB 3A 00 B8 01 3C E8 C8 D9 BB 3A 00 B0 FF B2 02 E8 F1 F3 F6 06 51 00 80 75 04 FF 0E 3C 00 A1 50 00 0B 06 4E 00 0A 06 4B 00 0B 06 4C 00 74 B2 C4 3E 0C 00 32 C0 B1 03 BB 48 00 E8 43 F6 A1 4B 00 26 89 05 A1 4D 00 xSum: 0xEE (OK) Offset: 0x038F1 Type: 0x9C Size: 21 0x15 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC814 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 20 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC877 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 119 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9D3 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 467 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB58 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 856 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xCB9B Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 923 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 5 xSum: 0x57 (OK) Offset: 0x03909 Type: 0x72 Size: 939 0x3AB Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 13021 0x32DD Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.13021.bin Data size: 934 0x03A6 Data: 26 89 45 02 A1 4F 00 26 89 45 04 A1 3C 00 2D 00 3C D1 E0 D1 E0 D1 E0 D1 E0 80 26 51 00 0F 0A 06 51 00 80 26 3A 00 80 0A 26 3A 00 26 89 45 06 E8 32 EE C3 C6 06 A8 00 FF B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 05 00 FF 75 ED E8 B7 00 EB E5 C4 3E 0C 00 8A 26 3A 00 A0 51 00 0D 80 7F 26 89 45 02 A1 4F 00 26 89 05 C3 C4 3E 0C 00 33 C0 26 89 05 8A 26 3A 00 80 E4 80 26 89 45 02 C3 E8 E8 FF 26 81 4D 02 80 7F C3 C4 3E 0C 00 26 C7 45 02 C0 FF 26 C7 05 00 00 C3 C4 3E 0C 00 26 C7 05 FF FF B8 7F 7F 0A 26 3A 00 26 89 45 02 C3 C4 3E 0C 00 32 C0 B1 03 BB 48 00 E8 85 F5 A1 4B 00 26 89 05 A1 4D 00 26 89 45 02 A1 4F 00 26 89 45 04 A0 51 00 8A 26 3A 00 0D F0 7F 26 89 45 06 C3 C4 3E 0C 00 33 C0 26 89 05 26 89 45 02 26 89 45 04 8A 26 3A 00 80 E4 80 26 89 45 06 C3 E8 E0 FF 26 81 4D 06 F0 7F C3 C4 3E 0C 00 26 C7 05 00 00 26 C7 45 02 00 00 26 C7 45 04 00 00 26 C7 45 06 F8 FF C3 C4 3E 0C 00 26 C7 05 FF FF 26 C7 45 02 FF FF 26 C7 45 04 FF FF B8 EF 7F 0A 26 3A 00 26 89 45 06 C3 B9 0E 40 90 2B 0E 3C 00 78 40 83 F9 11 90 76 04 B1 11 90 90 BB 48 00 32 C0 E8 91 F4 BB 3A 00 B0 00 B2 04 E8 5C F2 3C FF 74 20 81 3E 50 00 00 80 72 09 77 16 80 3E 3A 00 00 74 0F 80 3E 3A 00 FF 75 04 F7 1E 50 00 B8 00 00 C3 B8 FF 00 C3 33 D2 81 3E 3C 00 0D 40 75 19 8B 16 50 00 81 FA FE FF 75 0F A1 4E 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4A 00 75 02 8B D0 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 1E F6 06 51 00 80 74 17 52 E8 7D FF 5A 3D FF 00 74 0D A1 50 00 C4 3E 0C 00 26 89 05 E9 92 EC E8 02 00 EB F5 33 C0 80 3E 3B 00 01 74 3C B8 00 00 8E C0 B0 FF A2 A8 00 B8 00 80 38 06 3A 00 75 1E 26 80 3E 02 00 01 74 16 26 80 3E 02 00 03 74 0E 42 74 0E 42 75 08 26 80 3E 02 00 02 74 03 A2 A4 00 26 38 06 05 00 75 01 58 C4 3E 0C 00 C3 33 D2 81 3E 3C 00 1D 40 75 1C A1 50 00 40 75 16 8B 16 4E 00 81 FA FE FF 75 0C 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4A 00 75 02 8B D0 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 72 F6 06 51 00 80 74 6B B9 1E 40 2B 0E 3C 00 78 62 83 F9 21 76 02 B1 21 BB 48 00 32 C0 52 E8 7B F3 5A BB 3A 00 B0 00 52 B2 01 E8 44 F1 5A 3C FF 74 41 A1 50 00 35 00 80 78 0C 0B 06 4E 00 75 33 38 06 3A 00 74 2D 80 3E 3A 00 FF 75 12 F7 16 4E 00 83 06 4E 00 01 F7 16 50 00 83 16 50 00 00 C4 3E 0C 00 A1 4E 00 26 89 05 A1 50 00 26 89 45 02 E9 A4 EB E8 14 FF 26 C7 05 00 00 EB EF C3 33 D2 81 3E 3C 00 3D 40 75 10 8B 16 50 00 23 16 4E 00 23 16 4C 00 23 16 4A 00 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 31 F6 06 51 00 80 74 2A B9 3E 40 2B 0E 3C 00 78 21 83 F9 41 76 02 B1 41 BB 48 00 32 C0 52 E8 DD F2 5A BB 3A 00 B0 00 52 B2 03 E8 A6 F0 5A 3C FF 75 12 E8 B7 FE 33 DB 26 89 1D 26 89 5D 02 26 89 5D 04 EB 62 A1 50 00 35 00 80 78 14 0B 06 4E 00 0B 06 4C 00 0B 06 4A 00 75 D8 38 06 3A 00 74 D2 80 3E 3A 00 FF 75 24 F7 16 4A 00 83 06 4A 00 01 F7 16 4C 00 83 16 4C 00 00 F7 16 4E 00 83 16 4E 00 00 F7 16 50 00 83 16 50 00 00 C4 3E 0C 00 A1 4A 00 26 89 05 A1 4C 00 26 89 45 02 A1 4E 00 26 89 45 04 A1 50 00 26 89 45 06 E9 CC EA C3 FC 06 8C D9 8E C1 B9 0C 00 F3 A5 07 C3 xSum: 0xF3 (OK) Offset: 0x03CB7 Type: 0x9C Size: 9 0x09 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC839 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 57 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC9E1 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 481 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 2 xSum: 0x00 (OK) Offset: 0x03CC3 Type: 0x72 Size: 501 0x1F5 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 13956 0x3684 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.13956.bin Data size: 496 0x01F0 Data: A1 48 00 03 06 60 00 A3 78 00 A1 4A 00 13 06 62 00 A3 7A 00 A1 4C 00 13 06 64 00 A3 7C 00 A1 4E 00 13 06 66 00 A3 7E 00 A1 50 00 13 06 68 00 A3 80 00 B0 00 D0 D0 C3 A1 48 00 2B 06 60 00 A3 78 00 A1 4A 00 1B 06 62 00 A3 7A 00 A1 4C 00 1B 06 64 00 A3 7C 00 A1 4E 00 1B 06 66 00 A3 7E 00 A1 50 00 1B 06 68 00 A3 80 00 B0 00 D0 D0 C3 55 BD C6 28 EB 05 55 BD 11 38 90 8B 0E 3C 00 2B 0E 54 00 78 30 83 F9 43 7E 02 B1 43 B8 00 05 BB 60 00 FF D5 A1 3C 00 A3 6C 00 B0 FF F6 06 51 00 80 75 36 B0 00 83 F9 00 75 2F F6 06 69 00 80 74 28 B0 FF EB 24 F7 D9 83 F9 43 7E 02 B1 43 51 B8 00 05 BB 48 00 FF D5 A1 54 00 A3 6C 00 59 B0 FF F6 06 69 00 80 75 02 B0 00 80 3E 24 00 07 75 04 F6 16 52 00 8A 26 3A 00 3A 26 52 00 75 16 E8 11 FF B4 05 BB 6A 00 E8 3B F1 A0 3A 00 A2 6A 00 B0 00 E9 89 00 50 A0 3A 00 A2 6A 00 E8 2B FF 3C 00 74 33 33 C0 F7 16 78 00 83 06 78 00 01 F7 16 7A 00 83 16 7A 00 00 F7 16 7C 00 83 16 7C 00 00 F7 16 7E 00 83 16 7E 00 00 F7 16 80 00 83 16 80 00 00 F6 16 6A 00 A1 80 00 0B 06 7E 00 0B 06 7C 00 0B 06 7A 00 0B 06 78 00 75 24 C6 06 6A 00 FF B8 00 00 8E C0 26 80 3E 02 00 01 74 05 C6 06 6A 00 00 58 3C FF 75 15 C7 06 6C 00 00 00 EB 0F 58 3C FF 75 08 B4 05 BB 6A 00 E8 6E F1 B0 FF 5D C3 E8 03 F1 8B 07 25 FF 1F 0B D0 74 04 81 0F 00 20 81 27 00 E0 C3 32 D2 8B 04 01 05 8B 44 02 11 45 02 8B 44 04 11 45 04 8B 44 06 11 45 06 8B 44 08 11 45 08 73 02 B2 01 C3 8B 04 F7 D8 89 05 B8 00 00 1B 44 02 89 45 02 B8 00 00 1B 44 04 89 45 04 B8 00 00 1B 44 06 89 45 06 B8 00 00 1B 44 08 89 45 08 C3 xSum: 0x20 (OK) Offset: 0x03EBB Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC95E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 350 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 4 0x0004 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0xE0 (OK) Offset: 0x03EC3 Type: 0x72 Size: 709 0x2C5 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 3 0x0003 Data Record Offset: 14452 0x3874 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00003.frameIndex.00000.offset.14452.bin Data size: 704 0x02C0 Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF BF 00 E8 95 E8 3C 00 74 03 E9 00 02 E8 C3 E7 BB 48 00 E8 CD E3 48 A2 A4 00 C7 06 C3 00 00 00 B8 FF 3F 2B 06 3C 00 3D 3F 00 77 5D A3 3C 00 3D 10 00 77 7F FF 0E 3C 00 B0 00 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 50 F0 B8 0A 00 F7 26 3C 00 05 94 3A 8B F0 BF 60 00 E8 78 E3 E8 DF FD D1 26 C3 00 80 3E 81 00 00 75 12 BF 48 00 BE 78 00 E8 52 E3 80 26 48 00 E0 FF 06 C3 00 FF 06 3C 00 83 3E 3C 00 0F 77 26 B1 01 BB 48 00 E8 C7 EF EB B9 BF 60 00 BE 74 38 E8 3A E3 C7 06 54 00 FF 3F C6 06 52 00 00 C6 06 53 00 00 E9 56 01 B1 08 BB 48 00 E8 A1 EF C7 06 48 00 00 00 BF AF 00 BE 48 00 E8 01 E3 BF 60 00 BE 48 00 E8 F8 E2 E8 C7 E1 B8 00 00 8B 0E 3C 00 D1 E1 83 C1 08 BB 78 00 E8 B8 EF C6 06 78 00 00 BF 60 00 BE 78 00 E8 D5 E2 BF 48 00 BE 7E 38 E8 DB E2 E8 42 FD BF 60 00 BE AF 00 E8 C0 E2 B8 00 00 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 8A EF BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 AC E2 B8 00 00 B1 09 BB 48 00 E8 76 EF BF AF 00 BE 78 00 E8 98 E2 E8 D7 FC B8 00 00 B1 01 BB 78 00 E8 5F EF BF B9 00 BE 78 00 E8 81 E2 FF 0E 3C 00 D1 2E C3 00 73 43 BF 48 00 BE AF 00 E8 6E E2 BF 60 00 BE B9 00 E8 65 E2 E8 A4 FC BF B9 00 BE 78 00 E8 59 E2 B8 00 00 8B 0E 3C 00 D1 E1 BB 60 00 E8 1F EF 80 26 60 00 E0 E8 BB FC BE 78 00 BF AF 00 E8 39 E2 C6 06 AF 00 00 83 3E C3 00 00 74 16 B8 00 00 B1 01 BB B9 00 E8 F7 EE 80 26 B9 00 E0 FF 0E 3C 00 EB 9A B1 08 80 3E C2 00 00 74 06 B1 07 FF 0E 3C 00 BB B9 00 E8 93 EE BF 48 00 BE B9 00 E8 F9 E1 B8 FF 3F 2B 06 3C 00 A3 3C 00 BB 3A 00 E8 22 EF BF 60 00 BE AF 00 E8 E0 E1 B1 08 BB 60 00 E8 69 EE C7 06 54 00 FF 3F C6 06 52 00 00 C6 06 53 00 00 BB 52 00 E8 FB EE BB 3A 00 BE 26 00 E8 F0 E5 BB 52 00 BE 30 00 E8 E7 E5 C3 00 C0 34 C2 68 21 A2 DA 0F C9 00 80 45 7B DA 0D 2B 38 63 ED 00 60 15 EB 06 64 C9 AF DB FA 00 C0 32 6E 7B 61 D5 D4 AD FE 00 C0 36 4E EF 67 B9 DD AA FF 00 80 42 25 B1 4B DD AD EA FF 00 E0 BB D5 94 DB DD AA FA FF 00 00 68 B9 D4 DD AD AA FE FF 00 C0 4B B9 DD DD AA AA FF FF 00 A0 4B DD DD AD AA EA FF FF 00 A0 DB DD DD AA AA FA FF FF 00 E0 DD DD AD AA AA FE FF FF 00 E0 DD DD AA AA AA FF FF FF 00 E0 DD AD AA AA EA FF FF FF 00 E0 DD AA AA AA FA FF FF FF 00 E0 AD AA AA AA FE FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x75 (OK) Offset: 0x0418B Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x0419F Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x041B3 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x041C7 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x041DB Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x041EF Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x04203 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x04217 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x0422B Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x0423F Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x04253 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x04267 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x0427B Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x0428F Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x042A3 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x042B7 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x042CB Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x042DF Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x042F3 Type: 0x72 Size: 17 0x11 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 4 0x0004 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00004.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 12 0x000C Data: 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 xSum: 0x7D (OK) Offset: 0x04307 Type: 0x72 Size: 10 0x0A Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 6 0x0006 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00006.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 5 0x0005 Data: EA 00 00 00 00 xSum: 0x94 (OK) Offset: 0x04314 Type: 0x72 Size: 19 0x13 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 8 0x0008 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00008.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 14 0x000E Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 03 00 04 xSum: 0x6F (OK) Offset: 0x0432A Type: 0x72 Size: 53 0x35 Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 9 0x0009 Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00009.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 48 0x0030 Data: B5 14 00 00 BD 14 00 00 C5 14 00 00 CD 14 00 00 D5 14 00 00 DD 14 00 00 E5 14 00 00 ED 14 00 00 F5 14 00 00 FD 14 00 00 05 15 00 00 0D 15 00 00 xSum: 0xD2 (OK) Offset: 0x04362 Type: 0x9C Size: 49 0x31 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC802 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 2 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 2 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC806 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 6 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 3 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 10 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 4 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC80E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 14 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 5 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC812 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 18 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 6 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC816 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 22 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 7 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 26 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 8 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC81E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 30 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 9 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC822 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 34 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 10 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC826 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 38 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 11 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82A Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 42 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Entry: 12 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC82E Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 46 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 3 0x0003 Total entries: 12 xSum: 0x9F (OK) Offset: 0x04396 Type: 0x72 Size: 45 0x2D Record description: Relocatable Enumerated Data Record Group Index: 0 0x0000 Segment Index: 10 0x000A Data Record Offset: 0 0x0000 Dest. File: EMULATOR.SHR.recREDATA.groupIndex.0.segmentIndex.00010.frameIndex.00000.offset.00000.bin Data size: 40 0x0028 Data: E0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 56 57 1E 06 51 2E C5 36 04 00 2E C4 3E 00 00 B9 18 00 FC F3 A5 59 07 1F 5F 5E 9D CC DB E3 CB xSum: 0xC8 (OK) Offset: 0x043C6 Type: 0x9C Size: 5 0x05 Record description: Fixup Record Entry: 1 Type: Fixup RAW locat: 0xC806 Flag: m: is set. Segment relative mode Flag: s: is clear. 16-bit unsinged Fix type (loc): 2 Fix type (loc): Base Data Record Offset: 6 RAW fixDat: 0x54 Flag: f: is clear. Frame specified by thread Frame: 5 Flag: t: is clear. Target specified explicitly Flag: p: is set. Target is specified in primary way Target: 0 Method: (T4) Target Datum: 9 0x0009 Total entries: 1 xSum: 0x34 (OK) Offset: 0x043CE Type: 0x8A Size: 2 0x02 Record description: Module end Record Module type (RAW): 0x80 Init registers: (type=2) Main module with NO Start Address Note: L=0, does not matter when no Start Address. xSum: 0xF4 (OK)